A better alternative to Downvote 比踩人更好的方法

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Previously I've discussed what's the most hated phrase on Steem, typically those could be any meaningless spam comments we all receive every day. Such behaviour usually initiated by new or minnow user, but what about the normal users who have invested some SP and carry some voting weight?

They rather self-vote their comment than my post

These people would normally read through your whole post and leave some comments that make sense, which is great. Then they would self-vote their comment with full force which I'm totally fine with it too. But when I go through my post's vote list and I found no trace of him upvoting even for 1%, that is what gives me a complicated feeling.

How do I interpret such action?

If someone finished my 3-minute long article and leave no sign of appreciation(upvote or resteem), but upvote his own one-line comment with full power. To me that could only mean one thing, he wants to tell me that my post is actually shittier than his comment.

Of course, comment self-voting can have other meanings as well. For example that he might want to pin his comment at the top to raise more visibility. Or he just wants to make sure the author read his comment, or whatever. As the post author, I don't feel good upon such action anyhow.


Sir, just gotta let you know your content sucks. My comment would worth more!

Sure, I know they self-vote just for the profit

I'm old enough on the Steem platform to correctly analyse such action, most of them are just rather reap all the return generated by their SP than giving it away to the authors. Everyone has the right to do what they want with their vote, I have no problem with it at all. But if everything were solely for making greater profit, do me a favour:

Sell your vote or delegate all SP to the SmartSteem.

By doing so,

  • Definitely you get higher return without the shame of self-voting.
  • You can save all the hassle of commenting and self-voting.
  • You can stop disgust the authors unintentionally.
  • Author will have the peace of mind now.

Looking from the wider perspective, this is the perfect alternative way to downvote a post. You use the voting power to self-vote instead of wasting it to downvote the post which you think has less value than your comment. In this way, you successfully conveying the message that the content is subpar yet get rewarded, by you. Win-win! (use this trick with caution though)


当然事故如我,其实很清楚这种行为其实只是为了盈利,宁愿把自己的 SP 盈利来回归自己的口袋都不给作者。这是无可厚非的,别人也无权过问的。但要是单纯是为了盈利,请帮帮忙这样做:

卖赞或干脆把全部 SP 租给SmartSteem.


  • 回酬肯定比点赞自己来的更高。
  • 不用烦心每次留言自己点赞,省时省力。
  • 不再需要老是恶心周围的人。
  • 作者的小小心灵不会受到伤害。

话说回来,我似乎发现了什么?这难道不是替代 Downvote 的另一种更棒的方法?当发现某篇文章写得太烂,与其把 VP 浪费在 Downvote,还不如留个言点个赞,恶心作者的同时还有钱收,双赢啊!(请小心使用此伎俩)

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Pls ignore this comment. I just want to self vote.

Damn, I wouldn't have noticed if you never say.

Thanks for this info. As a newbie, every little bit helps in understanding how things are working.

Keep learning buddy.





@fr3eze, 这是小可可我在steemit最好的邂逅,好喜欢你的贴(^∀^)哇~~~ img

@fr3eze, 够专业!









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