Thoughts on the Price of Steem [video]

in #steem8 years ago

Hey all. I just did a little video with my thoughts on the price of STEEM, Steem Power, and VESTs. I hope you find it useful!

I also hope you're having a great Friday so far.

If you like these occasional videos, maybe I'll invest in a better microphone at some point. ;)


Nice video Luke. Yeah, if you're going to do many videos you do need to do something about the volume. New microphone would be ideal if you think that is the issue. Or could simply take the audio of the video amplify it in audacity or something then remaster the video with the new audio. Might be more work than you wanted to do though.

This video will hopefully comfort some people. :)

I agree on both counts. Good video (content-wise) but the sound was baaaaaarely audible, even with an external speaker connected to my laptop. It's that bad, Luke. I hope you'll continue doing videos, but it's almost pointless if you don't get a new mic. For now, I'm upvoting, but unfortunately with a much lower % than I would have otherwise.

Is there a way for us smaller users to vote by %? It'd be nice if I could "really" upvote the great stuff I like, while being able to give props when I want.


Is what was recommended to me by @piedpiper.

If you use the 15-20% discount from I think it will be a very good deal for you.

How to save 15-20% on Amazon Purchases with Bitcoin

Hope that will help you out on future audio content :)

You are outstandingly calm on video, well done, good skill to have, and it helped given the subject is one that can make people confused and nervous.

Thanks @eeks! I guess I should get myself a good microphone and put some more effort into these.

I love your calm demeanor and knowledge of cryptocurrency.

You explained everything quite rationally. Steemit is one of the first coins I've seen that has the ability to prevent people from drawing incredible sums of money and making the price jumps.

Am I correct that if the price of steem drops to .50 if you use a steem dollar it would buy 2 steem (basically a discount until the price rises)?

The amount of people who love steemit is one major difference than bitcoin. Bitcoin is still for crypto fanatics and people are skeptical. But my mom can post on social media and since you do not need to connect your bank account until you have made enough money to cash out, there is no risk. I've told people to make a separate bank account if they are leery.

I gotta get me some steem vests. I've been checking goodwill for secondhand ones.


Wait, why do you even need a bank account for anything with Steemit? I thought the crypto is its own entity I can store in a wallet or trade for BTC.

You can absolutely just store it in a wallet or exchange for bitcoin, but for places where steem dollars and bitcoin are not accepted you can sell the bitcoin for fiat

Thanks for making this video, I hope to see you produce more of them because I could listen to you for hours! I'm following you now as well.

Thank you on both accounts!

I love your point in "supporting mankind through the currency" or just a positive cause in general. This was one of my reasons for investing into SolarCoin which incentivizes the generation of clean energy. Great video!
~ Np

Thanks! I remember being very interested by SolarCoin but I couldn't figure out if it was a scam or not. Have you been happy with it so far?

Yeah I think it's great! I'm fairly active in the community and they have great long term goals with incentivizing clean energy generation. They are backed by MIT and have an organization called ElectricChain that aids in the creation of solar related projects. Nick Gogerty the founder is very knowledgeable with hedge funds and general finance as well. Definitely not a scam :)

Brown nosing... a lot of it.... pretty said.
Here is part of the truth

Replied to your post. Thanks for sharing your opinion. As for brown nosing, who, exactly are you inferring I'm brown nosing to?

whales... their votes are the only up votes that count...

@james-show have you heard this quote before?

You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar

Here's what you just said:

are so full of themselves

James, that's vinegar. If you feel you have really important insights to improve the platform, have you opened any pull requests? This whole thing is open source and your ideas can stand on their own technical merit. Don't be surprised, however, to find your own view of the self-importance given to your ideas may be invalid. Often the faults we see in others are the faults we are struggling with ourselves the most. Of the one post I read of yours and the comments here, it seems to me you are over-confident in your opinions while at the same time under-valuing the many, many years of experience Dan and the team have in very advanced cryptocurrency technology development along with game theory dynamics. If your ideas really are better than theirs, you should be promoting your pull requests on Github and the let the community decide if your changes are worthy of your own high opinions.

Have I "brown nosed" with all my posts, or just this one? As a curator, I disagree regarding the votes that count. Minnow votes are important indicators for those with larger investments in SP to decide who and what to vote for. I say "who" because authors who consistently put out good content get added to vote bots which automatically vote up content. Over time, I've been added and removed to several, I think.

You said "pretty said" in your first comment which I assume is just a typo, but it's an example of something important. If you don't care enough to edit your comments and provide meaningful insight other than just "You're sticking your face in someone else's ass for their pleasure" than I don't see how you expect to be taken seriously here or treated with respect. You may have really great, important ideas, but if that's how you go about building relationships, you may not get much attention to your ideas.

  1. You are correct about my representation of my ideas! [I do suck at that, and I tend to be totally honest regarding my own weaknesses, as I am for to others ]
  2. I feel a great pain... Steem(it) could be great...just a few minor in my view changes are needed.... I just have little hope they will ever come to life...because @dan and friends are so full of themselves ...and their own greatness, to hear the BELL.

Great video, well explained

I wonder if Steemit could incorporate crowd funding at some level, and the whole community could contribute toward a new microphone for you?

No need to contribute to me for that. If I want one, I'll buy it. There are a lot of other things that are much more worthy of community contribution. I do think crowd funding will be a big part of the future of Steemit, though.

You can engage in crowdfunding right now. Upvote posts or send SD directly to a user. If the funds are coming out of your rewards from Steemit, then there's really no risk or financial cost to you. Be your own crowdfunder!

Your video was very helpful for me sir, thanks for the information

Great video mate. Yeah, i think a lot comes down to faith in the platform. I have never been concerned about the price because i believe steemit will be successful. I think if you are trying to cash out continually and trying to use steemit as your sole income etc then it may be concerning. But at the end of the day steemit is uniting many people it is teaching us new skills, and even though money might be the underlying motivator to many it is still opening a creative side that many probably didn't even realize they had. Too many advantages to ignore really.

opening a creative side that many probably didn't even realize they had

This is so true!

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