The Old Dog Declares: Things Are Heating Up On The Steem Blockchain!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

It's Weird!

Ever since the huge downturn in the crypto market and the doom, gloom and FUD surrounding the changes with Steem Inc. things on our blockchain have gotten better, not worse! 

So much development, so many DApps, so many new ideas for monetizing, and so much more decentralizing!

First off check out the DApp rankings which shows the top DApps accross all platforms. EOS, Etherium, Steem etc..

Oh my oh my! Steem has the two top rated DApps! Where's the doom? Where's the gloom!

Now filter it and have  look at the DApps specific to the Steem blockchain!  Go ahead. Don't just look at my screen shot. Click and explore!

New DApps are rolling out continually and people are using them! This is just the beginning!

Do You See What's Happening Here?

The community is building things organically while Steem Inc is busy reducing bandwidth requirements and costs!

There are new announcements every day. Not from them but from us, the community!!!!

Steem is stronger, faster and more powerful than ever. There are even new initiatives to help the plankton and minnows, the little guy! Check out the posts by @steevc and @pennsif to learn more!

What about @blocktrades building the worker proposal system? Could this result in further explosions of development?

What Has Me Super Enthused?

In my last two posts here and here I posed a couple of questions. Check them out and notice the answers:

1.) Will someone be building a DApp for contests that are run on the Steem blockchain? 

Look at what @oracle-d responded:

The guys at @oracle-d rock and are very important to Steem!

I even had this one member @fitinfun mention this about how much it is needed:

"I am huge in contests here, and 90% of my posts on  two blogs go to them. I win, win, win, since few enter most of them. So I  get the post payout and also the sbi or whatever. I feel like this is a  good bang for the buck...........

I would love to see the dapp. I already need it. I search a few hours a  week in multiple places. Part of that time is looking in the feed for  contest posts, which is a big pain."

2.) During Decentralized 2019 Will Steem be Represented?

I was so stoked to read this comment by @strakertz and @anarcotech:

If they pull off what is mentioned in the comment just WOW!

So Here Are Some More Questions:

Decentralized 2019 is the top Euro blockchain conference with 1500 plus in attendance.

  • What if in the crowd of 1,500 at least 10, 20, 50 or 100 were wearing Steem attire? 
  • How cool would that be?
  • How much of a buzz would that create?
  • Would such a thing be possible?
  • I was there last year representing Steem will you be there this time around?
  • What if Steem had a booth showing the top DApps?

Thanks for following me on my travels and I look forward to sharing my adventures with you. 


Until next time,      

@kus-knee (The Old Dog) 


Cool site! Didn't heard of it before

Yes and another big announcement today from

I think that I was one of the few persons actually wearing Steem attire at the last Decentralized. I'm proud of my Steem gear!


And at bitfest in Amsterdam!


That shirt is pretty awesome i must admit!

True! But what about wha's inside it?

A better looking Steemer I cannot imagine!

Oh? I've imagined them, many times :-)

Thank, Kus-knee. This was a super informative post. Yes, I am feeling more positive​ about steem and steemit these days too. It has always been a great idea for the world. We are more than a cryptocurrency. So many fabulous things can be realized on this blockchain. Go, Team Steem.

Thanks, your comment encouraged me!

I totally agree as the Dapps development process and adoption has brought new life to the protocol. Now they are even taking charge with their SMT development as a number of announcements have the potential to soon bring liquidity to their tokens through official exchanges being launched to support their trading! This is also a game changer as they could provide a great depth to the ecosystem as entrepreneurs continue to seek ways to get involved!

Posted using Partiko iOS

The SMT initiative is amazing. No more watching and waiting just doing!

I think if it were not for the decline in the cryptocurrency market, there would be a lot less development. It was a push, now I also notice that more and more programs are on the platform that will interest people and I hope there will be even more. As for clothes with a logo, if we want, then we will dress the whole world in our clothes, and why not?

Yes, dress the world!

Indeed, in spite of all the hardships, we have a lot of development, which means that we have a lot of talented people who are interested in prosperity and this makes us happy

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

You're doing a great job! Thanks!

I was there last year representing Steem will you be there this time around?

I wish I could go... Decentralized truly is the top Euro blockchain conference, getting to know the people around this space is on my "to do" list... and promoting STEEM in the process is of course a must! It's one of the best blockchains around, not only because of the way it's done but also because of the community! We have a really strong community that is pushing us forward just by sheer will, if things continue going forward like they've been going the last couple of weeks I'm sure that in the next bull market STEEM at least top 20 material if not top 10, our marketing power truly is great, one only needs to go to the stateofdapps website to realize that!

Wow you're getting me even more excited than I was!

Steem is one a new level now concentrating on single thing that's where the things are getting interesting : )

You're right!

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