This Shows Us All Is Not Lost And Awareness Is Increasing Worldwide!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #endthefed7 years ago (edited)

I have a small confession to make, since arriving here to #steemit I have seen some negative downers.
From whales abusing, or maybe it's best to call it ranting on minnows who simply wish for their important posts to be seen, to acts of censorship, and so many steemians who are only focused on making a steem dollar.

Then there was the all too frequent, naive and clueless mental condition that falsely believe officials and experts really speak the truth and know best for citizens.

So when I was considering throwing in the #steemit towel as a waste of my efforts, I began to notice the awareness messages from a few members resonating with my own. Like my small voice was echoing down the canyon to the valley, to meet a chorus from other voices from the surrounding hills.

Someone who has been with longer than me said:

Some are here for making a buck and telling the world about it - others are here because they have a passion to contribute valuable content and experiences with others so that they too may prosper.

And when the posts about making a buck with whales' upvotes and hundreds of followers resteeming was becoming overwhelming...

  • I began to see posts that shared awareness of the mass deception!

  • I began to see posts that discussed the money cartel attempting to implement blockchain (FINTECH) in their narrow self-interests from the same centralized authoritarian meme that exists in the current worldwide system of governance!

  • I began to get comments that a individual is looking at this now with a new perspective - one comment even said thanks after a debate opened his view to the evidence that contradicts the public, mass media staged and scripted official statements!

Sure, these posts had only a few cents or a few dollars for payouts.
Sure, these posts are a minority rather than commonly discussed.
So this may seem trite, or it may seem like a minor observation, but it has rekindled my enthusiasm to not throw in the towel here on #steemit .

If you haven't heard about banks and governments implementing blockchain tech then click on the steemit links and videos below.

Not because you will be rewarded with huge payouts, but
because these are IMPORTANT Posts.

It is not an accident, it is Policy. @ronmamita

Evidence of The Globalists' Plans

The Cashless Society, the New World Order and the Vatican Bank.

Alarm Bells Are Going Off Everywhere, The Message, This Economy Cannot Be Sustained - Episode 1331

AG: Silver and Food Have Healing Properties!

In Harms Way: Blindly Obedient & Blissfully Ignorant Citizens

If you find this information useful or of value then please share it with others.

Re-steemit forward. Re-steemit so others can see this too.

If you like this post, do not forget to upvote or follow me and resteem


This has been a subject close to my heart. I really am sickened by people only focused on monies, no matter the kind of monies. At first when I arrived here I was thrilled that this concept was really a thing and one could get recognized for depth of thought and creativity; soon after I started to notice a theme of "formula" type post and felt a bit disheartened about it all. Soon after I started to see great artist, and writers, thinkers, and sure, people talking about how to do well here but with a depth of integrity, the whole together we rise feel -- hope is restored for me as I am using my penny (lol) upvotes and curating ability to make this what I want and ignore the rest. When I come across those post that are in essence trying to work the steemit system, I roll my eyes and move on, unless it's someone I follow, then I unfollow and move on.

I have high hopes. . . and hopefully enough people see the chance we have here to make bigger changes across the great playing board that is life on a control grid.

And with my small ability I am sharing (resteeming) this RAD post of yours.
Keep the rock light on! :-)

@mamadini excellent observation and comment 👍
yes I was about to move on.
If steemit drops the ball some other programmer(s) will create a better platform without the whales' popularity follow me meme and the potential censorship abuse, and also include the user friendly features common to most social media platforms but for some reason are missing here with steemit.

@ronmamita, please let me know if something else great comes along as I will surely give it a try. I do so loathe cliques and am as put off by it here as you are.

@mamadini will do, and please share any you find with me - I am also with MINDS, but haven't logged on in months.

Shall do. :)
I am not very active over at MINDS but it seems to be picking up speed of late.

Nice comment. I can see how you feel through the comment. Content is important and hopefully we get some of this stuff weeded out eventually.

@revelationquotes, I am hoping so too. I left FB years ago and refuse to use twitter, so with this and MINDS I am feeling that there is hope.

This was a great post, resteemed! The only thing missing was

"And he did hear a sound rising over the snow.
It started in low… then it started to grow."

Looking forward to delving into some of the links that you provided.

Thanks @ectodoobie - ha-ha, not sure is that the Grinch Christmas story?

Yea, something about your wording made me think of that

@ectodoobie I haven't seen the animation - yet worldwide awareness is amplifying despite the censorship, ignorance, and refusal to accept contradictory evidence to teachings/indoctrination/propaganda/ and popular beliefs...
Echoing on the winds of change.

Awesome job man. I am glad that you didn't through in the towel. You are upvoted by me today.
I told you that when my percentage gets higher, I would up vote you. Its around 70% so thanks for waiting.
Thanks for the post

Thanks @revelationquotes the greatest hurdle is getting resteemed - of course a whale's upvote helps too ☂

I am a newbie, and I don't make a lot of money of this platform, but that was never my main intention for being here.

I have found a platform with creative people like me, and that is special to me. I believe in staying here for the long term, because the idea is too unique to die, that I could make money simply for posting my content, and that I may be able to find some people who would appreciate it is a wonderful idea to me!

@lymorgan be welcomed, wishing you a joyful and rewarding experience with steemit! 😃

Thank you and God Bless You!

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