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RE: Remember back to 2015-2016 when it was cool to announce announcements hoping for a pump?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

No dude. I announced Destiny because it’s the right thing to do. is in Maintenance Mode, and that’s part of explaining Destiny. All I’m doing is letting people know I’m still working.


If steemit is in maintenance mode, does that mean it will never get out of “beta”?

I'd like everyone to know I'm still working as well. @ned, should I still be working? I run my blog here much like a business. Think of a massive shopping mall. I am one of the shops inside. This Maintenance Mode you speak of:
Screenshot (514).png
That makes me feel like the mall is closing. When a mall closes, shop owners know well in advance, they're given plenty of time to pack up and make adjustments so their personal business can still thrive without the mall. Should I still produce content and keep my shelves full or should I be making preparations to vamoose before the wrecking ball arrives through the window?

I'm uncomfortable placing my destiny in your hands and simply going with the flow when I don't know where this river leads. Of course that's nothing personal, it's business, and business is something I take seriously.

Will my shop transition seamlessly into this new mall known as Destiny? Will I have to start at the bottom all over again? Will over two years worth of my content still be on display in the new shop windows? Should this project Destiny be considered an overhaul; the mall is simply undergoing renovations (please carry on business as usual, sorry about the dust and paint fumes)?

About ten years ago, I lived in a nice corner suite of an apartment building. The complex went under new ownership. Some disgruntled tenants started a rumor. They said the plan was to first raise the rent, then evict everyone, then the building was to be converted into condos. These rumors were posted on every bulletin board in the halls, near the mailboxes, the sauna and gym, the laundry rooms. Within a matter of two months, I had the entire top floor all to myself; everyone believed the rumors and moved out, others moved out because they saw everyone else moving out. A panic set in, finding a new apartment wasn't easy then, so people didn't want to wait around to get evicted then be forced to find a place on short notice.

All that did was make life miserable for the new owners. They weren't handed the keys to go along with a steady stream of income, they had to find new tenants. I knew all along it was a rumor because I went straight to the new owners and asked questions. I ended up having to pay lower rent for a few months because they had to offer deals that would fill the place up faster. So, lesson learned; I don't listen to rumors, I go straight to the source.

Simply stating the fact there will be progress and giving it a warm, fuzzy name, isn't enough for me and I'll assume others have questions as well. I look forward to finding out more information, straight facts, no hype; I hope to hear it all before the rumors start because it gets lonely on the top floor, if you know what I mean.

Thanks for your time.

Thanks I hear you. The only info I have for you is the Behind the Scenes Project post ( at this time.

Dear @ned,

I missed your previous post as I don’t follow these things. But whatever you do, can you please make sure that you bring back the view count?

We all know that people aren’t reading or watching, there’s no point hiding it. You only need to see a curie upvote of x-hundred votes and see the YouTube vid barely got 10 views, and we know dtube rarely loads. I’ve always found this depressing when I make a point to check.

To add, I’ve checked to see that is heavily down on the Alexa ranking and I start to wonder if we’re just investing our time and energy in a facade. It would be helpful for those of us who really want to track real engagement. I used to use a publishing site that gave us these stats, and I was frustrated to discover that people read but many were just too lazy or did not want to comment. I realise now after my Steemit experience, how much I took this for granted.

I know it may not be good business sense, that hiding views to hide the fact we have bad upvoting practices would be preferred. But for some of us, it’s not just about the money, and more about the overall reach beyond the Steemit audience. I’d like to identify who is really being read on the blockchain, and not just all the window shopping. I think we need to be honest and transparent in order to generate more confidence in this blockchain.

I apologise that I’m terribly negative and this might seem irrelevant to you with respect to the current discussion, but the removal of this feature continues to bother me.

Finally, with the focus on dapps, I hope you’ve noticed @actifit and that @mcfarhat’s good work is on your radar. Unlike playing cards and RPGs, exercise is universal, all of us need to move. I think you should download it and start tracking your steps! You might even consider delegating some SP so you can get your AFIT tokens as well! We need to know you are working on your health as well too. Wouldn’t want you to get bloated from sitting behind the computer, trying to meet our demands....

Best regards

P.S. I’m sorry as I’m as long-winded as the other dude...

If you talk about the views they have taken away from us, the big guys suddenly keep their mouth shut or find some silly excuses.


comment downvoted by the so-called witness themarkymark LOL.

And then people are surprised that Steemit loses authors and curators.

Oh, @themarkymark downvoted you?! That’s odd and unexpected, he seems like a reasonable fellow. I didn’t see any issue with your comment. He probably ate a bad popcorn or pancake or whatever craving he has at the moment. He should also consider downloading @actifit to work off the calories, endorphins make people happier and more chilled. I hope I don’t get downvoted, but oh well, we’re just offering an honest opinion that can and shall be ignored. I wouldn’t fuss @pagandance, I get your frustration.

I have wondered about how many people don’t speak up and just leave, or just don’t care anymore. The view count is at least another device we can use to ignore the BS and try to make some sense of this platform.

