Blog #3: I told Facebookers "Lets be Steemian" 오늘 내 페북친구에게 스팀잇을 소개했어요.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

As I said in latest post, I talked a lot to my friends about steemit. But I think that was not enough, I should do more to advertise and develop steemit. And I posted it in Facebook.
지난번에 말했듯이 내 페북친구에게 스팀잇을 소개해줬고 반응이 좋았어요. 하지만 광고가 더 필요한거 같았고 제 페북에 스팀잇에 관한 글을 올렸습니다.

Being phenomenon on my facebook 페이스북에 나타난 현상들~

I wrote a status on facebook with this following content 제가 페북에 이러한 글을 올렸어요:

"I really want facebook will collapse soon. I have a lot of expectation on steemit. Because steemit has real value more than facebook which is only for showing virtual life. The more you work on facebook, the more facebook gets richer. You waste time for like, posting, comment, sharing,... and you earn nothing. 

나는 정마 페북이 곧 망하기를 원한다. 왜냐하면 스팀잇에 대한 기대가 많기 때문이다. 페북처럼 보여주기식 가치가 아니라 진정한 가치를 만들어내기 때문이다. 너가 페북을 더 많이 사용할수록 페북은 돈을 번다. 너는 포스팅하고 댓글달고 공유하는데 시간을 쓰지만 아무것도 얻지 못한다.

On the contrary, with steemit, you make value for yourself, by yourself. Write some good content, share your experience, discuss about your opinion,... if people like your post, they upvote for you and give you a real value from their upvoting. You get reward for your effort, you knowledge,... Worth it, right? 

반대로 스팀잇은 너가 원하는거에 가치를 창출한다. 좋은 글을 쓰고 경험을 공유하고 의견을 토론하면서 말이다. 그리고 누가 너의 포스트를 좋아한다면 너는 그에 대한 대가를 얻을 수 있다.

You can use steemit as your blog or social network like facebook. And this platform is still a beta version. You have a chance to become one of the first steemians in the world. 

스팀잇은 너희들이 쓰는 페북과 비슷한 사이트이다. 그리고 아직 베타 버전이다. 너가 지금 스팀잇을 한다면 너도 스팀잇 초기맴버중 하나일거야.

Better is you do it as soon as possible. If you wait until it becomes more popular, when everyone knows about it then you start to do it. You are too late. 

모든 사람이 알게되고 너가 시작하면 너무 늦는다. 그러므로 빠르면 빠를수록 좋다.

I just want to show you guys how I earn money by doing what I love. I have only one purpose is to make steemit much more firmer then I keep doing it. And give you guys a chance to do it like me. Otherwise, if you want to spend a tons of time for facebook with nothing repaying, That is up to you."

나는 너희들에게 내가 하고싶은 것을 하면서 돈을 버는걸 보여주고 싶어. 내가 원하는 목적은 내가 스팀잇을 하는 동안 이 스팀잇이 더 단단해지고 견고해지는거야. 그리고 너희들에게 나와 같은 기회를 주는것이지. 반대로 너가 그저 페이스북으로 시간을 낭비하고 싶으면 어쩔수없고" 

The beyond expectation result - 예상을 띄어넘는 결과들!

After posting that status, I cannot image that it would be a tremendous impact like that. A lot of my friends on facebook interested and cared about it. Take a look at above photo. You can see the number of comment. 126 comments and a series of messages they sent to my inbox to ask about it. You know steemit and blockchain are totally new things with Vietnamese people. They dont know what it is, how it works. They asked me from basic things to complex things. I was extremely busy to reply them but I didnt feel tired. I was so deep in conversation with them to tell them about steemit and explain every question about its real value. 

