New Steem: So Now That Curation is More Lucrative, Who's Creating CONTENT?

in #steem5 years ago

I admit that I am sometimes a little slow in the uptake... so bear with me, please.

Still trying to figure out the aftermath of HF.21 and this whole thing called #NewSteem.

I do dig the idea that there are better rewards for discovering and curating content... I think that's something that has been needed around here for a while: In short, Steemlandia was in need of more content consumers.

So that's a pretty good thing... right?

Of course, then the rewards distribution also changed... and I keep running into these statements to the effect of "if your post is below 20 Steem, your reward will be lower," which sounds like a genteel and politically correct way of saying that the 98% of content creators (or more?) are actually worse off than they were before.

Daisy in the afternoon sun

I don't really CARE, but...

...I'm pretty sure some other people will. I'm just a blogger, so I plan to keep on blogging.

Still, this new distribution sounds mostly like a form of what we used to call "Marketing Window Dressing," back when I was in that biz. To the innocent bystander who swings by one of the Steem front ends and looks at what posts are earning, it will look very attractive, while the truth of their likely fate if they do join the community... is a lot sadder.

It's almost like a "loss leader" at the supermarket: They offer you $3.99/lb ribeye steaks to get people to come IN the market... where everything else is overpriced.

I'm not disagreeing with the premise that we need new people to join the community so we can have some membership growth... just concerned that it will end up playing like "false advertising."

Leaf and spider web

But Back to Creating Content...

The question still lingers, for me...

If you have some klout (aka SteemPower) and it's more attractive to curate than to post... and you're unlikely to be rewarded very much unless your posts are gonna make 20+ Steem... exactly who is going to be creating this content actually needed to get those better curation rewards from?

And if you come here as a newbie... no matter how talented a content creator you may be, isn't it now just going to be that much harder to work your way past that 20-Steem boundary?

Feels a bit like a chicken vs. egg thing... but maybe I'm missing something?

Yeah, I know... lots of questions, few answers.

The view from here...

Tribal Creative Shuffling

Currently, my answer is that I am still more interested in the potential of the Steem-Engine based tribes than in Steem Prime. It's interesting to watch, at least... I'm guessing more than a few of them will self-destruct, in pursuit of a few more cents. But a handful — with appropriate moderation and oversight — might end up doing pretty well.

Many seem pretty ill-conceived. A few already are showing themselves to be "too small" to sustain activity. Let's face it, if you have a group that announces a team of 10-12 people... and not a single one of them has posted anything of consequence in a week, that does not bode well.

Of course, the world is full of people who will come running at the slightest suggestion that the word "TOKENS!" hangs in the air.

Reminds me of nothing so much as throwing a handful of small change (coins) into the air on a crowded pedestrian street and then watching seemingly rational and sane adults scramble like crazy and fight with each other... just to collect less money than they make in one minute at their places of work!

Hope everyone is having a great day!

(Another #creativecoin creative non-fiction post)

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for this platform.)
Created at 190830 17:42 PDT



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Long ago I indirectly made $12.5k for a Steemit post, but sadly I think the platform has been trashed - I'm still watching it but this looks bad now...

I hear you... and there are a few stories like that around. I remember a couple of weeks following one particular hardfork in 2017 (I think?) every post I had made at least $50... and several made $200-250+ in the end, about $5K in 20 days... but you've been here a long time, too... so we've seen both sides of that coin.

Those sound like fun times.

But steem was worth 6dollars then (and bitcoin 20grand). It isn't to do with the hardforks it is to do with the market. I bet you are earning more now in STEEM than you were last year, it is just that STEEM is (currently) worth a lot less

Bitcoin peaked at $19k for a week and didn't go over $20k - I had a bet that it wouldn't go over $20k and was very glad I sold mine for $17k.

This is what I had earned on Steemit average per post seven months ago (It's a lot less now):

2016 - $19.35 with no bots

2017 - $10.01 with no bots

2018 - $12.57 with about 1/3 of my posts using bots

2019 - $3.19 all with bots and dropping like a stone

Yes, we are bloggers and we do it for the readers, not the money. Still, it irks me that folks who are far richer than I am are now making more money on my work than they were before, and I am making less. That really bugs me.
I have never had a post make $20. I am delighted when they make $2. Now my $2 is $1, I have to share more of that with my benefactors, and my upvote is worth next to nothing unless I stop upvoting people just like me, which also really bugs me.

