The Death Of Steem Unless Something Is Done Fast.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I'm not typically a doom and gloom individual. I prefer to be positive and optimistic. Sometimes the reality of a dire situation requires, in order to correct the issue, for one to take off the rose colored glasses. No matter which search engine I use or search terms I use I never find any information about how to buy Steem. Sure I find outdated information. I even come across my own blog post from a month ago that is now obsolete because no exchange is actively selling steem. I should not say none there are and block trades but they don't sell it for fiat currency. For those that are complete noobs being able to take paypal, stripe, mastercard, or visa, and purchase steem is a must have feature. So many people are coming here and leaving because they can't figure out how to participate and buy steem, steem power or SBD. It takes steem or at least SBD to perform a lot of external functions. Some people complain about people being new but many would be whales if they could just figure out how to buy steem. The whole "people will create better content if they are part owners of the platform concept" is null and void if they can't actually put some skin into the game!


Buying steem must be simplified or #steem is done!

The whole crypto industry looks like a bunch of scam websites to an outsider. Not though it is clean and neat. Almost all of the ones that people suggest you use are black background and dark. They just look spooky and confusing to new folks. Many are so outdated from a design stand point that you feel sorry for them.


The websites that are often recommended have a front end that is terribly cumbersome even to a sophisticated user. Most crypto websites have very shady verbiage on faq pages or help sections. They are outdated crappy frontend designs that turn people off and most are not even mobile friendly. Smart devices now connect more to the internet than laptops or desktops combined. Furthermore most of the websites that were trading in steem have quit trading or do not offer any other way to buy steem than to transfer bitcoin to the platform and then trade the bitcoin for steem and then transfer the steem to your steemit wallet. This is just not a normal transaction process for most users of social media.

The market of viable users due to this is shrunk down so much that it will be almost impossible to have the growth needed in even 20 years to make steem worth what it could and should be worth in 6 months if this is solved. This one problem alone being solved in my opinion will put steem at or above $10 consistently. The amount of volume will stay fairly high day to day and more trading can take place in the internal markets as people learn more about the platform. The best thing about allowing members to buy steem internally even if managed by an external company is that users trust is so much higher here than with those shady websites that are always recommended. Do the math on this for a moment....1 Million Users with an average monthly purchase of $50 worth of steem? 600 Million A Year! If they can fix this steem is way undervalued. Here is a great question....Would you spend $100 million to make $600 million? Why are they not fixing this yesterday? It will not cost $100 million to fix the steem purchasing crises! (I'm not an expert and you should seek expert investing advice before investing in anything.)

Here is a great analogy that can help you understand how crazy the current process is to most people.

  • You get in your car and drive to the store....But instead of parking in your parking space you get a ticket and wait in line. Once your number is called you get a parking space and can exit your vehicle....You then get another ticket with a number and wait in a line to enter the store. Finally your number is called and you can enter the store....You get another ticket with a number on it so that you can get a shopping cart....Your number is called and you get a shopping cart...Some aisles you can't go down and get groceries unless you get a ticket and a number and wait in a long freaking line....Eventually you get to the check out counter where you get a ticket with a number on it....They call out your number and you get a chance to scan your items and pay....But before you can buy your groceries (steem) you must run a fu$%ing 10 mile obstacle course like a triathlete and if you don't or can't figure it out you don't get your groceries bitc#e$. ARE YOU STARTING TO SEE HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO MAKE IT EASY FOR PEOPLE TO BUY GROCERIES (STEEM).


Things I Love And Hate About Steemit has so many things that I absolutely love that I hate to see it die. The ease of fee free transfer internally is sweet. The ease of creating an account is daunting. Even the new phone system is so freaking frustrating you want to throw your laptop out the window high into the air and shoot it with a shot gun and just forget you ever even tried.! The people in the steemit community are some of the smartest people collectively in one place at any single point in time! This is why I think it is so frustrating to not have many of the issues resolved already. I get it #steemit is still in beta and it takes time to work out the bugs out.

Day after day I learn more new things from the social media side of the platform and get arguably frustrated by the crypto side of the platform. It isn't even about the complexity of the steemit jargon. It isn't the complexity of understanding the formulas that calculate so many different moving parts. It isn't even the complexity of the crypto terms steem, SBD, or Steem power. All of those things can be learned and easily explained and over time can make complete sense to anyone who desires to learn. This is normal to have a learning curve from one platform to another platform.