He got downvoted because he made a dickish comment in @themarkymarks post about Stan Lee dying. And it was only a 1% downvote. I make a lot of shitty comments and get downvoted. I don't cry about it, It is part of the game. Don't play if you don't want to pay. Mark could have easily hit him with a 100% downvote and sent his account back to the stone ages.

While I appreciate you trying to be informative, doomy, I think I would have preferred to be kept wondering and imagine markymark had a moment of unreasonable rage, choked on a popcorn, and hit the downvote on reflex. At least I can laugh at the idea of it.

All you’ve exposed is the level of pettiness on this platform, which adds to bad perceptions. I’d like to think the witnesses we vote for would judge each comment on its own merit. We’ve all had moments of dickery due to frustrations.

Mark could have easily hit him with a 100% downvote and sent his account back to the stone ages.

This is not something to be boastful about, this is the kind of shit that brings the perception of the whole platform down. I don’t mean to be an ass, and thanks for taking the time to comment.

I did to themarkymark just what he has been doing to my posts for many many weeks, ever since I criticed his stupid badcontent bot for spamming the blog of Almasdar News, amnlive.

Before commenting, make sure you know the whole story.

He has been labelling almost all of my posts as "badcontent", although there was no reason for it.

Just because he can because of his voting power.

He is not worthy to be a witness, as he poisons this platform, together with the likes as anyx, patrice etc.

This was my moment to piss on one of his posts, just as he has been doing to many of mine systematically.

thanx for your nice words! I see the sun is shining so it is time for a nice walk outside!

Actifit has recently received a very generous delegation from @freedom which may or may not be ned.............. I can't say any more, Ned is watching me. I will try to get back on and explain more when he is sleeping.

Oh, forget @ned! I’ve heard through the very dodgey grape vine that you are the real celebrity! Might it be you that is steering the ship? If so, please bring back the view count.

Since you’re hair, you might understand that every strand counts. Get it count, as in view count.

OK, that is lame...but I had to try.

Ned can see you while he is sleeping? He has eyes on the top of his head too? Or are you under surveillance? I suppose, nobody wants to wake up and discover their toupee has gone AWOL. (Misread comment, sorry. I was in a skype session about middleware and integration, so I blame that. But maybe I should have been paying attention to work rather than sneaking in a comment to hair. omg...I need a break from all this.)

Btw, you too should download @actifit and start collecting these AFIT tokens. I understand counting calories isn’t a hair thing...But if even his hair is using the app, it might inspire him.

Thanks for the heads up on the delegation too. :)

bring back the view count! period!
if this is not only about the money it is about the views, too!
So atm I do not know if I write for the waste bin or actually some steemians..
No feedback at all is worse than bad feedback (little views)

I didn't even notice that. I never actually paid attention but why in the world would they take something like that out of the platform. It's a good feature! They physically, I mean had to work, to blatantly take it out. Why? You just don't go back to your code to take something like that out without a reason...Afraid, of the low engagement count? Nobody is actually consuming content? Tell me something I don't know.

the only reason I can imagine is that the discrepancy between voting bot votes and the views counter is too obvious by showing the views...

I've been waiting for that maintenance dude to show up for over one year. This mall currently has an escalator temporarily stairs, as Mitch Hedberg so eloquently put it.

There are a few issues making it difficult for folks new and old to reach the top floor. Sure, I could use the elevator but the security guard won't open the door unless I bribe him, and I don't play that game because I already know, if I buy that pair of pants, he's just going cut the legs off and leave me standing there with a pair of short shorts. That's not my style.

People are coming to the mall just to pick the pennies out of the fountain instead of browsing our merchandise. Those were our wishes, Ned. How will they ever come true now?

I can respect the fact things aren't ready to be said. I said everything I said, that way, just now, because I'm not interested in causing a fuss or bringing up problems. Those who can read between the lines will understand. My biggest concern is if things stay the same, and we stop experimenting due to "Maintenance Mode", we will continue down the same path we've been on for quite awhile now. The results are in and I think we took a wrong turn. I'm not a fan of cancelling the trip, I still want to get to the destination because there's a cold beer there with my name on it.

Thanks for the ear. Have a good day.

I’m not interested in stagnation either. Thus an overall emphasis on innovative apps (malls) in the ecosystem, and a light notice to shop owners (power users) of a new mall to franchise into being built on nearby scalable soil with working escalators as mentioned in that post. Really, I won’t be saying anymore. As Bernie mentioned, it’s just not the time. It really only came out because SteemFest raised the demand for Product from power users, as you can see in my replies.

We speak the same language, on the same page. Fair enough. You don't want to say much but you've said enough to restore my confidence in this project, as a whole. I'm well aware there's far more to STEEM than this simple box I'm typing in now. Patience is progress.

@ned, I'm truly hoping it was accidental that you muted @nonameslefttouse? He's been a cheerleader for this platform for over two years, his was one of the accounts that got me excited about this place when I started here almost two years ago myself, and even as the prices have been nosediving he's written posts of encouragement, continues to be a steemit advocate. So again, I really hope it was accidental and that you remedy it soon.