Thanks for discussing this with such a positive attitude. I'm having some difficulty doing that.

I hear you... and I understand the frustration, too.

I've been here at a time when Steem was only worth $0.07, and I have been here at a time when I not only had back-to-back $100 posts, but went entire weeks with no post below $50. Sadly — regardless of whether this is the "unicorn" known as the blockchain, or not — the truth of good gigs like this is that they tend to become close to worthless, in time.

For me, the "promise" here always laid in the idea of "communities," which Steemit, Inc. first promised a couple of years back. The user created "tribes" created through Steem-Engine are actually approximating that... and I believe a few of them (created and maintained by long-time content creators) will end up doing well for those who are involved... especially the interest-specific ones like PhotoStreem and CreativeCoin.

Anyway, appreciate the comment, and you got yourself a new follower.

I've been a bit annoyed with those tribes too! Something new to learn and gamble on. I'm not a gambler and my learning curve on steem is very steep. I'll check out creative coin - people do mention that one to me a lot.
Pleased to make your acquaintance!

Yeah, I hear you about the learning curve... part of the entire Steem community's "growth issue" is related to the fact that it's "too hard to use." People expect a "log in with Facebook" interface and then they are done. Not this.

I like the CreativeCoin group because the founders/leadership team are rock sold and active community participants with long histories. AND they are into moderating content for spam, plagiarism and what have you. You have over 1000 tokens "just sitting there" in your Steem-Engine wallet, if I were you, I'd go "stake" (aka power up) those and collect a little extra from your upvotes on worthy creative posts. Adding 10-15c per post isn't much but it all adds up...

I can power up the tokens for steem? I was thinking of selling some of them to buy steem, and delegating any that an entity might want. But no one wanted them as delegations, except for weedcash and creativecoin.
I have little idea what I am talking about. I want to write, make enough money to be a somebody somebody knows, and give to my friends. I was just starting to be able to do that, then WHAMMO. This. blech.

The tribes will add to your income right away. If you go to steemworld you can collect all your rewards at the same time. Use the tags, get new readers, its nice. They you can trade the rewards (or stake them) and your income can be more like before the fork.

Ok thanks for the info. I'll try to be more mindful of using the tags. Is that all I have to do? Use the tags? Somehow I got a whole slew of these WITHOUT using the tags.

The ones you get without using the tags come from upvoting people who did use the tags. I am not sure why I get payment from tribes where I have 0 stake, but as soon as I get a token, I start collecting it.

I am still creating content! Here's a little secret, to those of us who make less than $0.25 cents per post (which is a whole lot of us) cutting it in half is really of no consequence, especially when the curation rewards are doubling.

If you are here "for the community" or to give your $$ a higher interest rate through blogging, or for other stuff than pulling out cash on a monthly basis, then the fork was a good thing.

I do like seeing that some people can really boost their income off of steem and it is really sad to see that they are earning less, but for those on the "get rich slow" and grow your steem power crowd, this has turned out to be a great change.

This "New Steem" is so old...

Posted using Partiko Android

Almost like Windows... it may be "Windows 10," but it's still just Windows...

Cool! It's always good to see some of the more prolific publishers keepin' on!

I mostly publish my Photography and Artwork which doesn’t do very well on Steem these days. Luckily I discovered Publish0X and I am earning a lot more there.

Always good as always. ;)

Posted using Partiko Android


If you have some klout (aka SteemPower) and it's more attractive to curate than to post... and you're unlikely to be rewarded very much unless your posts are gonna make 20+ Steem... exactly who is going to be creating this content actually needed to get those better curation rewards from?

This is exactly the question I've been asking - ever since HF21 began being punted.

And I'm one of your jury who is still unconvinced about the real value of tribes and tokens.


I'm not changing what I normally do .. and will, see how things work out.

Enjoy some !SHADE 3

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As someone who creates content and curates (and keeps an eye on how much I "earn") I have to say you can still earn a hell of a lot more from content creation than curation (and the tribes have created more ways to earn). I have to say if I want to earn from curation I would just go to trending page rather than upvoting other posts, but I don't (and that is not what most curators do). Curation isn't about making money (there are better ways).

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