I think the frustrations for me arise from the fact that almost everything to do with steem is done externally. To be viable long term development should be focused on internal processes. There should be enough money to get this done just print some steem!.(hahaha)

What exactly am I talking about? Pretty much everything accept for the blogging platform and internal transfer is external to steemit. All of the chat services or direct messaging services are external. All of the groups or communities are external. It isn't that hard to create a forum or a chat messaging service this is fairly old school tech (most of it open source) and should be easily inserted into a users profile page. Many of the tools are external which is normal but by now many should be adopted into the platform also. I think for the betterment of the community many developers would gladly take steem as payment and work on projects that need to be completed.

If steem is dead why would they take steem for pay?

Because if the problems are resolved Facebook better watch out. Reddit will collapse in about 2 years and twitter needs to be taken out of the oven last year because it is done! The only social media website that will survive might be Facebook. I think almost every other social media company adapts or just sheds users to Steemit in amounts that Steemit probably can't currently handle. Even youtube is freaking out and trying to implement you tube red to lock users in and make as much money off users as possible before people find out about Steemit and realize that you deserve to get paid for content! I believe that steemit should focus on video hosting and knock out vine next year. Just integrate it into the existing platform. Don't have enough money to do it? Just print some steem and go buy it! Once you make it easier for people to buy the steem you will not have any trouble raising the capital needed for my project wish


Pictures credits compliments of though no attribution is required.

If you have a legit easy current way that you have recently like in the last 24 hrs used to buy steem that a noob could figure out please comment below and share your link to your vlog guide or post with step by step easy to follow instructions. If it takes you hours to put the post together then it is probably too difficult of a process for average users to follow. Thanks for sharing any ways.-


Here is the official guide that steemit suggest we use. It sounds so simple but is so outdated. These options are not even available anymore..It looks like at one point in time one could easily get steem but not anymore

It takes steem or at least SBD to perform a lot of external functions.

What functions are you talking about?

Some people complain about people being new but many would be whales if they could just figure out how to buy steem.

If they can't figure out how to buy Steem maybe they shouldn't be whales in the first place. It's not a complicated process.

I think the frustrations for me arise from the fact that almost everything to do with steem is done externally. To be viable long term development should be focused on internal processes.

You have to understand that what's important is the Steem blockchain. Steemit is only one of the interfaces with which you can use and interact with the blockchain. For Steem to thrive there SHOULD be as many interfaces as possible. The more the better.

Would you be willing to share an easy step by step guide to buy steem that any user would be able to replicate please. Thank you
How hard is it to create a link in a users profile so that they can have easy access to those needed interfaces? Ease of use is a critical component if we want to garner the support of the masses.

The many external functions/interfaces though discord isn't an interface but it is one of the external functions that often members of groups are required to send SBD or STEEM to be a part of. SteemVoter is another example. With the expansion of resteem bots and upvote bots here is an internal need for SBD. Streemian is an external interface I believe or maybe it is a function.

Either way wouldn't it be nice to just go to one place for all of your social media enjoyment and not have to leave and come back and leave and come back.

That is the decentralized nature of the blockchain. Anyone can build platforms and tools on it and anyone can decide if they want to use those tools or platforms.

Nobody has to use SteemVoter or Streemian. Or chainBB. Or Or Steemd. Or Steemdb. Or AutoSteem. Or Steemstats. It's your choice and your choice alone if you want to use other platforms that have been built on the Steem blockchain and that were/are developed by other developers that are not affiliated to Steemit INC.

Steemit INC. only develops

How hard is it to create a link in a users profile so that they can have easy access to those needed interfaces?

That's like asking Facebook to add to every user profile the ability for the users to access their YouTube accounts, or their PayPal accounts, or their reddit accounts, or their Tumblr accounts, ot their Wordpress blog, all from within their Facebook profile.

Would you be willing to share an easy step by step guide to buy steem that any user would be able to replicate please.

Sure. Go to and exchange some BTC, or ETH, or DASH or whatever other currency they offer to Steem. It usually takes just a few minutes until the account you choose receives the amount of Steem you exchanged.

Thanks for the response and for clearing some things up for us.

This post got a 9.00 % upvote thanks to @binkley - Hail Eris !

I agree, Steemit is great but dealing with cryptocurrency as a beginner can be a hassle. The good part about this is it filters out the trolls and most bots because it takes time and dedication to understand the benefits of decentralized apps and currencies. Thanks for sharing...peace!

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You make some very valid points in this post @binkley 🤔. To the average person the Crypto world does seem confusing. But to people who are early adopters & are willing to figure it out before the masses do, will go the spoils.. Crypto Tech is the future 😎 @crypto-expo

Your follower :), and i like your posts. i see you also vote up ? @ronaldmcatee

I'm installing python now and will solve many of these problems by the end of the year. I hope. This explains a lot.

I'm hopeful the new update will resolve some of these issues. Here is a solid blocktrades walk through. But I'm not sure it works as described as it is 9 months old....

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