WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENT - Ticket Giveaway!! | Global Block Builders Conference in AUSTIN, TX - April 9th-13th

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

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A few days ago I announced A ticket giveaway to the Global Blockbuilders Conference happening in 5 DAYS in Austin, Tx!!!

We had two lovely entries:

It's A Global Block Builder Party - Where's My Ticket By @nateaguila

Xcountytravelers Want To Win The Golden Tickets By @xcountytravelers

Honestly, I was just really excited to see that they were planning to attend and I look look forward to seeing them.

So, the entries... let's talk a bit about the people behind them;

@nateaguila - Nate is someone who I would consider a "hidden gem." He is one of those people who may not be well known on the chain perhaps.. as all of his work goes on behind the scenes. The crazy thing is, you see it every single day. You see, Nate is responsible for the entire visual design behind not only @steemmonsters, but also @steemengine as well as @keychain. Yeah, he's that good.

Every placement of a graphic, selection of where that damn button should be and everything else visual about these extremely loved projects on the platform can be traced right back to Nate. Yep! Now, all you steemmonsters fans.. go follow him and bow down to his excellency.

Also, this will be one of his first conferences (which is super exciting) but he seems to be fully prepared for what happens at these things...

I didn't get to go to SteemFest last year, so here's my chance to hang out with people that use words like "consensus" and refer to each other as sea creatures. I can nod wisely, rub my chin, and interject the words "hodl" or "lambo" at random. Then people will turn to me with open, smiling eyes and say, "Nate, you are soooo right!"

Yep, I think he will fit right in!

His entry had me laughing like a little fat kid and I really look forward to hanging out with him in Austin!

@xcountytravelers - The couple behind the account, Scott and Ren, are another set of people who are most definitely "hidden gems" of Steem. Not only do they share really well put together blogs of their travels in a personal and fun way, but they also started the @steemterminal, a group based on discord that's whole purpose is to help newbies.

They dig through introduction posts on their @heyhaveyamet account (which they started before, to curate intro posts and welcome new users while offering important guidance) and then invite them to the discord so they can learn all the ins and outs of Steem. Essentially giving new users a landing place, that they so desperately need, with a team full of caring and helpful individuals who answer questions, walk them through issues, and help them find their communities. I feel that projects like this are so vital to improve user retention as a whole. I also think that the hardwork and love that goes into the project really shows the heart of the individuals behind it. Go give them a thanks and some love, they deserve it.

Their post was a really wonderful look at their Steem journey. How they got here, what they learned and the amazing community that welcomed them with open arms... which lead them to want to start their own projects to help newbies. I think their story is really beautiful for many reasons, but one is it really showcases the power of this community in my opinion.

They are looking forward to the conference to meet some amazing steemians as well as learn more about the blockchain world.

It is a great opportunity for us to be able to meet those we have become friends with through the Steem blockchain and the many Discord servers, make acquaintance with many more Steemians who have made the Steemiverse what it is today, and enable us to learn so much more than we ever thought possible.

I thought their post was really heartfelt and I enjoyed learning about their Steem journey. I really look forward to meeting Scott and Ren in a few days!


Ok, enough yappying Justine... just tell us who won.

Well, I was really excited to see the entries consisted of people who work hard behind the scenes which means sometimes they go unnoticed.. as well as unappreciated at times. Don't ask me how I know. Those individuals who really devote so much time here to help others and improve the platform as a whole have a special place in my heart and I feel like we should lift them up whenever possible.

So, I felt we needed to throw in a curve ball here....

Thanks to @berniesanders we have a THIRD TICKET TO GIVE AWAY!!!!

Which means that EVERYONE IS A WINNER!!


Because you all deserve it, that's why. Thanks for all you do around here and I can't wait to see you all in Austin!

@nateaguila (1 ticket), @xcountytravelers (Ren - 1 ticket, Scott - 1 ticket) Please reach out to me in discord so I can get your information to add to the tickets.

Thank you so much @berniesanders for helping to sponsor this, so we could give all three very deserving Steemians tickets to the Conference. It is appreciated more than you know! <3

See you guys in Austin!

Much Love,




I Think its grand that the 3 tickets were won by three gems from BTS
Have fun we Will be following 😉💃

Congratulations to the winners!

Wish you could come! I think I owe you a beer or two 🍻

Thank you!

How wonderful! I can’t wait to see pictures from the conference:)

We decided we were going to do a daily volog and post a out each day. I am pretty excited to be leaving tomorrow. We will stay at a couple of Texas parks on our way to Austin. So excited!

Holy Mac & Chz!!!!!!! Thank you so very much both to you @llfarms and @berniesanders!!!! This is such an awesome curveball. It will enable us all to win.

We both love this community and are proud to be part of it. Can't wait to share with everyone what we learn and see how we can help others with their projects.

@nateaguila congratulations and Justine is so right, I was cracking up at your entry as well. I can't wait to meet you and pick your brain about @steemengine. I have been trying to figure out how to be a part of it for a while and now I know who to chit chat with about it!

Thanks again,
Scott & Ren


Look forward to it!


Highly rEsteemed!

Wow golden tickets!

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome. Love Scott and Ren and what they do with Heyhaveyoumet

Awwww! We adore you as well!

You have a little Carmen Sandiego vibe going on there. Careful not to be apprehended in Austin since everyone knows you're heading there.

Congratulations to @nateaguila and @xcountytravelers (REN and Scott)

@berniesanders 👍👍👍 well done
@llfarms thank you

Thank you so much @wolfhart!

I know you will give us updates. I am so glad you won. I wanted to go but they will not let me :)
I wanted to meet @llfarms . Now you can and have a beer for me along with picking her steem ideas .

I will definitely do that for you. I am excited to meet her as well. I am just happy to be traveling again. The fact that it is putting the travel, friends and steem in the same trip is making it azmazing.

I am disappointed that I can’t go. Next time. I think is is important for people to meet face to face.
Have fun and a good time.

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