Dapp.Review Lists Steem But...

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Dapps built on Steem blockchain has now been listed on Dapp.Review website. I'm quite pleased with this news. You can click on the link to view all the important dApps running on the Steem Blockchain.

There are around 49 dApps listed on their website. However, the number of users using these dApps isn't very high outside of the top 5 or top 10 if you want to consider a larger number of dApps.

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For example projects with large delegations of 2M SP such as Oracle-d show zero transactions. I'm not well versed with the specifics of this project or its scope, but it's kind of disappointing to see this. I'd reckon 2M SP should be enough to get project moving forward.

Also, I was expecting greater number of users on Steempeak.com and DSound. However, it's acceptable I guess in bear markets such as the one we're in.

It's also evident that mobile usage is high amongst users of Steem and Partiko ranks as the 3rd highest used dApp (first for mobile) on Steem followed by eSteem App.

It's also great to see Steempress doing well as well as Tasteem. Projects such as Steepshot which seems to have been abandoned by its developers are still in use.

Btw, it's also an easy guess that Steemit.com which has been in maintenance mode is still the number one dApp on Steem blockchain. While some projects such as Let's Eat, SteemSTEM have failed to gain significant traction in the duration they have been on the Steem blockchain.

I'm only going with the past 24 hr users and tx numbers displayed on Dapp.Review here. I'm sure all of them may have been projecting significantly higher numbers during the bull run, if they were already running at the time.

But all things considered, Steem blockchain isn't an easy sell as we initially thought it would be. Retaining users remains difficult as ever before.

There's definitely plenty of room for improvement here wouldn't you say so?

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Oracle-d is quite unique, its not a dapp link the rest, but its a dapp non the less.

Tasks are given and then done in order to bring more value into steem.

Its not something that people use on a daily, but rather something people use for short bursts, that bring massive value and investors into steem.

They are the ones who brough $200k worth of steem into steemit last year.

Run by starkerz and anacotech

Join the server and see the amazing works being done

Ah yes! I remember now. Thank you for refreshing my memory on the same. However, It would be great to see better metrics on the same on a website that is supposed to show these things for dapps on blockchains.

There is a lot of room for growth and improvement but if you look at the numbers compared to tron and eos we are actually doing very well. About 44% of steem wallet holders also use one of the apps compared to less than 10% of eos wallets and 4% of tron wallets. So almost half of steem wallet holders are active on an app. Also eos has about 1000 apps compared to our 60 and yet we are above them in a lot of catagories.

Plenty of room for growth but a lot of positive signs too.

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad to see that listing! But on the user amount topic...It’s all going to take time. If the sign up methods were easier and if you had the ability to customize your password, I believe you would get more adoption. When the majority of people out there do NOT even know how to properly power cycle a device, or find a folder on their desktop, learning about complicated password and private posting keys and yada yada is going to turn them away in a second. I work tech support and deal with the average user on a daily basis and will tell you, pure ignorance is what is holding society back. Now I know that we all want to keep the stupidity of other networks away, but we are running out of people that understand it already! Education and ease of use are key! Just saying... I am really thinking about polishing the rust off my old coding skills because I see so many things that can improve on a UI level, which was and still is my specialty. Anyway, there is my 2 satoshis on that subject.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The big drawback of this environment is not user friendly for the new people. Also, to have sucess in the beginning you need to depends on communities.

Posted using Partiko Android

From what I can see, this is the crux. New accounts are having to struggle, but that is a reality in other realms too. People hardly ever start a business, or anything, with great success. The problem is that the average new user probably doesn't want to start a business. It is an interesting problem.

Thanks for sharing update Steem listed dapp.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oo wow.. that's a great piece of app listing in single post ☺️
I myself haven't used most of the applications. Will put them into use and explore them. Thanks for the link sir

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow great review!

I do my best to use a few steemp dapps everyday. My favorites are steemmonster esteem partiko busy and steempeak while trying to be more active on steemhunt and actifit.

Whats your favorite steem dapps?

In the past it was Steepshot and besides Steemit.com (most used, not the favourite) Partiko, Esteem, Steempeak, Dtube are at the top of my current list where I either create or consume content on the Steem blockchain. I haven't gotten around to using SteemMonsters yet. I really must!

The recent debacle with Steem Inc and Ned is not going to help with onboarding.

I also recently found the DAPP page. It's interesting to see what is out there.

I agree. There is a lot of room for improvement. However, we should be happy to see STEEM listed on Dapp.Review. It's pretty good news for us.

Ofcourse. It's a good news for sure. :)

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