Calculate your way into the Steemit ocean ... Steemit世界裡的加減乘除

in #steem8 years ago

This post is to share my observation here to all new comers who don't have time or have not such a profound brain to read the whitepaper. I will use the basic concepts that we learn from our childhood to illustrate some important concepts at Steemit. If you don't know about these arithmetic, call your elementary school teacher please!


All four basic operations - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division can be associated with some important Steemian concepts that you need to familiarize yourself so you can swim better in this fantastic ocean (without being devoured !? haha...)  here comes the fantastic four:

Addition 加法

  • Payouts: You get pay when you post and someone upvotes you, someone with enough SP. Adding their contribution together is your pay. Some said that  post payout is involved with multiplication as two whales voting for you is bigger than two posts voted by each of them.. true... but you will get to learn that minnows like us... Addition actually is a better fit of what you can get. 發帖有人點讚就有收入,把這些點讚者的貢獻相加就是你的收入。等你長大一點或是文章受歡迎了,請看乘法。
  • Followers: We all love to have followers... To accumulate your followers, you can only post to increase your exposure and get followers one by one, which is addition! 粉絲是大家都想要有的,沒有別的好辦法,一步一腳印,好好發帖增加可能的粉絲,這還是加法概念的。

Subtraction 減法

  • Downvote or Flagging: Well, for such a energetic place like Steemit, it is not easily to find concepts associated with negative conotations. Still, where there is people, there is room for penalty. Downvoting can be considered to be a kind of subtraction as you can see why upvote is addition. Be careful, you, as minnows, wouldn't want to use this and most important - avoid bad behaviors so you won't be flagged! 在這裡要找減法比較難,因為Steemit剛在發展總是比較正面,不過嘛,有人就有江湖,就得維持秩序,那downvote或是稱為flag就是一種管理方式。小魚兒們還是別嘗試,管理不干你事,避免行為脫軌被管理才是正辦!

Multiplication (the most important concept here!) 乘法,最重要的概念

  • High Payouts: as explained earlier, when you grow up to be a hotshot, you will get to know that your payout is now enjoying 'multiplication'! Congratulations! 等你文章進入3位數高收益了,那可能就是乘法了!恭喜,自己去研究公式吧!
  • SP: Steem Power is a sacred thing here. It represents your share in this open platform, your asset, your influence... almost everything important here. Do you know your SP grows at the speed of 0.6% EVERYDAY!? That's a weekly 4%, monthly 20%, yearly 200% rate! That is if you don't post and curate you will still get this much (for the 2nd year on, this rate might decrease). Use this property wise, and you can swim a long way here! SP是這裡最神聖的代表,代表你對這裡的股份、資產與影響力,幾乎就是所有一切。你知道即使你不發帖、不點讚,你的SP還是每天增值0.6%嗎?每周就4%,每月20%,每年超過200%!當然Steem價格可能會變化,但SP的高乘法特性是你一定要知道的!
  • Connections: well, this one is not solely for Steemit. But it is defintiely relevant here. If you make more friends here, it is easier for you to make more friends! 人脈在那兒都重要,而且具有乘法特性,人脈越廣越容易人脈更廣,饒舌吧!?在這裡也是一樣的!

Division 除法

  • Spirit of Sharing: Yeah, there are a lot of examples here that manifest the act of sharing is abundant here at Steemit. One of the most prominent example is the #RobinhoonWhale Project (check @robinhoodwhale for details and you might benefit too!). People gather together to create value and divide it among authors and shareholders. So nice! 除法可以說是分享的精神,在這裡有很多例子,其中最出名的就是 #RobinhoonWhale Project 請點 @robinhoodwhale 看看他們如何運作,cn區大神 @laonie 是重要成員。彼此相互幫助,一起創造價值,然後助人者(RHW)與受助者(作者)共享價值分成,這是除法精神的表現啊!

Anyone is welcome to have your say on this! Steem on!! 歡迎你提供其他的觀察!



Much appreciate your way of explaining the calculations required for new steemians.

@steempowerwhale 🐳
🌞 upvoting your lifetime dreams!

Awesome explanation @deanliu, I didn't know about SP growing at that speed and I definitely like robinhoodwhale.

it speeds up even faster if you post! :p

Nice article. Well written. Followed.

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I wrote a cute little story about a baby dolphin and all the posts he read on steemit last week and your post is in it!

have a look, I hope you like it


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