The Steem Fork Begins: Meet Steemit Reloaded, New official name: CalibraesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)



I did it. I have forked Steem. You all kept provoking me to do it, well, before, it was just the sticks of the preminers trolling me. There was no carrot side to the motivation equation.

But then @benjojo finally got the issue in the faces of the pigs, and now I feel like I have to take the steps that I said were necessary, since, it was my idea, and nothing is worth anything if it doesn't involve a sacrifice. So, for your amusement, here it is:

Note, that apparently my account was blocked from doing this fork automatically via the github. I suppose they can probably try and complain to github that I am a bad person, well, it doesn't matter, because I have the new forked version, I can just move it to gitlab, or even, run gitlab on my own server. Which I was about to do for my own project anyway, so I got a lot of the homework already done.


Now I can make all the bugfixes I want! woo!

if I want

I have also forked, against their wishes, condenser.


I'd like to recommend to get yourself a better name. Mostly becausesteem is trademarked by Steemit Inc. and they made use of that trademark in the past.

Let me know when this grew into a bigger thing, I'd like to provide you with your very own python library.



Just to update, since you handily put your self vote on here,

The project name will be Calibrae

I have already secured the domain name

I know this is not the kind of shit one fluffs about with, when you sniff the blood in the water, the time to strike is 5 seconds ago.

As long as you are taking on heroic forking tasks, are you interested in helping us out with Bitcoin United (BTCX)?

The Third Bitcoin is the One to Watch

That makes a lot of sense. Since you are busy doing something really difficult, here's some more shit to distract you with?

Good luck with it, but I'm not even slightly interested in a PoW chain. That's so 10 years ago.

Not a PoW Chain - Hosting BTCX on the lightspeed BitShares DPOS network using the August 1 BCC snapshot. That's why we reached out to you - BitShares and Steemit are family.

The same graphene database backend? Sure, it doesn't have the error of the blobs but it's still c++. It's the difference between Windows kernel to Linux or MacOS... The debate rages whether BSD is better or worse than Linux but I tend to go with Linux. All the disadvantages are gone now. BSD was supposedly so great because you could live patch so much of it. Now you can in-place replace the whole linux kernel. Darwin is not so fancy anymore. Linux has eclipsed it.

Same goes for this graphene. Dgraph is faster and better, and Blazegraph etc will even kick thtat out of the park by using GPU. You wait until we have autosharded GPU based graph databases. holy fuck. instant turns into 5 minutes before you asked, it has the answer already.

@elfspice I'm reading and learning my way through each of your Calibrae threads and posts - Oh man what a adventurous saga you have here - I applaud your efforts! 👍

Thanks for sharing and caring - Cheers.

With jesta dropping a vote on you there, this is quite an encouraging thing for me to see... muted, but nonetheless support from a well respected Witness.

I need help to make this happen, there is no way I can do this alone in under 3 months, so this is an encouraging sign.

Being that I finally made the step to declare, and get started on the fork, I am feeling a lot better, and I don't care to make any further criticisms of the status quo in except to refer to the issues as being targets for change in the new platform. So I'm not doing the 'fud' anymore, because I have clearly driven the message home, and the nail has no more sticking out to hit without dinging the coffin.

I was warning that this would happen for a long time and 2 months ago during my detox process I went fully ballistic on the criticism, because I was already smelling the blood in the water. In the intervening time, the evidence that the problems I spoke of were growing terminal has become abundant. The chain size rose 50% in that time. I don't think I need to justify my position anymore.

I was right, and they were wrong to not listen.

That's his app bot as I am running his beta version.
Add my membership to Calibrae - oh, but I said that already hee-hee My wish is you exceed 600 members very quickly I'll share the links (wiki, chatroom, etc.) you provide in a post in hopes more will see and discuss this - wishing you success, cheers!

To add you to the git calibrae-project Calibrae team I need your github ID, or, I think you may be able to request membership here:

I just made the wiki first page for calibrd:

Jesta has made an app?
I use it.
I'll create GitHub account.

