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RE: In defense of finding value on Steem

in #steem6 years ago

The reason why you dropped your comment in my post was clearly to try to get some visibility for your grips due to the high reward on the post, it was trending. So let's call it as it is. You said you have no intention to discuss or debate. I'm going to anyway as it's clear your comment was in bad faith and I don't want to leave it just hanging here.

Every account is free to vote as they wish. That includes down voting AKA flagging. No one needs permission to down vote or the blessing of whatever terms and conditions or suggestions Steemit Inc. decide to paste on their website .

So we can summarily dismiss the idea that there needs to be a legal basis or even a legal definition made to back up a down vote. @cheetah is not acting in a legal capacity. It is expressing the desire for it's supporters to automatically down vote and shame highly probable copy pasters. They definitely don't always get it right but they're free to do as they wish. By the way, reframing of @cheetah to CHEATER is needlessly childish.

I think that this line of yours in particular shows a core misunderstanding you have:

In this situation, 17 voting Steemians had their votes overruled by one down-voting bot. Show me how this was a 'community' decision and not the unilateral choice of one member.

You also refer to stakeholders (I presume large stakeholders?) as having "dictatorial powers".

The thing is, there is a free vote for every post and comment, literally any account can vote on any post / comment, either up or down. Down votes do not "overrule" up votes. All votes are counted up and put in proportion to all others periodically to determine rewards.

Finally, do you know that I run @sadkitten ? I suspect not as if you did you'd know my position on this.


@ personz
You wrote: The reason why you dropped your comment in my post was clearly to try to get some visibility for your grips due to the high reward on the post, it was trending.

I'm content to delete my comment before your post is rewarded. I'm not here, on Steemit, for rewards or exposure due to your 'trending' post. If you want to respond and keep your response, do it under your posts and tag me. I'll be deleting my comment EOD.

I stand by my statement: In this situation, 17 voting Steemians had their votes overruled by one down-voting bot. Show me how this was a 'community' decision and not the unilateral choice of one member.

Down-votes from steemcleaners do, indeed, over-rule upvotes. The rewards from the 17 up-votes was driven down to zero. It had ~$2.35 in rewards from the 17 up-voters before steemcleaners' down-vote outweighed rewards with a negative $9.30. Did you mean something different, because the evidence is obvious to anyone who looks for it.

Here's an example of when cheetah/steemcleaners gets it wrong.

Al-Masdar News has a Steemit account and is posting using SteemPress, as is stated right in a footer on the post. They've also listed their source on the post - Ruptly. Look at the comments from the plagiarism and copy/paste police. They seem to be gunning for Al-Masdar. Do you think it is advantageous for the Steemit 'community' to discourage use of Steemit for syndication of articles from established news outlets? Do you think there's a conflict of interest between steemcleaners and SteemPress objectives?

False accusations of plagiarism (see Defamation Law Code here - against Al-Masdar (or other Steemit users) may have legal consequences for the bot operators and failure to uphold Sections 14 and 15 of the ToS for all users by authorizing these bots, may also become a legal issue for Steemit Inc. Most users will just leave the platform, but a news outlet, like Al-Masdar (@amnlive) just might sue.

I do know your position on this. That's why I'm saying, in essence, suck it up, buttercup and expect more incidents like this one:

That account, holding more than 1,000,000,000,000 vests is GONE.

The blockchain is independent of Steemit Inc. and attempting to create a legal vortex will fall pretty flat, Steemit can always just refuse to serve parts of the blockchain if they did orders to do so and that's all that will happen.

No, votes cannot be "overruled". Votes are all counted and then there is a result. You dislike that votes can have a negative weight as well as positive, but that's the system. You're mixing your terminology here obviously to invoke a judge overruling in a courtroom setting, just as you try to manipulate language (CHEATER) and it's pretty transparently disingenuous.

There are lots of users who try to up-speak to a legal level but it has no effect. It's all just nonsense and most can see that.

@personz I can't delete replies because of the child-replies. I'll need your cooperation to delete up the thread, or we can just leave it as is. I've removed my vote on your post already.

In any case it's an illusion, you can't delete the comment, it has been permanently written to the blockchain. "Editing" comments is also actually a further transaction.

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