
You could always post. Maybe you'd get downvotes, but the posts would still be there. With Justin Sun, there are plenty of posts that are simply not visible on are part of the crew who went around downvoting people like me and @bifilarcoil because of our opinions (and you still are with your shitty 15sp troll accounts). We were proven right of course, because we know this game inside out. We even tried to fucking help you, and then you all thought it would be a good idea to try and scam us...Remember that? Or have you got amnesia suddenly? Of course you have amnesia, because now I don't hear any of you screaming and shouting against your DICTATOR, because it all went to shit and that buffoon puppet of yours has been caught with his pants down (literally). Your game has been exposed as deep state propaganda to fuck over your own people. Aren't you pieces of shit even ashamed of yourselves? Of course not. You and your crew are deep state shills. Upper class fuckers who want to see starving people exterminated and then blame it on everyone else but yourselves.

You have openly called for other peoples posts to be downvoted/censored also based on your opinions. I thought you don't like Communists? Isn't that supposed to be what Communists do? You sure do act like a Communist yourself. You also seem to know the tactics they employ, like your reading it from some kind of a manual. Funny how fucking hypocritical actors like you are. You and your so-called "Venezuelan" friends. Where did they all go? Did the deep state Washington funding run out? Now you have lowered your standards to sucking up to whales for pennies...Ha! I've seen you doing it and it's pathetic lol.

I don't downvote anyone lol.

Good answer deceiver. All of your 'friends' and their scam alt accounts is not "you" go sell your bullshit story somewhere else. To another moron who you think you can fool.

Talking about deceivers, you wrote a stupid post complaining about
"Gendered search results". Of course you deliberately separated the two words from each other to manipulate the search results. Besides, I thought talking about SJW shit was only for Communists? I guess you are a Communist then :P

Your distorted results. #Communist #SJW

The real results.



I didn't know they're one word. I'm not a native english speaker. I thought it was "fire man" and "fire woman". Using an orthography mistake I made to call me Communist? Lmao.

Anyway, you've proven to be an incurable 2-neuron cretin.

I hate communists and would execute every one of them if I could, and you with them for your insult.

Anyway, you've proven to be an incurable 2-neuron cretin.

I hate communists and would execute every one of them if I could, and you with them for your insult.

Again, that's what you accuse Communists of doing, so it's funny that you decide to put that on the table. "execute" is an interesting word, and only proves what I said earlier. You would love to "exterminate" people. I can't decide if you're a Communist or a Nazi on second thought. Playing both sides is pretty cool too...can't lose that way.

Maybe you should actually bother to read someone's comment correctly, instead of trying to spin it conveniently to suit yourself, and then put words into the other person's mouth. The communist tag has nothing to do with your "orthography", but rather the fact that you felt the need to write an SJW gender based rant post.....I guess you don't understand irony LOL. Accuse others of the same tactics you employ.

So, where are the rest of your friends these days? Which one of them is your fearless leader? Still hiding in in big discord communities and milking the rewards? Or have they migrated to a different area to infiltrate and infest these days. Communist tactics again, correct? You are the one's who made those rules of what a Communist is and is not in your own posts, so now you have to live by those same rules. Or does that only apply when it suits you or the people you don't like? Of course you can just ignore everything conveniently, and go straight to the 2-neuron insult and the direct threat of executing me, because you have nothing else to say. You are out of your league, so maybe you should call the other tool, who worships his puppet master in public like hes a god.

I didn't write anything SJW. I'm not an SJW and dislike most things SJW. I'm also not a communist or a nazi and don't support either. Imagine supporting a totalitarian regime that espouses pseudo-science and tries to oppress dissent.

"friends", you say. Why do you and bifilarcoil say that I'm part of some group? I'm alone here on Steem.

And there you go with Communism again? What the hell man? I'm a right-wing libertarian, I don't support oppression, totalitarianism, censorship, SJW, communism, welfare states, taxes, ideological brigading or anything like that. And yes, if any communist tries to impose a regime of theft on me, I do support using violence against them because that's a clear cut casus belli.

So, all that terminology about infiltration, communism, doesn't make sense to me. You were hurt by someone, or a group, and you read my messages and you somehow thought that I'm part of them, or friends with them, or somehow support them. You don't know anything about me, don't know what I do, what I support, so all your message is like a child delirating since you haven't heard me rant against communism and against SJW brigading. I mean, look at this shit:

So, where are the rest of your friends these days? Which one of them is your fearless leader?

I have friends? I have a leader? How did I not find out? I don't even have a Discord account. I don't chat with anyone anywhere. I seriously have no idea what or who you're talking about. Who do you think I am? Who do you think I "hang out" with?

I think you think I'm someone else, and you're all insulting me and throwing 1000-word posts trying to blame me for stuff I didn't even know existed.

So yes, that's why I think you're a 2-neuron cretin, because everything you said about me is wrong. It's like you're describing someone else while yelling at me. Imagine someone stops you in the middle of the street and yells "YOU ARE THAT OLD GRANDMA WHO KICKED MY PUPPY 67 YEARS AGO!", and you're like "I haven't even lived that long!".

So, to sum up: I'm not a communist, SJW, haven't supported any party or political movement on Steem. I'm not part of any group, I don't even talk with Steemians at all. If you think I have done something against you, you're with 99.99% likelihood thinking I'm someone else. Reread your messages, calm down and understand that you're describing someone else.

P.S. I support violence against communism because they support violence against me. Anyone who wants to steal from a people must be prepared for war.


the point was that i could NOT post before Sun.

A platform like this should never intervene with users.

'the internet' does not block anything it is just a network. and thats how a monetary system should work as well

but with bullshit like downvoting that all destroyed

and this makes it evil / corrupted / tyranny .. something in that area.

You could post... you'd get downvoted but the post would still be there.

you are talking in circles out of your ass?


"i can't say anything so i'll just try to tell a bad joke and see if i win the argument"

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

I still have 4000+ SP on Steem. I also have followers who curate me and give me big votes every once in a while (on both chains). Therefore, I will keep posting to both chains in hope to keep earning as much as I can. Not doing so would be to waste potential earnings.

Big Thx for your reply. I think i will stick around on both chains for time being.

I also figured that you may find this post interesting and worth your time:

It's post published by good friend of mine and I'm helping him to promote their curation trail.

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