My best friend was in a rollover last night, and is possibly paralyzed. Please help.

in #steem8 years ago

My best friend logan was in a horrible accident last night, and their not sure if he's paralyzed or not. He's a single father of a toddler, and the kindest man I've ever known. God knows i wouldn't have made it to adulthood without him. He's always protected me from bullies in high school, and the guys at the bars I talked shit to when I was drunk. owe so much of my self confidence to him. When he came into my life it was the first time I ever had anyone who truly had my back, I was never very popular. I literally remember going home after the first time he shut down a kid that had been making fun of me, amazed that he was willing to interfere. I could go on for days about all the kind things he does on a daily basis, from stopping to help cars broken down on the side of the road(even when we're in a hurry) to taking care of his elderly neighbor. Words can express how heartbroken I am. Great full he's alive, but still devastated. If anyone out there has anything they could throw in his go fund me page, i would personally be indebted to you. He has no insurance, and a toddler to take care of. Toss him five bucks, it will return in karma tenfold. I love you guys thanks for reading.


He and his family are in my prayers. I had classmates in high school that were paralyzed from accidents and i didn't know what to say them being so young. He sounds to be a fighter and I'm sure he will do the best with what is put on the table. My prayer is that its a temporary paralysis.

Look I got my first flag. I'm pretty sure this isn't plagerized ha ha. I wonder why they did that.

I wondered that myself. I have no idea why someone would do that.

Thank you it means a lot. He's tough as nails, even if he is paralyzed he'll make the best out of it. Thats just how he is.

Im so sorry to hear about this. I love the support that I see on the go fund me page, and I hope that he's okay when he wakes up.

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