7 Days Later Finally Purchased Steem. I'll tell you how to buy Steem Fast!

in #steem7 years ago

#Steemit Rocks and I'm confident the currency will be strong enough one day to warrant several exchanges eagerly bidding to trade in steem. For right now if you are in need of buying steem and have read every steemit post and got frustrated when nothing seamed to work then this article is for you. If you find your self not having Bitcoin but have purchased almost any other currencies then what I'm about to tell you may save you weeks of frustration and hours trying to set up and make multiple exchanges etc.

If you are a complete noob to crypto currencies then this article can help you a ton! CryptoCurrencies are an awesome means of making digital purchases and real good purchases where accepted. There are tons of people that can explain crypto currencies aka block chain currency in great detail way better than me so here are a few links if you are that new to crypto.

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency
  2. https://steemit.com/steemit/@sykochica/what-is-cryptocurrency-and-why-it-s-not-scary-ambassador-toolkit-item-1
  3. https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@leopold/cryptocurrency-explained-the-ultimate-guide-to-understanding-cryptocurrency

Here is How after 7 days and nearly 24 hours, I Finally Bought Steem in like 5 minutes.

Like many people who have discovered steemit they often are not real familiar with all of the terminology of cryptocurrencies and so there is a long hill to climb but is super worth it. No matter what you do with crypto currencies you need to have a place to change your countries currency into one of the main crypto currencies and store this new digital currency you now have. This is called "The Wallet" I think.

Many websites or exchanges only deal in the digital currency and do not take paper money or credit cards to purchase this digital currency or cryptocurrency. That is what kept driving me crazy. So I finally read an article about coinbase (If you use this link we both get $1o free. Thanks in advance. https://goo.gl/JA8nir ) and used them to buy some litecoins. ) They sell bitcoins, ethereum and litecoin. They will take your USD and give you one of the three digital currencies. I'm sure there are other companies that do this also but this one was easy to set up and most appeared to think it was fairly secure for folks in the United States. They may offer services to other places also but IDKFS. ( I don't know for sure.)

Once I had turned my hard earned money into digital crypto money I thought,

"NWTFDID" ( Now What The Freak Do I Do. ) like most people.

I read tons of articles all over the web trying to just figure out how to buy steem for steem power. Part of the complication is actually external to steemit and steem. The other part is due to steemit and steem. Steemit and steem have their own terminology and learning curve, often when searching I just kept coming up with helpful articles that were outdated. But much of this information was useful also and helped me understand more about steem, steem power and spd. This is a whole different article and has been covered very well...

I did uncover that I could not just buy steem from steemit and trade my countries currency for it. I also discovered a lot of articles that talked about how easy it was to buy steem dollars if you had bitcoins. Several of these would work great if you have bitcoins and I tried them but remember I don't have bitcoins. Here is one if you have bitcoins already and kinda know what you are doing... by @timcliff https://steemit.com/steem/@timcliff/newbie-guide-how-to-buy-steem . If you don't have bitcoin and don't now what you are doing keep reading it will get easier and more detailed.

Here is exactly what I did once I bought some digital currency and had it in a wallet. I went to bittrex and traded my currency from coinbase to find out that I could not trade it for steem and lost some both ways on the transaction. Be extremely careful moving currencies from one place to another. It costs you money and you also could lose your money if you do not select the correct currency addresses. Check out the faq for sure at each website or exchange to be certain you know what you are doing before doing it.... Me losing money wasn't bittrex fault. It was my own. I didn't realize that they only traded bitcoin for steem. Many places you will find only trade bitcoin for other currencies. They have basically made bitcoin the standard currency to trade against in the crypto space kind of like the USD verses other countries currencies. It is just kinda stable and somewhat perceived as more predictable I think but I wouldn't agree with that. Plus there are more markets and laces that trade in bitcoin so they can move it faster than say litecoin or ethereum if something goes haywire I bet. Again I am an absolute idiot when it comes to this stuff but I want to help you buy some steem and I can do just that.

I Was So Stressed Out! stress-2379631_960_720.jpg

Next after I had my digitial currency I purchased at coinbase...((If you use this link we both get $1o free. Thanks in advance. https://goo.gl/JA8nir ). I read a ton of articles and got super confused and had already took a hit trading back and forth. Yikes I know! I decided that an article I read about Poloniex might be the way to go. Could I trade my currency for steem directly there then send my steem to my steemit wallet? This was going to be so easy. After setting up accounts and verifying I get this message for almost a day. "STEEM is currently under maintenance or experiencing wallet/network issues. Deposits and withdrawals will remain disabled until a solution is found, which may require an update from the STEEM team. Any updates must be tested and audited before enabling." Then I discover that it would be so easy to buy but they only trade bitcoin and ether for steem when it is working.

In another article I read about a website called Chingy or something like that. I could not remember the name to save my life or find the steemit post again. So I googled it. It was called Changelly (Using my link gets you steem. [https://changelly.com?ref_id=f507e63a31d0].) ( It is an affiliate link.) Here is a picture of their logo so you know you made it to the right place...
Now that I have spent weeks trying to figure it out and read hundreds of articles, lost money and a whole day trying to setup accounts and make trades I found it!

Changelly was reasonable on the rates of exchange and took less than 5 minutes to buy steem!

Using my link gets you steem. [https://changelly.com?ref_id=f507e63a31d0] because you can actually trade most digital currencies for steem baby! It was so easy and not daunting. I hesitated to go buy steem from Change because I has seen some people talk about the poor exchange rate. This wasn't the case for me and my litecoin. It was the smallest trade fee of any I had seen. They literally have a wizard that pops up and walks you right through the transaction. It was so easy....I GOT STEEM!

