JAHM tag from the HIVE Blockchain and ReggaeSteem Community Decision

in #steem4 years ago (edited)

Yup things are a bit hectic here on Steem and many have moved on to hive.
Here on ReggaeSteem @donald.porter has stepped down as the CTO though he will still be around. @crypticat has been MIA for some time ( cats love to do that don't they? Just disappear all of a sudden LOL). But I am grateful for what they have done and will probably continue to do for ReggaeSteem.

Oh, let us not forget Rona doing her thingy thing around the world. ( Why does it have to be a her>>> The name sounds like a woman:)

There was no JAHMIN post of the week as I always do it and I was feeling really out of it. Last week I only did the JAHMIN post and not the JAHMIN review, I shall give this a break as I have seen a decline in content and I also have new responsibilities in the physical ( everywhere I turn it is like I am being pushed into more responsibility)

What's new?

Now I am in talks with steem-engine team to find solutions that the community may want.

The first one being using #JAHM from the HIVE blockcahin. This should be available right now. So for those who don't want to use Steem interfaces to create their post, simply use JAHM on any HIVE interface to get your content on Reggaesteem.

Note: On ReggaeSteem, to interact with posts made from HIVE you need to be logged into SteemKeychain and HiveKeychain, but if you use your keys to log in the old fashion way, it will be fine. I just learnt that after the tag deployment.

I don't think many changes should be made right now regarding ReggaeSteem as things aren't clear. Frogive us as we will be moving at an IRIE pace.

The choice I want to give the community.

Now, we can also decide to make posts that are created using the ReggaeSteem.io interface not show up on Steem but on HIVE instead. So if you make a post using ReggaeSteem.io, it will not show up on STEEM anymore, only on HIVE. The option to post to both by default isn't available now but may be possible in the future.

So which do you prefer?

A: Leave it as is and make posts created on ReggaeSteem continue going to the Steem Blockchain?


B: Let posts created on ReggaeSteem be posted to the HIVE blockchain by default?

Let me know by typing A or B below ( though I already know what most will say, I want to make our little community more involved in decision making processes.

Have a blessed day and Stay safe.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded


I don't even know what to say... I'll be using both platforms for some time. I am not particularly fond of the leaders of any of the two armies.

I know how you feel. It may be best to leave it as is for now as I myself plan on using both. I heard a mining company wants to sue them for using the name HIVE.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Bless bredda ~

As for me, my head space regarding the happenings here as of late have seen clearer days... things for me have never been this cloudy here and i'm just happy to see people weathering the storm if i am being honest.

I've been missing here as you're well aware, and my priorities have shifted since the chain has been pretty wacky - health, work, and life never halt, even in light of COVID-19

I'm still pretty unclear on what's happening and it will take me some time to ease my way back into things, but with time I know I will be back stronger than ever.

I'll still be here no matter what happens and I look to help RS or whatever we end up calling it in the future as I come to find my presence again.

Thanks for always keeping it real, Dean


Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

I understand man, same here, everything is/ has gotten really cloudy and I myself am not clear on a lot but trying to pull it all together with all the happenings on chain and off.

The pace might be slow here but just taking it one day at a time, I too have a lot of responsibilities outside of this and I may be less active as of next week until I find the balance.

Keep IRIE man, Jamaican time never fails.

Stay blessed bro.

Right, the option might be available soon though.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Hello @dmilliz. As you may have noticed,a little distant from the tribe,yet always around. I've always felt comfortable in the tribe. But this whole fork thing has been a disaster. It's only a matter of time before this finds a balance. I have no idea how long it's going to take for some order to be restored. If it comes down to it and this power war stays on for a longer time.
A lot of people doing powerdown in steem. Many migrating totally to Hive, others will remain only in steem, others, in my case, will be in both, until a clearer future is seen.

A lot of work in the health area will come now... This is unfortunately getting out of hand in many countries, in others it is just beginning.

You have to take care of yourself. That is our duty.
Blessings to you, to your family, to everyone in this tribe.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Hey Jose, always genuine words from yah

yes I realized, and I fully understand. The fork really threw us a curve ball. The balance will take some time indeed. It is really confusing, not the time to onboard anyone or even promote anything IMO.

Yes, the virus is really serious I think it is just starting up here in Japan.

You have to take care of yourself. That is our duty.

You re so right and that I shall do.

Blessing, guidance and protection to you and yours.

hello friend I hope you are well I want reggaesteem this asset was a great support for many Venezuelans God provide a light at the end of the road soon every test is an opportunity for growth
good vibes greetings to all pretty friends fortress ..

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Thank you Mariluna, it is tough times but yes, a lot to learn and grow from. Really appreciate your uplifting words.

Wow, perfect song to lift my spirit. XOXOX HUGS Take care of your daughter and blessings to the rest of the family. Thank You.

Well, despite this time of uncertainty the show must go on until the last man standing or until unity and respect is conspicuously our reality. Here is The Honorable Robert Nesta Marley with a tune for this time and us here at reggaesteem..

Crypto is a revolution and soon we will find out who is the real revolutionary. It is tough right now and it is going to get tougher. However we will have to draw an our strength and tough it out. Martin Luther King said (I might not get there but I can see the promise land)...............

Government is now talking about taking over hotels to prepare for the expected increase in COVID19 patients. More lockdown and closing of businesses. What a bada raation!

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Yeah man, we gotta keep it going until the blocks fall off lol. Right now the US government launching their digital currency, the virus gonna rush and usher in a lot of things.

Wow, turning hotels into hospitals, I was hearing about this in other countries. I really hope it doesn't get that bad.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Everything is a hot mess right now, and I'm keeping my energy split between the two platforms until the dust settles. The way I see it, both platforms let ReggaeSteem and other Tribes/SCOT token creators down in the hardfork. In this time I wish ReggaeSteem was a one-away blockchain. Blessings! Be safe in JA, inflation is already 100% here in Suriname.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Yeah, having our own chain is the ultimate. But plunging in to multiple would be best for users. Yeah they really left us in a position but I guess it was for the greater good of the wider community. With all of the outages in steem it might be good to switch to HIVE.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Well , I man prefer to use one stone kill two birds but in the absence of that option , I go where reggaesteem goes.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Alright bredda, I heard that.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

HIVE looks to be the stable chain as we speak.
Most reggae fans would prefer the option to pick.
I am with Hive even though it is just not even a week yet
For the name a Caribbean slang mix with reggae will fit well.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Yeah HIVE is functioning right, Steem is slipping. Yup I would love to support both, I really not into taking sides. But to choose 1 it would have to be HIVE. Will take some time with a name change, don't want to rush with all the potholes so far an irie pace seems best.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

B: Let posts created on ReggaeSteem be posted to the HIVE blockchain by default?

I pick this.

If at all there will be a rebranding, ReggaeHive doesnt sound bad at all....a hive of reggae enthusiasts

Yeah that is what I think most people would want. I myself would want both if it were an option now.

Yeah ReggaeHive does sound good , but I think it is best to stay away from the blockchain affiliated names.
Maybe something to do with the Caribbean like CariJAHM or Caribbuzz. Still gpotta think on that one.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

I like reggaehive it roll off the tongue, CariJAHM or Caribbuzz not sure and I agree re connected to a tribe... I would like to find a name with reggae that roll of the tongue like reggaehive..

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Yeah, ReggaeHive doesn't sound bad at all. ReggaeHive.io and even if they change their name again a hive is a hive. But I would prefer something with a Caribbean feel.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

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