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RE: We Need Your Help to Protect Steem

in #steem4 years ago

I didn't know the exact details of SF22.888 but after reading the post i understand that you have blocked the some account (can you provide the list of account blocked?), those spamming the steemit and did not include many steemians in airdrop. This is very necessary step taken, it is late but you have done it. That's the great thing.

That is great news and i 100% agree with you. I also want to start a witness node but i don't have much support of this. If i receive supports from you or @justinsunsteemit i definately do that.


You can be bought to support the theft of property and censorship?

PS There is a difference in not giving someone something and stealing it.

steemit is doing the copy & paste of what Hive is doing. Just that, tit for tat. It is 100% correct, I like the way but take action too lately.

That is a false equivalence, and you know it.

My statement is not false, why? check these points

  1. Who blocked the Mr. Justin Sun accounts first?
  2. Who not give Hive airdrop to many steemians, not fews ?
    That's it.
    I don't understand that why they only blocked few accounts in softfork 0.22.888?
  1. The witnesses moved to temporarily block the Steemit stake from voting while the ownership was in transition. I disagreed with it, but it was a response to a major change in administration, and shouldn't have been an issue since that stake was promised to not be used for voting anyway. It was presented in a public forum for open discussion well in advance, unlike the latest changes being made in secret.
  2. After Sun's coup in collusion with exchanges, neither of which were supposed to be involved in STEEM governance, the HIVE fork was seen as the only option available to the community. The STEEM accounts were a necessary exclusion for blockchain security. The other accounts have an avenue to seek remedy and request their airdrops. But most of the excluded accounts were happy to side with Sun and STEEM, so why the butthurt? Their STEEM stake was untouched.

And that is the key difference here. Nothing was taken or frozen or censored on HIVE. Some were just not offered tokens at launch. That's it. Sun has repeatedly lied and deceived. Check the terms of service. If I may quote from a previous post I wrote on the subject,

...[T]he Steemit team had recently added a new clause to the Terms of Service specifically as an ex post facto justification for punishing dissenters and hard fork secessionists.

14.1.7. [You agree that you will not...] Use our services to promote third-party platforms or to promote each other without our written permission.
—Steemit Terms of Service

As of this post, the TOS page still says, "Last Updated June 15, 2018." Thanks to the Wayback machine we can look allllll the way back to March 8th of 2020, barely two weeks ago [as of the original post], and see this. No clause 14.1.7. Nothing. Nada.

We all know any website terms and conditions are subject to change at any time, but this quiet edit is a transparently malicious scheme to quell dissent via censorship instead of fulfilling the promise to cooperate with the established community and promote open discourse. This action is proof of the new Steemit administration's authoritarianism. They even conveniently ignored clause 9.4 themselves, which states, in part,

All proposed Steem blockchain transactions must be confirmed and recorded in the Steem blockchain via the Steem distributed consensus network (a peer-to-peer network), which is not owned, controlled, or operated by us. [emphasis added]

In short, while the witnesses may have erred, it was with the intent of blockchain security, and Sun has done everything he could to prove their suspicions correct. Don't carry water for that tyrant.

steemit v steem

But most of the excluded accounts were happy to side with Sun and STEEM, so why the butthurt? Their STEEM stake was untouched.

If i translate your statement correctly you want to say HIVE has done right by blocking airdrop to many steemians. Then, Why HIVE holders wants Steem, When they get their Hives. So, from your opinion, the steem witness have to blocked all Hive airdrop account.
What are you talking man? You want steem has to block all accounts of Hive holders because they get their Hive, why they want steem. I salute your thinking. You are too crazy.

I have no idea what you are trying to say here. Perhaps there is a language barrier.

If you were not a Steemit Inc. account, there is remedy to request a withheld airdrop.

I don't want to see STEEM fail. I am still here raising a fuss because I got my start here. Perhaps HIVE is the only way forward, but I earned my HIVE stake as STEEM, and the nature of a true hard fork doesn't negate anything on the old chain. If you think I should be required to surrender my STEEM for aupporting the HIVE initiative as an alternative to Sun's bullshit here, you are deeply confused on many levels.

I have no idea what you are trying to say here. Perhaps there is a language barrier.

Yes, their may be language barrier, thoughts barrier, of interest barrier, so many barrier will be their. It is nice that you don't understand what i want to say by your expression of thoughts.

If you were not a Steemit Inc. account, there is remedy to request a withheld airdrop.

Why we raise a request for airdrop. I don't think it is the right way to do, we don't ask for a begging. If they have regret, they should give us without any questions/answer with compensation. I think, they can't have a ability to do this.

I didn't ask you to surrender anything. I just translated the meaning in other way, what you are trying to say. We can change the meaning according to our wish. That's why the whole drama is going ON. All have changes the meaning and started the drama. We all are suffering.

You are an idiot. Sun told you that he will never block someone's assets. And he did. He told you he will never censor. He did. You want to earn money? Find other, more honest way than supporting centralisation.

As you said i idiot, I like to be a idiot. You is genius. I like you statement.
Everywhere is centralized, if you knew something tell me, i will explain the truth. HIVE is also centralized but you have required the eyes/thoughts to see it. Not everyone can see. Tell me
Why they (old witnesses) make the HIVE?
Why they make witnesses vote after 30 days of powerup?
Why they don't give HIVE airdrop to all steemians?
Go in deep, you will find your decentralization.

I also want to start a witness node but i don't have much support of this. If i receive supports from you or @justinsunsteemit i definately do that.

Take a step back and think. You want to participate and have a major role but you cannot do it by yourself. You need support from the company or the owner. Then what? How are you going to stay neutral?
I don't know if you care for decentralization and freedom. I hope you don't because otherwise you're doing it wrong.

@rmach thanks for kind words. You are very genuine personality.
Everyone has required a support to reach at top witnesses. I think that my thoughts and actions match with them after the steemit buyout what our witnesses do, i don't like that. So, i decided to go with him, their i matched the thoughts.

I wish you the best.

Thanks for your wishes. No one is the Best in this world.

Translation: "I have no clue what's going on, but I support it and I hope to get some crumbs falling from the table."

Thanks for your words.

Setup a witness node and let me know when you are ready. I want to support small guys from the community!

I think you are not real Justin Sun. So, don't make fool to others.

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