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RE: I claimed a few accounts today: Is this something that everyone who can, should be doing?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

The claimed account has no name, it is given a name on creation. So really, a claimed account is just a token you hold - the blockchain keeps count of these which can be used to call the 'create_me_an_account_using_a_claim_I_hold' function in future.


So the more accounts one claimed the more one can create freely for the sake of others? Great piece of sharing buddy.

Yeah pretty much. I don't think you can gift a claimed account, but when it is created you can hand the keys over. Maybe a tool will arrive the make this process easier. Thanks :)

You can gift the account. You get them to create their keys on their side, and only send you the public keys when you're doing the actual create_account transaction.

As Im in a position to claim, I may as well I suppose. Im still confused at what benefit this holds over a new user simply creating a new account though. If I handed the reigns of a 'claimed' account to someone, does it come with extra bells and whistles?

I don't think you can hand over a claim. In future, there should be tools to create from the claim and hand over the account that way - via a dapps or something.

The account will require Resource Credits for 'fuel' as it will start with 0 I think.

I will duly claim one later today. My RC's are always at 100% it seems. If you think it's worth doing then why not.

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