Why I don't take into consideration people talking about the rising or falling of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Steem or anything else

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


Okay, so this article may get a little bit (or a lot) of hate from all the people interested in cryptocurrency who try to predict the prices or who try to tell you when (not if) Bitcoin will fall, when their favorite cryptocurrency will go up and why you should stop believing everyone else and trust them.

I stopped paying attention to all the people talking about those topics a while ago when I realized that most of them are subjective, not objective. If you're not familiar with those terms, subjective means that a person says something based on his emotions and opinions, while objective means a person says something based on real facts and known truths.

For example, if I would say that the value of Steem is at around $1 at the present moment, I would be objective, because if you check the price today, 9/20/2017 you'll see that the price of Steem is, indeed, around $1.09.

However, if I would say "I believe Steem is a really bad choice and it will get destroyed pretty soon because of all the better cryptocurrencies out there that do a better job at helping society", that's not even near objective. That's subjective. The reason? I
have no real proof.

And before the haters of Steem from all around the world start giving me their opinion, here's an interesting theory that you may want to think about a little before trying to show me your point of view.

If you meet a religious man that believes in God and thinks He's the creator of the universe, no matter what you say and no matter what proof you may give him, he may not change his mind. Why? Because he'll always find a reason to reinforce his belief and find facts that will act in his favor.

Even if you prove to him scientifically that God does not exist and our existence is, indeed, random, he will still find facts that will make him believe God is real. It's not that he's stupid or that he doesn't know how to act based on science. He just believes what he wants to believe.

Some of you may consider that religious man to be stupid, but if you think about it, we all believe what we want to believe. I believe there's a creator because I choose so, and I can always find proof to prove it. You believe there isn't a God and you can always find proof to prove your point. No matter the case (creator or no creator), both of us can be wrong and right, because we want our beliefs to be true, and we find the facts to prove it no matter the case.

It's exactly what happens with cryptocurrencies all around the world. People would love to believe that the coins they love will be big and the ones they don't care about will be destroyed very soon.

For example, here's a video @jerrybanfield made yesterday about the reason you should buy and hold Steem and why its price will go up in around 6 months from now:

You don't have to watch the entire video if you don't want to, that's okay. What I want you to do is to go to the comment section and read most of the comments you see.

Some people agree with Jerry while some completely disagree. The thing I want you to notice is that most of those who hate steem don't have a real reason to believe Steem is really bad. They just say it is because they hold other cryptocurrencies and they want to believe their choice is better.

They just hate Steem for the sake of doing it or, better said, because they found all the reasons they needed to hate it. It doesn't matter that Steemit has a huge following and that people do their best to post something every day. It doesn't matter the activity of this website is huge and it's already on the top 2000 websites in the world.

What matters is that they found all the reasons they needed to believe that Steem will go down, and no matter what you say, you can't really change their mind.

It works the same with every cryptocurrency out there. Go search "bitcoin will fall" or "steem will fall" or any other cryptocurrency followed by "will fall" and you will find tons of articles and videos talking about why a certain coin will go down and will completely crash.

That's why I choose to not believe every person out there when they try to predict what happens, because almost no one is objective - not even me. I like Jerry and I like watching his videos, the main reason being that I believe Steem is great and I want it to go up.

My dream of buying a great computer has higher chances of becoming reality if the price of Steem will go to $10, so hell yes, I want to believe it's gonna go up. Are there are lot of reasons why that won't happen soon (or ever) that I completely ignore just because I don't believe in them?

Of course there are, and I'm sure some of them are really good. But I don't want to see them because I believe in Steem and in this website. The funny thing is that even if I see all those reasons, I probably won't change my mind.

The difference between me and a lot of people out there is that I'm not telling you what to do based on the reasons I found and on the information I believe to be true. I know I am subjective when it comes to Steem and Steemit, I know maybe Jerry is subjective as well, and that's why I don't completely trust everything and everyone.

I'll give you another example from my own personal life and this will resonate a lot with you if you know anything about computers. We all know about the latest AMD product, the Ryzen CPU, and we all know that no matter the hate or the love around it, it's good.

We can't deny that. Intel is still better when it comes to games, but if we talk about productivity, AMD comes really close, sometimes even beating Intel, and at a smaller price.

Are there a lot of reasons to buy Intel over AMD? YES. Are there are lot of reasons why Ryzen is not as good, and you should not buy one? YES. Do I want to believe any of those reasons? NOPE.

I am not a fan of Intel or AMD. On this computer I have an old Intel CPU and it still works despite being around 9 years old. It still helps me do the things I need and I love it for that.

But I want to believe that all those cores from the Ryzen CPU will help me do everything I want and better than an Intel CPU. I just think that a Ryzen CPU will be suitable for me, and that's why I'm gonna buy one.

Am I subjective? Of course I am, because I don't pay a lot of attention to the reasons why I shouldn't buy that CPU, and I look at the reasons why I should. It's because I want that CPU.


And it works the same way with cryptocurrency. It doesn't matter if you check all the information available and it doesn't matter if you see all the reasons why Steem will grow or crash. You will do your best to use logic and make yourself believe what you want.

Not always, just most of the time. And the same thing applies to people who talk about any cryptocurrency out there. That's why I chose to stop listening to them and try to find my own information and to take action that way.

Will the price of Steem go up? I believe so. Am I 100% right? No, and you shouldn't trust me completely just because I say something you like to hear. Do your own research, find the details you need and make your mind based on all that. It's the best way to make sure you make the right choice.


You have a lot of awesome posts, but this is by far one of your best ones man. I needed this one today! Thanks.

Thank you very much! :)

I totally agree with you. Go with what you believe is good and drown out the opinions. Also go Steem!

Thank you and thanks for the comment! :)

Thanks for sharing @raikuhen . Love it.

Hi @raikuhen, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord

Thank you very much, glad you like the post! :)

You are very welcome

A very good post and I agree entirely with it. I too ignore a lot of the this is what will happen type posts about cryptocurrency. It had served me well so far!

Glad to see there are other people who think the same.

Cryptocurrency is one of those things people think they know a lot about, and because of that they tend to make themselves look good by predicting prices and telling others what to do.

In those areas is almost always better to either spend a lot of time and see who are those who actually know what they are talking about or to just believe in yourself and what you think it's right.

Thanks for the comment! :)

Totally yes. The other big thing I have noticed is that done if the people who are not worth listening to often look at the past behaviour of a coin and then tell you how they knew that that would happen. You think. Hmm, no you didn't!

Exactly, I experienced that myself.

I saw a lot of people predicting all kind of prices based on different patterns they noticed in the past, like the price going down and then going up at a certain point in the future.

I tried to do that a few weeks ago with Steem. It went to $1.70 and then I "predicted" it will go down. Surprise, it went down. I also predicted that it will go up and it's still down, but I got the first one right, so I must know something!

Not really. I realized that once the price goes up it has to go down... sometimes. Even Bitcoin goes down from time to time and too many people "predict" that and they think they know something, when it's just the default behavior of a ctyptocurrency - it goes up, then down at some point then who knows when, it goes up again.

I can also predict that the current educational system will go down in the future because it's broken and people don't benefit as much from it any more. I can give a lot of reasons why that will happen while having no idea what I'm talking about.

This way I can trick some people into thinking I know something because the educational system will, at some point and in a certain way, go down, because things need to change and to improve.

People with a little bit of brain will realize I just guessed what will happen and it happened because it had to, because things change and it's the way the world works, and those without that brain will think I knew something that others didn't and I predicted the unpredictable.

And this is why I stopped believing people who "predict" things - it's not predicting if you mention something that will happen, 100% in the future, one way or another.

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