
@james-show have you heard this quote before?

You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar

Here's what you just said:

are so full of themselves

James, that's vinegar. If you feel you have really important insights to improve the platform, have you opened any pull requests? This whole thing is open source and your ideas can stand on their own technical merit. Don't be surprised, however, to find your own view of the self-importance given to your ideas may be invalid. Often the faults we see in others are the faults we are struggling with ourselves the most. Of the one post I read of yours and the comments here, it seems to me you are over-confident in your opinions while at the same time under-valuing the many, many years of experience Dan and the team have in very advanced cryptocurrency technology development along with game theory dynamics. If your ideas really are better than theirs, you should be promoting your pull requests on Github and the let the community decide if your changes are worthy of your own high opinions.

Have I "brown nosed" with all my posts, or just this one? As a curator, I disagree regarding the votes that count. Minnow votes are important indicators for those with larger investments in SP to decide who and what to vote for. I say "who" because authors who consistently put out good content get added to vote bots which automatically vote up content. Over time, I've been added and removed to several, I think.

You said "pretty said" in your first comment which I assume is just a typo, but it's an example of something important. If you don't care enough to edit your comments and provide meaningful insight other than just "You're sticking your face in someone else's ass for their pleasure" than I don't see how you expect to be taken seriously here or treated with respect. You may have really great, important ideas, but if that's how you go about building relationships, you may not get much attention to your ideas.

  1. You are correct about my representation of my ideas! [I do suck at that, and I tend to be totally honest regarding my own weaknesses, as I am for to others ]
  2. I feel a great pain... Steem(it) could be great...just a few minor in my view changes are needed.... I just have little hope they will ever come to life...because @dan and friends are so full of themselves ...and their own greatness, to hear the BELL.

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