PSA: I will no longer vote for you if you're powering down. I'd rather reward people who are securing the network.

in #steem6 years ago


Title says it all.

I will no longer be manually voting on users who are in a power-down state.

If you're pulling out of the network, I do not see the sense in giving you more stake in the network, I'd rather divert that to someone that's helping to secure the network by keeping their shares vested.

Of course, there are some situations that merit the powering down of your account in order to liquidate some assets, but if you're pulling out and seem to be leaving the platform, I can't vote for you anymore.

Yep, that's about it. Short and sweet.

You're powering down = No votes from me to you.

You aren't powering down = Sure, I'll toss you some votes when I see your stuff.

Hang in there, y'all! Some cool stuff is just around the corner . . .



Anytime, friend. Welcome to Steem!

I’m on the same page. I think what a lot of people don’t realize about Steemit is that even though it’s important what you write as an author, it’s equally important to curate and being a team player in the community. The secret about Steemit is that you have to give to get, but perhaps those who are powering down right now never realized that in the first place

It's very give and take. Some people strictly focus on taking, and that is not what this was designed for whatsoever . . .

I understand powering down sometimes, that's what makes this place attractive after all! Sometimes, people need a little bit of cash flow to live. But if you're a serial power-downer, ahh, you're just shooting this all in the foot.

At this point in time to power down, is on my opinion, something one will regret in the future. On the other hand like you say, sometimes it’s necessary to power down a bit as well which is fine as long as it’s not to zero

You bring up a good point as Steemians we sort of have an obligation to curate and be a team player in this community. And yes, the secret sauce is, "you have to give to get ". Well, put.

hehe it is indeed the secret sauce hehe

I will no longer vote for you if you're powering down. I'd rather reward people who are securing the network.

This has been my pet hate from day one. I have always said that those that do not power down should be rewarded for their loyalty. I have not powered down once and have absolutely no intention to do so for at least another +3-5 years. I am on a one-way ticket to power up all the way and try to vote for those that are think are in it for the long-term. I am glad that someone else feels the same about this as I do. This is an excellent blog. Stephen

Just getting to a lot of these comments, got to yours just a few hours too late! I'm going to go give you my traditional comment upvote elsewhere haha.

Anyways, good! Hoard it all! We're in the same boat! Keep it up!

@matt-a, I will survive in Steemit, right now I need money for tuition fees, so I power down. I hope you continue to support me. :)

I haven't powered down since I have joined from June last year @matt-a because I know that if everyone just holds #steem its value will go up and will benefit us all.
People that powers down will just dump steem when its value goes up and it will not really help but will just pull steem price back down again.

Likewise @cryptopie I haven't sold any Steem for 2 years.

Awesome to see someone understand how this works!

Yay, I try to adopt the same principle

Well that is wise decision taken by you by the way :)

I do like the way of your thinking .There are people working hard and giving their all you sure are doing a great work for the support of them.

I like to think so, although some may disagree. I'm only trying to think of the longterm survival of the network.

That’s makes tons of sense to me 😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes that's kind of fair. If people are trying to getout of the network then why vote them and let them stay in. Lets them just take their profit and get out of here faster. Because steem needs people who are dedicated to work and not only think about their development but also of this platform.

Well said! Exactly!

Does that include my whore ass? (Since I'm powering down my funds to pay bills and all that shit right now) If so, I understand. But, boy oh boy. You just wait until you start getting pictures of my taint on PSN, dood.

NO! I completely understand your need at the moment. That's what this is all about, afterall. I've only seen you powerdown once and you even mentioned it in conversation before you even did it. Moving into new homes ain't easy and it sure as hell isn't cheap. Good luck with you sewage situation that's running rampant in your living quarters, btw!

Yeah, I was just dicking around mostly, bro.

Update on that, they're wanting to move us into a different apartment because the foundation needs to be redone on ours apparently and there's a lot of water damage unrelated to the sewage leak. They're offering us a 2 bedroom for the same price as our one. But, we would have to move everything again ourselves, which isn't phsyically possible since we have furniture weighing between 300lbs to 500lbs that they want us to carry up 3 flights of stairs by ourselves when we could barely get them down one flight of stairs with 4 people. Fun times. Think I'll write a post about it. Oh, yeah. My laptop charger is dead and needs replaced, so now I have to do everything from mobile. Even more fun times!

Ugh, kind of cool and kind of not cool at the same time . . .

See if they'll compensate you for hiring a moving service? Shouldn't be that much since it's just apt to apt.

Good luck with your shitty situation!

Upvote because of your "wonderful" situation...

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