Now I have to go back and figure out how to turn that into steem power and stuff. I sincerely hope that Steemit can support Changelly enough to keep exchange fees low to help make it easier for people to invest into the platform. No matter where you bought your digital currency if you have a wallet address of one of the major crypto currency Changelly can help alot.

Step By Step Guide Of How I Bought Steem Super Fast Online!

You'll put your steemit user name in the form. Then need to navigate to your steemit profile, then next click wallet, then click permissions, then scroll down to memo. To the right of memo click show private key. Copy the private key and take it back and put it in the memo section at Changelly. You are almost done! This is not a joke. You seriously can buy steem in 5 min or less.. The next step it confirmation that everything is what you thought it was. Also you will need your wallet address of where your digital currency is stored. In my case it was coinbase. (see above if you want $10 bucks 1st paragraph.) Then click next and within 5 minutes all of the transactions was done and steemit was telling me I had received steem. Wow it was fast.!

I hope this post about buying steem fast will help you buy steem fast like it helped me buy steem.

The reason I didn't choose bitcoin is because it is just so freaking slow to trade or move or exchange. If you try to buy something you might as well pull up a seat, start a movie and pop some pop corn. Litecoin and the new seg is so fast. I only have an affiliate link because I used their service and it was super fast so it is worth it to share as it will help so many.

Credits: Stressed Pic used with permission here is the link...https://pixabay.com/en/stress-despair-burden-2379631/


This post got a 21.74 % upvote thanks to @binkley - Hail Eris !

Thank you kindly. If you are not using @discordia yet to help you grow you should. I need to find the one post that tells people how to do it and then share that with every thank you.

thanks for the info, this was extremely helpful for a newb like me, i'll check out those crypto links.

Thanks for joining Steemit. There is a lot of great information about how things work. Once you get to the point where you want to buy Steem this post will come in handy. I recommend you try steemit for a week or two and see kinda how things work. Steemit is a great community like Reddit and Twitter and Facebook but you get paid. Slow at first and then it starts taking off as you grow.

Thanks for this... Really helpful

My Litecoin went up enough today and steem went down that I get a bunch of free steem. Just purchased some more steem...Be here any minute...Use My Affiliate Link To Buy Steem Fast....https://changelly.com/exchange/BTC/ETH/1?ref_id=f507e63a31d0

I want to try buying some steem power. I am really new, have no clue about digital currency at all (and am afraid of it actually). I don't have access to much money, and use paypal when I am online. Can I just use that on changelly with USD and buy some steem power? Sorry, I feel so stupid trying to learn this stuff and feel that I have to take a step to actually be involved to learn. I am on Social security disability, and can't afford to waste anything. Thanks @binkley

I have just bought steem. You can see it in my wallet. It took about 24 hrs to figure it out for me. I'm a noob. It is a complicated process but once you do it a few times it will not be too hard to do....I have figured out a few things so far to watch out for. www.Bittrex.com is a well respected trading platform that trades Bitcoin for steem or SBD. Since they don't take debit cards or paypal to buy either you have to buy Bitcoin and then transfer it to Bittrex and then once their you can follow this guide https://steemit.com/bittrex/@cryptos/how-to-transfer-steem-from-bittrex-to-steemit-com

I will try my hardest to put together a complete step by step walk through but it will take some time as it is very complex.

But again once you do it once or twice you would feel comfortable doing it. Learning the terminology and finding the right websites is half of the battle. For ease of use I would suggest Coinbase for creating an account that accepts normal payments and is safe and secure. It is easy to use to buy bitcoin and they have a lot of help and faqs to get you started. The less transfers you have to make the better. So Buy Bitcoin on Coinbase. Read their how to send section https://support.coinbase.com/customer/en/portal/articles/971437-how-do-i-send-digital-currency-.

You have to make sure you click the plus sign for the currency you are wanting to deposit at bittrex...This is super important. The address for deposit is what you need at coinbase to transfer funds from coinbase to bittrex Read about bittrex bitcoin wallet and how to deposit bitcoin...https://support.bittrex.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000199631-How-do-I-deposit-coins-to-Bittrex-

Until buying steem is resolved I know it is going to be difficult for new people to buy steem or SBD.

I have written an article urge people to try and help come up with a solution. https://steemit.com/steemit/@binkley/the-death-of-steem-unless-something-is-done-fast
There is an update to steemit coming very soon. Let's hope this update helps with this.

Sorry, It looks like changelly isn't handling steem any more. I'm not even sure where to buy it at all as of right now. I will have to do some research to try and find a way to buy it. At changelly you could use your mastercard or visa at least to buy it which made it super easy butthe credit card processing fees were high so it was best to use coindesk to buy a block chain currency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Lightcoin and then use it to trade for steem at changelly.Since they don't trade it anymore and neither does pollinex. I'm lost and now find myself in your shoes. Ill try to find an easy solution for the both of us.

You are in the exact same position that I was in. As steem grows in popularity one day you will be able to do exactly as you described and that will be so easy. The people that created most of these block chain currencies are geniuses at computer programming but have almost zero idea how to market and sell to customer. They all should take a class in making things easy for users to do so that they get more users.

It took me a while to figure it out also. I was like you and asked a ton of people how to do it and always got vague answers. My mother is in your same shoes and recently my dad passed away. She is on an extremely fixed income and she is trying to figure it out also. Would a video help? I was thinking about making a video or maybe just a well written step by step guide with pictures?

I will try to help you. Let me put the step by step guide together for you. I'll come back here and share a link for you.

Changelly IS NOW SELLING STEEM AGAIN! Super Easy To Purchase Steem if you are new to exchanges and stuff. Good Luck!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64010.25
ETH 3401.16
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.62