이 포스트를 마치고 내 친구들의 반응이 이렇게 엄청날줄 몰랐어요 . 내 패북 친구들이 엄청난 관심을 불러왔어요. 댓글과 페북메신저로 무수한 연락이 왔고 스팀있과 블록체인에 대하여 물어봤어요 솔직히 그건 베트남사람들에겐 신세계거든요. 그들은 이것이 뭔지도 모르고 어떻게 작용하는지도 몰라요. 모든게 복잡하거든요. 이 질문에 대답하기는 정말 번거롭고 귀찮은 일이지만 저는 전혀 그렇게 느끼지 않았어요 그저 스팀잇에 진정한 가치에 대하여 그들에게 알려주는 것 자체가 즐거움이였고 가치 였거든요.

When they asked me "Can I write with Vietnamese?"  I felt sad a little bit because I know there were not many vietnamese people being able to know english. I told them it was better if you guys wrote with english. If wroting with vietnamese, it means your post would be read by only Vietnamese people. And you would lose the chance to show your post with every steemian. Vietnamese community is too small in this platform. Even when they knew about it, they refuse it because of their barrie - english. If I can make our community gets more bigger, we can write by our own language as korean community, chinese community are doing. 

그들이 베트남어로 써도 되냐고 물었을ㄸ 저는 약간 슬펐어요. 솔직히 베트남에 영어를 할 줄 아는 사람들이 많지 않거든요. 저는 그들에게 영어와 베트남어 두개 동시에 사용 하라고 알려주었어요. 만약 베트남어로만 쓴다면 그건 오로지 베트남 사람들에게만 보여진다는 거니까요 … 그리고 스팀잇에 베트남 커뮤니티는 정말 작아요. 한국과 중국처럼 크지 않죠.

New steemians 새로운 스티미언들

At least 10 people in my friend list decided to create steemit account. These are 2 first people @zokuchann @haiyen2901. And the rest are waiting confirmation. 

최소 10명이 넘는 친구들이 스팀잇 계정을 만들었어요. 여기 2친구는 활동을 시작한거고 나머지는 지금 이메일 대기중이에요.

They are doing great job. 

I really want to see this platform developed more and help vietnamese people achieve their dreams by sharing their creative passions with the world.

저는 정말 스팀잇이란 플랫폼이 베트남 사람들이 세계적으로 꿈을 공유하고 이룰 수 있는 플렛폼이 되길 기원해요!

Hope you guys @buildawhale can support for them as well as vietnamese community more and more. Thank you! 


Good job , keep cheer up to make steemit Great

Welcom to steemit. Hope you like 😜❤️

chắc nay phải nói mọi người thường xuyên dùng tag vn hơn :)))

alice should show u how to post on to get more from there. This is first time I hear about it

@dang007, I said what I know about busy for @hanggggbeeee. Thank you very much ! 😄❤️

It is worth to do it. Thanks a lot, sis^^

you're welcome

You are doing an awesome job bringing in more people to the system, @hanggggbeeee, way to go!

thank you. there are a lot of people doing the same thing to make this platform thrive. hope it will be effective ^^

come join our discord chat server and make a difference learning about the witnesses and the role they play. Take part in choosing wisely with us. :) here is the link: . upvoted and resteemed

thank for sharing, my friend. I will check it . ^^

hope you resteem this post to make it more popular. ^^ thank you

This post has received a 1.64 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @whynotdoit. Send at least 1 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.

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you are doing a great job by showing your friends an opportunity to become better people. Well done.

Thank you. I think steemit will not change the life of western people or american,.. but it will change life of some people living in poverty countries such as south east asia, africa,... Quite sad when I dont have huge resource to do something greater. I just try my best ^^

it is really thoughtful of you, our life of giving should not be based on the things we can give but with the heart with which we give. Steem on

Your word really inspire me. Thank you :)

Well done! Go for it. I wish more Vietnamese PPL would get on Steemit. It is such a great opportunity.

Sorry for my curious but I am wondering if you are Vietnamese or not. Haha. Your name is real vietnamese name but .... well, I am not sure :))))

Oh, I am Vietnamese but I was born/live in Germany ;)

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