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RE: Suggestions on how we can improve Steem.

in #steem5 years ago

I do not like how this was handled. I believed witnesses could have worked with Justin and been able to make a precautionary fork with his agreement(I honestly do believe he would have agreed.)

Justin Sun basically did the same thing to TRON. Like most CEO's he doesn't "negotiate" when he's holding all the cards.

The Tron (TRX) community was beside itself on Wednesday, Feb. 19 after founder Justin Sun’s address was shown to have voted in two Tron Foundation apps as a Super Representative (SR). Both Tron-Ace and Tron-Bet were voted in as Super Representatives by the Zion address, the same account which received 99 billion TRX from the coin’s genesis block [ninjamine].


So based on fears of things he has done in the past, perceptions of things he has done in the past we can know what he will do in the future, yes? Well, that's an interesting approach. I guess we can write me off, what I say, and my opinion, in that case too. I have made mistakes in my life. I have done things in my life others may not perceive in a positive light. I have done things people may not understand.

If I was Justin, I would perhaps no longer negotiate at this point. Not with the way he has been treated. Not with the continued disrespect, mockery, and insults.

I personally would have a hard time moving forward with the witnesses after this point. How do you work with people who think the worst of you? Who don't respect you? Who insult you to your face and behind your back? Are they even receptive enough to be "negotiated" with?

When I look at this , I think back to working on the boards of non-profits. I think back to the infighting. How hard it was to get things done in an efficient expedient manner. How much nonsense I and others had to wade through to get things done. There were definitely times I would have appreciated the opportunity to just take charge and "make" things happen. I can understand both sides. Especially when you are dealing with difficult people. Especially if you are dealing with individuals whose interests may interfere with those of the organization itself. I don't know that this is or isn't what happened at Tron. I don't feel like I am in a position to judge what Justin might do in the future based on something that he did in the past which I don't fully understand.

...what Justin might do in the future based on something that he did in the past which I don't fully understand.

He used the genesis-block, the original block of crypto that was reserved for "supporting the community", (which is exactly what the steem-ninjamine was), he used that reserved crypto to CONSOLIDATE AND CENTRALIZE CONTROL OF THE CHAIN (which was touted as "decentralized").

Did he do it to get things done that couldn't/wouldn't/weren't being done?
I am assuming that by your assertions, that after this happened Tron was no more. It was pumped and dumped? I haven't really looked into Tron a whole lot. I used to trade it a long time ago. But haven't touched it since.
My question is: Is there such a thing a a decentralized blockchain. Does this really exist, or is this a pipe dream? Do they just appear decentralized..until they don't?


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