Oh, and I apologize for the post, I attempted to reach out to @jesta and others on the chainbb forum - but it looks to merely go to the steemit post like regular steemit posts - that was my first attempt at creating a new forum post - so I didn't know.
I haven't seen any other discussions about Calibrae, but I suspect that will change soon - YAY!

you know chainbb sends something like 15% to beneficiaries?

I personally find the interface confusing, and many important elements missing. Condenser is still the best, imo.

@elfspice no I didn't know, it has only been about a week - a lot I haven't exp. yet - I haven't heard about condenser perhaps I will give it a try, but the steemit platform is lacking so much (heck I give it barely a passing grade for blog basic needs) then there are the other issues, err controversial features that really are unpleasant imo and great potential for abuses. I saw that an discussed that prior to hearing about the pre-mining and backstories.

LOL - ha-ha I had mentioned that a blockchain social media competitor may address the steemit short-comings before steemit improves if they complacently think this is good enough. That was when I flirted with idea to exit steemit as a waste of my efforts and I blogged about it:
This Shows Us All Is Not Lost And Awareness Is Increasing Worldwide!

The supportive comments helped and I decided to observe this platform a while longer - but even as it pulls at me to come out of retirement with what feels like the rat race with a heavy workload or street hustle...

Well, we'll do our best to learn from other people's mistakes :)

I've got it all in place and you will be free to tinker and branch and make merge requests... we really need to focus on getting the backend right, but hey, you can always test changes to Condenser while pointing it at @gtg's public RPC node, branding, functionality, why not. At least until we have a testnet up and running.

I'm really curious how this project will develop!

I've not been following you for very long. Is there any way I can get a birds eye view of what your goals are aside from performance fixes?

is this for your div project or for a better-steem kind of project?

will you address things such as premining stakes and wealth-distribution, selfvoting etc?

This is just me doing, again, what too many people were too scared to do. Some crazy man has to do the dangerous things first, before everyone realises they are not dangerous.

I will do the necessary work to make sure that the chain does not crosstalk with steemit's blockchain, and keep everyone in the loop, I am syncing the old chain now, and once that's done, I am writing a script that will do the edits I plan, to remove the premine power, to snapshot everyone's account (including login, so they can just use the same login) with their balances as at the snapshot, and basically, once we get over 20 people willing to run witnesses on the new chain, we announce the date of the snapshot/unpremine procedure (I will make sure it 100% works before this), and on that date, the chain will be snapshotted, cleansed, reformed, and all the new witnesses will have this new block_log distributed via bittorrent, and then they can get it up and running, and off we go.

It should be all done by the end of the month. I am syncing the chain now, and once that's done, I will be converting the chain to JSON, and publishing that, and then start working on The Purge, which I suppose will be the name I use for the script that cleans the chain and compiles the account snapshot. That script will be open sourced and on the new repository, and well documented, so people can start a debate about exactly how the purge should operate, what date and time it should delete, and whether the deleted SP should be returned as an initial preload to the rewards pool (this might also make it easier to get running, since this should cover that first week as it fills up).

The full RPC witness nodes run with 32GB RAM and uses an SSD RAID array for swap according to @gtg. Is that the magic sauce you were after! ;)

Doesn't seem like a great idea to use SSD like that, but I don't know enough about the MTTF for drives these days - maybe it's not too bad. Also I read about 'NVM Express interface', which make this more reasonable, and since most of the access is reading and not writing, perhaps this is scalable to a greater degree than we thought, you can get 2TB SSD drives now.

Seemingly the reliability is a problem with this approach though, perhaps as the memory is expected to be faster than SSD speeds?

HAHA. SSD raid array? how many? what kind?

Yes, as I said, I have a samsung NVMe drive here. It was slow as shit as well.

I have been saying this right from the beginning: it seems like steemd only is happy in ram. I have a motherboard in one of my miners with two M.2 slots. if I swapped that for my current board and got a second Samsung 256gb...

but if you are following all this, do you realise how fucking expensive this is?

and how much of a LIAR @gtg is.

He said 3 drives and RAID 1, but not sure whether he mean just 2 for the RAID, or 3.

