The Secret of Success on Steemit [100% SP]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem8 years ago


I have been here long enough to observe a thing or two about Steemit and I use my experience here to boost my career on Steemit. I wish to get some success and fame on Steemit, and so do most people here, but what does it take to get there? In this article I will tell you exactly what it takes to become successful.

1) Hard Work

It doesn't matter how good you are, if you don't work hard enough, you won't make it to the top. It's always about work, I've been here for almost 3 months now, and I still barely earn something, but I have been blazing ahead in terms of ranking. And you should too. Reward comes later, work is now, you have to invest your time and labor to get ahead!

2) Luck

Some people get lucky and go viral with just a little work, while others keep writing long articles and putting a lot of effort in their articles, and barely get ahead. Yes, life is unfair, and you need some luck as well. There is nothing you can do if fortune doesn't smile on you.

3) Research Popular Topics

I am not a populist, I write about money, finance and economics which is not what most people want to hear (sadly, I bet less poor people would exist in the world if they would start reading this stuff), but looks like the majority of people here are simple people who just want to have some fun. So yes Steemit will supply entertainment, therefore the art & photography tags should be your chosen ones if you want to get ahead by being a populist.

If you decide to write quality content, then you should choose less popular tags, but it will require more work to get ahead this way. Perhaps later on you could figure out other monetization options (subscription, selling products, etc...)

4) Science

Well you can't be efficient if you don't know math. You will need to apply math tools to your performance, you will need to benchmark yourself, you will need to test different strategies, and you will need to experiment a lot with your content/style/topic. There are things that work, and there are things that don't work. You have to figure out which one is which, and this takes more time and more work.

5) Be Honest

Nobody likes liars, especially not scammers. If you come to Steemit to lie or scam, then you have no place here, and will be probably kicked out fast. No business model can last long in the free market that is built on lies. Most people like honest good people.

6) Be courageous

You don't get ahead in life if you are a coward. Don't be shy to expose your talents, if you are talented you should be promoting yourself 110%, because people will support you, but you first have to show them what you are capable of. You are in a market, and you have to compete, so you have to push to your limits!

7) Don't give up

I have had my doubts about Steemit too, but I am still here, and so are many others. I believe that once Steemit kicks off, all of us that are here as early adopters will be very very successful. Having a big audience and big STEEM POWER share on this website will probably be a huge asset, as if you are on the board of directors in Facebook. It's a huge power, so hang in there, Steemit will make all of us famous!

Photo: My own work, LICENSE: CC BY 2.0

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We hope to see you continuing to post some great stuff on Steemit!

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Thanks, the voting power binding looks interesting, I will check it out.

You may not write about what most users want to read, but you write about what you like and what matters to you. And to the few amount of people who like what you do. And I guess you are having fun with it. This is the point that is important, in my opinion.

At least i feel like this with my science articles :)

Yea, I like this, I write as hobby here, I have a lot of things that I want to say, so this is just like my blog about financial things.

Good post and great points but still wonder is it still worth it if you are not generating an income

Yes, I am thinking about long term, Steemit will be here in the future, and people who get famous early will probably be very influential after Steemit goes mainstream. That should be a good incentive, becase the post rewards are currently not.

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Good tips upvoted you back.

This is a great piece for all newcomers. Upvoted and shared on Twitter✔ for my followers to read. Thanks again. Stephen

StephenPKendal Stephen P Kendal tweeted @ 07 Nov 2016 - 08:35 UTC

The Secret of Success on #Steemit [100% SP]..!! @Steemit… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Great post. I an new to Steemit and I have been putting effort into posts but not gettting much return. This post has given me inspiration to continue. Thank you.
One qeustion, what do you mean by using less popular tags for quality content? Are you rewarded more or something?
Upvoted and resteemed

By using popular tags more people will see your post and you have a higher probability of earning bigger rewards.

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