I like your reply, it makes a lot of sense. Thank you for writing comments which are better than most of the posts written on Steemit.

There are lots of interfaces into the steem blockchain and lots which are not in maintenance mode and have active development (steempeak/busy/esteem/partiko to name a few). A better analogy would be that steemit is simply a type of experimental sunglasses that are going out of fashion and not being developed any further. That does not stop people using other improved sunglasses to watch the sun set (or read your posts). Your shop is on steem not steemit; and we need to stop equating steemit as if it is steem.

That said I don't see why they could not just open up the steemit interface to community development if it is in maintenance mode.

Some of the issues I see and experience extend to nearly all interfaces. That's a conversation for a different post though. I know and respect the fact there's more to STEEM than Steemit.

Community development would be wise, provided it doesn't turn into too many cooks in the kitchen. Gotta have a game plan. Good luck getting everyone on the same page.

Yes agree about the too many cooks. But many open source projects have solutions to that. Even setting up an independent not for profit who developed the code and kept it open source (firefox style) would work. They would at least be separate then from steemit inc and the conflict they have with maintaining both the blockchain itself and steemit while monetizing their historical tokens. You could finance it initially with some seed funding from steemit inc and a few % beneficiary fee would make it financially stable in the long run.

What a brilliant analogy @nonameslefttouse, and also a lovely lesson wrapped up in there as well :-)


I know more about my own destiny than I do the destiny of .. erm.. destiny TM. That said, @ned described it as a steem based app, which means that it will participate in the Steem eco-system just like steempeak, and the other dApps. Personally, I think should be redirected to at some point since Steempeak is significantly better positioned to serve the function that was intended to. Therefore, I don't see that you need to be concerned about your hard work leading nowhere - the steem blockchain and other UIs will continue on regardless.

Sounds to me like 'destiny' is the evolution of steemit and will probably have its own smt. Dont see why you couldnt just upgrade steemit, so it isnt forever in beta mode. In which case beta was a lie because it was never going to be a completed. This was done on purpose to see how people would react to it and i bet you didnt think people would become so attached.

Makes me wonder if there was ever any intention to truly see it through, in the first place place. What a joke.

Revelations...come here...pretty slow and crawling! is in Maintenance Mode, and that’s part of explaining Destiny. All I’m doing is letting people know I’m still working.

Are you literally the only employee? I would think syncad has more than you on the payroll. Yeah, I don't think so, you didn't learn a thing from our last chat about the "i" in leadership, and you've done the narcissistic thing again! Go figure. (Gonna flag me now and look silly like last time, which hurt me zero and made you look petty with your flags? Streisand and I thank you for them, I got a lot of mileage out of that.)

Also "maintenance modes" are for things that made it out of beta, and besides, maintenance modes don't explain anything except every single thing that @nonameslefttouse said below( or above, or wherever this obtuse threading methodology lands it when the dust settles)

You're kind of like our little Trump. You got hair everyone likes, but when you talk, you seem to make people less comfortable about the future than they were before, regardless if you are gonna produce or not, and so far well... We'll let the price charts and platform dapp and user attrition be the judge.

More about SMTS here: http://seelastyearslinksaboutit

This inexperienced little boy continues to display how weak he is at leadership, and how afraid he is of scrutiny and accountability to people who are stakeholders, platform builders, users, basically the only reason he has a job to do all by himself without a "we" at his little company that has failed to successfully deliver much of anything at all, and what little they try to do now, is late and broken.

These are troubling times, and it's time for drastic measures. Not ignoring a large stakeholder like he did to @BernieSanders above here or acting like a petulant child to others.

We see you Ned, and we are not amused, nor very impressed.

[9:29 AM] BOTGINAbot: @sircork:
@ned has muted you!
Details of @ned account:
Account created: 956 days ago
Reputation: 69.677
Steem Power: 1408669.859 SP (1408663.826 + 6.034 - 0.000)
Followers: 25706
Follows: 929
Time: 2018-11-12T10:38:54

You got hair everyone likes

You're too kind. Really, thank you.

how many employees does STEEM have?? I mean, why aren't there reports sent out about this ??

"STEEM" doesn't have ANY employees, it has us, the community at large.

"Steemit, Inc" - we have no idea, because so far, they won't tell us.

But to be VERY clear, steemit, inc, is NOT steem, and vice versa.

right, it's clear as mud, i get it ... i don't understand how a 100s of million 'company' can't contract out some talent for marketing and basic administration and such / peace

We all definitely have unanswered questions, and failed expectations. You won't get any argument from me or many others on that.

somebody get ned a graphic designer to polish stuff up and so his posts don't look like doggy-doo... no offense

Lets see how it goes.

@ned, I wish you would have spoken at Steemfest about this, or perhaps you did and I missed it? Anyway, I'll go to your page and check out the announcement as I completely missed this one.

Shame we didn't meet at Steemfest, though I can see why you may have wanted to keep a lowish profile.


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