Is it just me, or has my voting power increased significantly during these last few days?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

What's happening? Does the price of SBD have a bearing on this?

(The photo above was taken from my personal Flickr collection.)

[Previous post: I'm trying to wrap my head around paying taxes for Steem profits. #Coding #Python]

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Yes mine has been gouing up alot latly! Keep on steeming @gamer00

I noticed that too today, since i have been doing auto-voting for the past weeks now. I did manual voting today and noticed my worth was more interesting. Good days are here.

Ahh, you are back just as things got interesting. :) How are you doing and what have you being up to while away from Steem?

Hahah, It got pretty interesting indeed. Those spikes in the price chart were interesting. I am fine. I have been trying to catch up on submitting my bi-annual report. I discovered I left it too long. I am happy you are on course with the 365/365. I give my support as UV and comment.

Witnesses changed the distribution of sbd and steem in such a way that we all get more sbd for our vote. Therefore, the price calculated in the sbd has increased.

I think the value of SBD and BTC will raise and fall in the last days of 2017.and it will stable at the end of the year i mean inthe beganing of 2018.I think we should trade safely.I might be wrong but it's my instings call.

I don't know. But WTF is happening with the exchange rate of Steem Dollars (SBD)? There has been one spike like the one we're experiencing now in the past.

But that "spike" was relatively non-spike, SBD has never jumped like this.

There has got to be some kind of a malfunction in the system.

I'm almost inclined to agree. Nevertheless, if it stays up like this, I'm hesitating to redeem my profits just to make it a bit easier to present to the tax officials.

What happens if you don't redeem your rewards? Do they stay intact until you redeem them? Is controlling the date you redeem your rewards a reliable way to control the date at which they are evaluated?

Good questions. :)

I guess the unredeemed rewards will keep as long as I don't redeem them. Although I may have guessed wrong and the system forgets them or something, which I doubt.

My other guess is that if I can redeem the rewards weekly or even monthly, it would be somewhat easier to keep the tally on income and its valuation. I'm not sure about the reliability though.

Anyway I'm going to try keeping a weekly redeem/evaluation count starting next year to be safe. Oh, and if SBD is going to keep its current price, I'm definitely going to ditch my unemployment allowance, as it is definitely looking like Steem profits are becoming a real income for me. (It is probably too early to say though, SBD could come crashing down too.)

Yeah, sbd could come crashing, but who knows, it might just get pumped the more.

I think the current SBD valuation is some kind of glitch. I mean, isn't it supposed to be worth one USD? But it's nice that rewards have gone up. And I sincerely wish that publishing your work on Steem could become a reliable source of income for you. You've been working your ass off improving your photography.

Let's see if this continues or if this was a micro-bubble. Very strange, that Steem stays where it is. I thought due to the coupling of SBD and Steem that they are connected.

Steem has been rising too, albeit lot less compared to SBD. My impression was that SBD was tied to the US dollar, and Steem was the one that was supposed to have the unchained price. How wrong was I.

I do understand however why Steem isn't going to the moon anytime soon. It is basically an unlimited currency, it has no upper limit. That is going to relax and dampen lot of the turbulence in its price, as will tying it into Steem Power. Steem Power, and especially the way powering down is restricted to small chunks every few weeks is the one reason why Steem price doesn't plummet overnight. It can't be cashed out immediately.

I am fairly certain Steem can't rise very high if it does value in time, or that its valuation will be a very slooow process. And that in part has affected the valuation of SBD. Because SBD is clearly more liquid currency, it can be traded with, and with enough cash, it can be manipulated.

I think it may very well be a pump-and-dump scene we are witnessing here.

It wouldn't cross my mind to start hoarding SDB inspite of it being tradable even on some cryptocurrency exchanges.

You are right, I see SBD also as the liquid Steem. Could be that therefore it was traded much stronger than Steem.
I thought that the introduction of Smart Media Token might caused this delayed attention into SBD and the rise. Who knows. :-) Maybe it is as you said just pump-and-dump.

the witness are trying hard to make it come under a dollar once again and this all ups and downs are due to the rise

i think the percentage is decreasing slowly as compared previously due to sbd pump up

is it really possible never happened earlier may be some technical changes by the steemit developers

steem dollar is just like gas in the ballon one week ago the price of SBD is just = 1.5 american dollar

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