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RE: [BeyondBit Bounties] It's Time for Steem to have a Crypto-Friendly Bounty System! (Doubling the Orig Bounty Rewards with 8000SBD of Beyondbits for Each Winner!)

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

The first bounty is for .. you guessed it... a specially designed Bounty Management Forum (please use Jesta's ChainBB as the Base!) :)

Task: Design, Build, Operate an open-source, open-data, independent website (or system that can be integrated into for managing bounties using ChainBB source code!

Milestone 1: Design the bounty system with UI/UX and full specs for the engineering required. Design must clearly demonstrate how bounty milestones will be rewarded; demonstrate how Steem and SBD will be integrated; show functional user experience; demonstrate the escrow process; demonstrate how tasks and updates will be recorded/monitored/and tracked.

Milestone 2: Engineer the website and system for bounty management.

Milestone 3: Launch, host, operate the website; get it linked from and other Steem-based website menus

Milestone 1 - NOW 2000 SBD of Beyondbit Whaletokens!
Milestone 2 - NOW 4000 SBD of Beyondbit Whaletokens!
Milestone 3 - NOW 2000 SBD of Beyondbit Whaletokens!

IMPORTANT: 3 Submissions will Win for EACH MILESTONE!

Note: This is Blatantly borrowed from Ned's Blockchain-Certified Post to ensure all goals remain the same!


I'm not sure I'd recommend using the frontend for chainBB as the base haha. It's about to undergo some radical changes. If a developer wants to use it as something to learn off of, they are more than welcome, but if they want to stay in sync with the changes that are coming, now is not a good time to fork that repo.

Also being beta code.... it may be a bit sloppy :)

Best of luck to anyone attempting this challenge!

woah so people like chainbb so much they wanna fork off it and make their own? Yeah if chainBB just had a couple more features like the wallet and maybe an option to make your own subforums like it could be something I use instead of steemit
(And thanks for the recent upvots youve given me , i realy apeciate it as ive been vry hungry fior crypto and racing top save up myself 1 bitcoin before it gets any higher

Like i hope chainB can have a steemit trending post visualizer, some way to organize ALL the top posts from all the top steemit catgeopries all on one page

also you could sell your own ads on couodnt u? That would be cool! Just crypto related stuff, or maybe we could have some sort of feature to share comment rewards teh way you have opost rewards sharabkle???
Ohg yeah that featue you built in to share rwards with somneone before you even post to lick itin, its REALLY useful and allows me to share rwards for new users whose introduction pots I help make for them! The fact that chainBB has tis rwward sharing feature and reguklar steemit does not is a testiment to your devlopment skills! Its a very nice feaure and its always impressive everytime i use it! I feel like if u can make that, theers going to be a lot of col stuff in store for chainBB that you must have planned and i understand that just because I thought it upo just now doesnt mean you havent already and that its not that easy to just make happen, and I hope you have enough money to hire some assistancts to get everthing one faster!

Anyway you should wrk on an android app for steemit, like chainBB for stemit but one that letys you make your own subreddit type place in steemut, allowing someone to customize the header and the background image etc, i dunno, i just really want cutomizable subreddits on steemit liek substeemits but its hjard to imagine how we would go about doing something like that

So you would recommend I do not let them use it?

There's a difference between "let" and "recommend".

I don't recommend using the beta, in development, version of a forum as the basis for a frontend for a bounty system. However, just because I don't recommend it, doesn't mean they can't :)

I know i can grab the code and use it as i wish. But even in open source i choose of my own volition to try to uplift and help the devs involved instead of use their work without giving back. So i only use "let" because id like to know it is something that wont hurt u too.

I respecy you bro. No other way to say it. Its why is still paying you for the first months of its use and we will give u a % indefinitely.

Giving back for one anothers hard work is the only way humanity truly moves forward.

Now with that said. I thank you jesta. We need to get u delegated sp and a whalecoin to help pay people to help u. If interested tell me and its yours. If not...let me know how i can help otherwise.

So i only use "let" because id like to know it is something that wont hurt u too.

No skin off my back if people do end up using it, it's just going to make their life more difficult in the end (in my opinion). I just meant to leave a warning for developers that might latch onto this project, and hopefully offer some advice. I do hope someone takes on the mantle, there's a lot of projects that need completing :)

Hi, @jesta you are great man. I like you, I'm your big fans....

Edited, Please disregard.

Have you ever spoken with ned? Is this just your opinion projected on to him as some sort of explanation?

I don't know who you are, so please set me straight if you have insider knowledge on ned's actions.

he doesn't, but he does seem to make a very well written article that connects whaleshares intrinsically to this concept of "vote buying schemes" while at the same time buying votes through sp leasing...

SO I am not exactly sure his motive. But for certain it has not helped this post and I will be accounting for it. :)

I truly hope I am incorrect of course...

Hi. Please continue your good work.

I have edited my other responses. Agree i went on an unrelated tangent, sorry about that. I will not do that again.

It isnt my place to speculate on ned and dan or whaleshares/beyond bit. I was ignorant to all involved and the story. That is my fault. Sorry.


I do not have any insider knowledge.

Edited. Thanks for response OfficialFuzzy

First and foremost. Randowhale and "Votebuying" post is off topic for what I posted this post takes away from the GOAL of this post but I will not downvote you. Instead I will Unupvote my comment and repost it to upvote it again so people who are BUILDING it are not scared off. I hope this is not your intend by posting in this location as it seems terrible form.

Second I will respectfully communicate this to you and then move on to address your thoughts.

  1. Voting power IS already centralized (Check out how much SP Ned made sure, which he legally controls, owns. :/

  2. Yes Randowhale is a great way to sell upvotes and take from the pool. It could be used correctly as a tool though to help people. It simply doesn't seem to go that way...yet

  3. I notice on your account you downvote people and also delegate steempower using services. Congratulations you are vote buying.

## 4) Have you looked at any of my posts? Even read this one? What is BeyondBit doing here? IT IS PAYING 28K in rewards to finish something I donated to ned for (and was never paid me back, btw) TO BE DONE

Then please look at my account. Browse all the amazing work people are doing and the community i'm building (instead of cashing out my risky sp). Look at all the quality and amazingness I am producing.

We as a community do not need whales downvoting. We need them to give their power away which is precisely what I do every dang day in the most beautiful way on steem.

Unfortunately your extremely long post, your current use of sp leasing and your association between myself and the "reward pool rape" that you describe in the case of randowhale has NOTHING to do with me or what this post is about.

It also makes an account called truth force, who says in their profile that they are looking for truth, look like they are making assumptions rather than asking questions and "seeking truth". Hope this helps you find the truth and I hope you understand why I will be taking away my downvote from this reply and will repost and upvote it so this thread is not further disrupted.

Whaleshares is not a vote buying scheme. I dont sell ANY whaleshares. A small number of my Beyondbits may be purchased though.

BUT if people have problems with Vote Buying (aka advertising), then they should NOT ever support steem. What exactly do you think people are doing when they BUY SP?

They are BUYING VOTING POWER. Right? :)

Why will people ever buy SP if they cannot use it to upvote content and also make money at the same time?

I don't mean to sound mean when I say this but people realllllly need to understand this for the platform to work.

I buy SP and when I spent money to buy it, I dont think it is morally right for anyone to dictate to me how I should use it.

It is part of the system.

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