⏺Three personal deaths in the last 24 hours.. My thoughts!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

My question is.. Are you taking advantage of every situation? Or are you 'just there'?

What's stopping you from being the best person you could be? What's holding you back? My little brother's friend from school just died in a car-crash with his little sister a few hours ago. Just yesterday, my friends' brother had passed away too.. It is a very sad moment.

This really makes you realize how short life can be.. So we should really be grateful to still have the ability of being able to breath right now! Are you giving your life everything you've got right now? If your answer isn't 'YES!', then you need to start.

Just think for a second what's really stopping you from doing the things you would like to do. When you start thinking about it, you will probably realize that the issue is not as dramatic as life itself.. With that being said, just go for your dreams. Leave no stone un-turned. Leave a mark here on earth before you leave! What else do you have to lose?


"You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime"
Lose Yourself - By Eminem

Without sounding selfish about things, we need 5000+ views on these posts soon so that more people can see these words. I believe the thoughts in my head can change the lives of many, and I plan to do so! I am not too concerned about the money. I want a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Let's make this happen. This is a new goal for this blog. Let's do it.
Resteems are appreciated!

I want you guys to tell me what is on your mind right now in the comments section. Talk about what it is you would like to achieve. Tell me something on your bucket-list you would like to do, but haven't gotten to yet. Tell me what's holding you back. Let's engage and promote a helping-hand-environment here. I'm keen!!!

Enough said. Guys, we need to stop limiting ourselves to the environment around us, and just start living. Let's help assist each other! No ones' life is perfect in 'black and white', so we can all improve! I look forward to talking to every one of you soon.


More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, it would be awesome of you to resteem this, and share it with others!

I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!

Today is my 34th day on Steemit. Let's go!

My previous motivational post:
Are you avoiding opportunity without knowing it?

My previous image-gallery post:
📽Anime gallery: Berserk (Part 2)

My previous milestone:
🖊 My first 30 days on Steemit! Over 3000+ posts!

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.4K+ Followers.

DAY 34.png


That's really sad. You are right, life can be over in a second and people should be more thankful if they are healthy.

I just want to encourage you and tell you it is great that you are honoring your little brother's friend and sister and your friends' brother.

Very true brother! Thank you for that encouragement. I can't see how death around a person cannot influence them, even if it's a little. I felt it's only right to at least commend those people and send my condolences. I am not the best person to talk about people passing away. I see it as a way of life, and it happens all the time.. But I will admit, even with that mentality it is still very sad. My brother's friend was only 11 years old with his younger sister. Very sad. But what can we do hey?

Nice seeing you here again brother! Talk again soon.

if you believe in steem as I do, we will still be talking here in 5 years :D

Definitely! I don't know what the future holds, of course, but at this rate, I cannot see myself slowing down!

So sad, especially when young kids die. I can't even begin to imagine how this is for the parents. Losing not one but two children...it had me speechless for a while and then I think of how lucky I am having four healthy kids. But you're right, life is way too short to sit around and wait for life to pass us by. Every funeral I've been to I always hear people say how long they haven't seen each other and that they shouldn't wait until the next funeral to meet again. But hardly anyone does. Death seems to only confront people for a short time and then it's back to their old selves and their old lives. I've always wanted more from life. Not (only) financially, but mainly 'do' things. That's why I started home schooling my kids, so I'd have more time with them and we could go wherever we want whenever we want without having to worry about missing school days. I love your posts, you have a new fan.

What's even worse, is that the parents didn't know.. They were in such a shock from the accident, if the doctors told them their kids had just died, they worried that they might have died too. Very, very sad.

That's a fantastic approach with your kids! I have the same vision for the way I am going to raise them. I cannot stand the traditional rules. I think letting them explore themselves is a must!

Thanks for your engagement :) Yay a new fan :D Talk soon my friend!

Oh wow, I'm so sorry for the parents. That is just devastating. The loss of a child is something no parent should have to go through, and they lost two. So so sad. It has me in tears.

I agree - I think we tend to sometimes just get too comfortable in just surviving and not living - resteeming

Completely. Yes! We just need to live.

Thank you for the resteem! Talk soon :)

Well, you approach towards life is commendable. Life is unfair and uncertain for sure, but it;s still worthy of living. We can't predict our next moment but we surely can enjoy our present. I don't exactly plan for my far future. I just do my work, I smile a little, help those who needs help, write something to inspire people everyday, help my peers, come back home and spend some time with my parents. This is my life and I make it better each day by living in the present.
Thanks a lot brother for sharing this article. More and more should know about it :)

Thank you for that brother. I am glad you like that approach. We just need to just live and stop worrying so much.. It's not worth it to stress over things all the time. Sometimes we blow situations up, out of proportion, without thinking it's not necessary. We never know when it's the last time we get to see that person.

Thanks for that once again my bro! Talk soon.

