in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Graphics sources: Pixabay.com [1], [2]

What Can I Do to Promote Steem?

This post is an entry to @steemjetcontests (read more about it here). Its connection to mining is explained down below in the section “Mining and other sources of income”.

This is my contribution to a writing contest in which bloggers and vloggers are supposed to answer the question “What can I do to promote Steem?”

I would like to rephrase this question and ask instead: “What are the benefits of Steem and Steemit?” compared to other blogging portals, vlogging platforms, review services and so on. One can point at its decentralised nature, freedom of speech and other characteristic traits. But for me as a blogger (and for many others who blog regularly) the most important trait is to get something back in the long run. It can be knowledge, friendships, products, money or something else of value. It is not about getting rich – but about getting something back.

There are many bloggers who post and post and post – without earning a cent or a penny, and without getting especially many readers or followers. Here Steemit can fill an important role. My first post got a few comment (some of them were from bots – but quite a few were written by nice Steemians). Besides, I also got a small reward. It has never happened on any other blog that I ran in the past or am running currently. A big response after just ONE post.

The benefit here is that Steemit is a network built upon incentives for the users to help each other move forward.

It is unique. It is the biggest strength of this network. It is also what I believe to be the key factor to attract more bloggers to come here. A “blogging portal” (although it is much more than just that) where you earn money on your posts and where knowledge, community and cooperation are actually rewarding. All that without dependence on income from advertisement and everything that is implied by that.

As I see it, Steemit gives MORE to its user. More collaboration, more money (because it’s not just a small number of users who get everything), more friendships and so on.

How can Steemit get more members?

Of course one can employ AdWords, SEO, paid ads, Facebook and so on. One cannot spread a good product without marketing. I believe that marketing absolutely can attract users who want to get MORE for their blogging efforts – whether it’s followers, comments or money that they seek. Why shall I, as a blogger, choose Steemit? – because I am getting back MORE. This is the core.

At the same time marketing won’t have an effect if one doesn’t have a sufficiently good and clear product. Is there such a product here? Is it really so easy for a person who has never heard about cryptocurrencies to start blogging? I am a little dubious here. Of course, it is easy to get started. But there’s a big benefit in having some STEEM in one’s wallet and here it’s getting less easy. Because it requires knowledge of how to buy, send and manage crypto, if one wishes to top up one’s account.

If Steemit is promoted on top of its unique strengths – as a place where bloggers and vloggers can get MORE – then the number of its users can grow significantly. But what happens once they realise that they need to buy cryptocurrency to really benefit from this network’s various features? How many will drop out then?

For me the question is not just what can I do to promote Steem – it’s as simple as demonstrating its benefits.

For me the question is, instead, how can I explain in simple terms for my blogging friends how they can benefit from the full potential of this network. How they can easily buy STEEM.

I answer the question “What can I do to promote Steem?” with following:

  • To demonstrate the clear benefits of this network,
  • To help with guides and tutorials on how to buy cryptocurrencies and STEEM in particular. They are still needed. Just try to google “Buy Steem” and you will see that the need is there.

Mining and other sources of income

My blog is about minimining – so why am I posting a contest entry about promoting Steemit? Because it’s all connected. It is about upselling.

Gas stations are really good at upselling – how often have you filled your car with gasoline and then paid for gas, candies, snacks and a newspaper? I am thinking similarly when it comes to mining and even to my enterprise. How can I get “up-earnings”? How can I optimise every little part and create synergetic effects?

I could be content with just mining. But I choose to take an extra step. I am blogging in Swedish on minimining.se and hopefully it can bring me something extra (I don’t yet know exactly how, but it usually becomes clear after a while). Then my posts get translated into English and published on Steemit.com. Hopefully it can bring me something extra (I don’t yet know exactly how, but it usually becomes clear after a while). There’s a contest where ALL the participants get a miniprize. A contest where this post is my entry. Everything is connected.

I wish you all the best and for those of you who don’t blog on Steemit.com – welcome here and discover its benefits. I cannot sum it up better that this: you get MORE back.


Congratulations @minimining! You have received a vote as part of @oleg326756 donation to this project.
I will be able to help more #minnows

You just planted 0.22 tree(s)!

Thanks to @oleg326756

We have planted already 4498.76 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 25669.06
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

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