To be absolutely fair, I haven't seen evidence of him lying directly, but there does seem a tendency to obscure the details somewhat ;)

It's not cheap to get remote facilities like these is it? I won't be attempting it on a standard VPS any time soon!

It seems obvious to me that he's living in a university on in a country like this, where throughout the metro area you can get gigabit optical for cheap.

Yeah, maybe. I thought Bulgaria wasn't too bad, but maybe it varies a lot. What do you think the minimum practical bandwidth is? I can't seem to find that anywhere.

I'd guess somewhere around 20mbit.

The issue is mainly about latency, in fact. We know max latency is 3000ms. Min practical is 1500ms. Probably ideal is about 200ms. An easy way to determine this, is to go look at the seed-node list, and get an average ping of each one. The outer bound will tell you a lot about the latency relative to your location, as to the average, that will be the lower and upper bound.

this sounds absolutely awesome!

but won't it be a bitch to reprocess the chain deducting all the effects of all votes and everything after the premine SP has been purged?!

I don't understand enough about this stuff, so probably you won't have to bother and answer that.

just sayin, kudos, that's a bold plan!

lel, will you also develop a GUI for your new Blockchain?

hell no. I'm gonna do enough, to get people moved to this new thing, and then after that, it'll be up to the community that migrates across to do the rest.

By the way, it's quite fun poking around in the codez. I haven't done this kind of hacking for some time.

I always hated to use git at work. SVN ftw. But I am just a puny QA-Worker who can't really code (maybe a few lines JS). Have fun playing around with them Steem codez, if you ever need someone who is good at making software crash, give me a call :D

Just out of curiosity, how would I be able to access your version of Steemit?

If you have a github account, you just have clone, branch, whatever it is you want to do, and merge/pull request and I'll do whatever is appropriate. The github is up there as of now. You can join the discord chat here:

If stinc tries to get github to stomp on my repo, I will just run a new one at gitlab, in fact, I'll do the mirror right away, and if I encounter any other problems, I will run a gitlab myself.

so is this steemit alpha?! lol just not official. All previous posts will be there as well? Excuse my ignorance.. and it will also have official steem? Or is it a new brand of steem?

My plan is to migrate everyone, username and public key, and current balances, minus the premine, which will be added to the initial rewards pool and competed for.

All you will have to do is go to a new address and use the same app, everything will look the same except RELOADED slathered on hard.

So what is to stop a whale from depositing their own pre-mined steem into this forked steem?

haha! how are they gonna sell it?

Sure, if they got some out and didn't blaze it up on lambos or coke.

lol.. well I don't claim to know how whales spend their money. You seem 100% sure that steemit will crash? I'm sure @ned and @dan know your position. But what you suggest is that the steem token will be the same either way. You could easily calculate when this thing will come down.. also you probably would have been flagged or silenced if this were 100% true. So whats the deal.

I have been flagged pretty hard, if you go look.

I'm simply betting that nobody will be able to keep running the chain, as it stands, without drastic (and I mean by this, under 1 week) serious coding action. Even then, I doubt a stable solution can be rolled out that fast. Give it 2 months. By that time, there will have been days, if not weeks of no trading.

What do you think will happen then?

Looking forward to how this progresses. Any innovation, the way I see it, is a good thing, regardless of the reasons behind it. Resteeming for now.

Interesting to see where this will go 🤔

You are perfectly entitled to Fork steem it is developed with an MIT license and is Open Source. While MIT is geared more towards copyleft it is still pretty permissive alowing you to edit, copy or redistribute. Personaly I'd have preferd GPL license but at least it's not proprietary.

I wanted to change it all to Unlicence. So, to me, it's not as restrictive, or constrictive, as I'd like. I would like to make it fully CC0. Copy as you like, but keep attributions. I have no desire to not credit who coded what remains after I change the rest.

Ah, I'm not sure you can. I'm confident you have to inherit the original. MIT is not too bad though.

It sounds much like BSD, but maybe it enforces attribution. Attribution I am very much in favour. Restrictions beyond this are immoral in my view.

Nice work! I'ma be following this trail of events and your future development! Squash those pesky bugs!

Will it be like BitCoin Cash, where everyone with Steem will have both in the end?


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