This is really touching. I can't imagine what your brother is going through. My condolences to him. That's some wise words though. I love the Eminem quote. I swear you can motivate anyone about anything with some of his lyrics. 😄 But you're right, we need to live our lives to the fullest because anyone of us could die tomorrow. It's a scary thought. Thanks for the great post though. Keep these coming!

Thank you for that, Kayleigh :)

I appreciate that. I totally agree Eminem too :D Can motivate anything with those words.. Got me so hyped last night too at that party haha! We just need to live!

Talk soon my friend!

Amazing post and really emotional. So sad about ur brothers friend, no one knows when our time is out and we can't be prepared no matter how much we want to.
That's why we should live life to the fullest.

If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture
Or just let it slip?
Love this line it says so much.
Thank you for this post my friend ❤️
Upvoted and Resteemed

Sara, you are awesome my friend! You didn't have to send that boost :P But thank you so much!! Very kind :) We kinda sent the randowhale in at the same time lol..

It was a very sad moment. I don't handle death very well, I am very blunt about it.. But seeing my brother today so sad was a little heart-breaking to be honest. Really gave me a reality check.. But it's so sad. The kid was only 11 years old, and his little sister. Ironically my song on my phone just changed from Eminem to a sad Ed Sheeran song.. Hitting me hard now..

It's nice to see you so often my friend. Talk again in a bit.

You are welcome 😆my pleasure friend.
Wow then there was two minds and one thought... Lol kinda like #DeathNote

We all handle greef in our own way. And loosing someone that young is really heart breaking and loosing so many in such a short period of time. My heart goes out to them and your brother.
I understand that it is hard to see your brother so sad.
When I was younger I lost my best friend to cancer she was only 13 and it changed me.
But you find ways to cope with it and you find reasons to go on even in hard times.
Music is a good way to heal and the amazing thing is that you can find words in lyrics that speaks right to your heart.
I know you are blunt right now and I just want you to know I am here for you.
Talk soon my dear friend

Check this picture out and let me know what you think... Lol

OMG Death Note :D Have I created a new addict here? :P

Yes a death monster 😁

This is the cutest :D Thanks my friend! Too awesome.

You are welcome 😊

Sorry to hear about all the loss you have experienced. I myself have experienced much loss in my lifetime. I have learned that through all the loved ones I have lost, comes a strong desire to help others learn to cope and accept loss. I also owe it to the ones I love, that I have lost, to live my life in a way that would make them proud. It is a way I honor their death by trying to be the best person I can be by loving more, laughing louder, and just be happier and try to bring happiness to others.

That's a really great way of looking at it. Truly!

Thanks for this great comment. Yeah, I suppose death is a part of life.. It's very sad, but we can't do anything about it. I think the best way to cope is just to play kindness forward. Awesome!

Thanks again. Talk soon.

We as people have a tendency to live in tomorrow or yesterday and forget all we have is now, and put up with crap in the now hoping for something different tomorrow. Tomorrow doesn't come for everyone, which you've just witnessed first hand.

So very true. It's very contradicting for people focused on their goals.. But I think we need to just find balance between working towards a great future, but also seeing the abundance around us right now.

Thanks for your awesome comment. Great to see you here again brother! I wasn't following you before, but I am now :) Talk again soon.

Balance is a key word. And it's sister to you mister! Hahaha ;)

Oh wow, I am getting so confused with gender today haha!

So true. Balance is so simple, but sometimes can be quite difficult to actually implement.. I think it's a result of over-thinking.

I just made my latest post. Enjoy! Talk soon.

It's all good, you had a 50% chance lol

Every sport that people do that takes balance in some way is practiced over and over until it becomes a part of you and you just do it. Riding a bike. And you never lose it. Seems like life would be the same way.

Definitely right! It's no coincidence that so many analogies work so well together.. Everything in life is linked in some way or another. That's why I favor personal-development, as it teaches you life philosophies that can create greatness in absolutely anything in life!

Look forward to talking to you on my other post. Let's blow that comments section up!

It's on my to do list, lol

I'm at work sneaking peaks on my phone and trying to get an idea for a post down and keep up with comments.

If you've ever thought of houseboating you might be interested in my latest post too.

Lady-boss! Grinding never stops :D

I have honestly never considered it lol! But I will of course support those who support my work! Have to play things forward always! :)

Talk soon.

The energy has been crazy lately. Keep your head up (: @enazwahsdarb

I hope that's a good kind of crazy :P

The thing which stops me from doing any thing rubbish is my faith! But sometimes the selfishness occupies that faith and light and darken the person. So he just needs to think about his actions and their consequences, this will prove as a guideline to him and bring improvement in his deeds!
Nice Post, Upvoted

We just need to stop thinking, and start doing more :)

Thanks for your comment my friend. Nice to see you are going through everything. I plan to play things forward too, just need to get to it! Talk soon.

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