The lethal ticks attack!

In the last round, the city erupted in explosions and gunfire, and several teams perished. The surviving teams were able to flee the city before getting shot to death, but their vehicle eventually ran out of gas. Thankfully, they were able to locate some useful items in the vehicle before they fled on foot.

As they continued to work their way southward, they cut into the woods to avoid being seen on the road. Soon, they found themselves covered in GMO ticks full of a deadly engineered virus. The virus, called LIMEZ II, only takes a few minutes to enter the body once the tick attaches itself and can kill the infected person within a day.

Now crawling in ticks, the teams had to choose how to respond. The choices had to be made quickly, and here is what the teams decided.


OPTION 1 - Completely freak out and shoot the ticks on your team mate and yourself.

I'm guessing it was hard for the teams not to choose this option, but everyone resisted pulling out their new pistol and firing the four rounds into themselves and their partners. Good call guys, that was a close one!

OPTION 2 - Squeeze the ticks hard to get a good grip and then rip them out of your skin.

Though it is important to get the ticks out of your skin, squeezing them was a great way to get the virus into your skin. Unfortunately a few teams did choose this option, and a few were even STEEM-Pocalypse veterans from Season 1. The ticks were all removed, but the squeezing forced the virus that they were carrying into the team members, and they all died horrible deaths. "Participant" Ribbons and consolation STEEM will be awarded at the end of this season.

OPTION 3 - Burn the ticks to death with your lighter and then remove them from your skin.

None of the teams chose this option either. Attempting to burn the ticks while they were still in their skin would have caused the ticks to react and expel their juices. This options would have proven deadly, but the survivors knew better than to attempt that.

OPTION 4 - Using a sharp fingernail, scrape the tick's head out of your skin.

This was the safe option. When removing ticks it is best to quickly and precisely remove the tick by scraping the head out. The less you agitate the tick, the better, even if you are just dealing with regular Lyme's Disease. The teams who chose this option are the only ones still alive.


As they teams continue down the road, they realize that it may be wise to try to eat something. However, food options are limited here. Multiple teams must successfully eat today, while some other teams may want to wait. We have seen waiting prove itself to be fatal before, though, so any decision could be dangerous.

While contemplating this and feeling the burning hunger, the teams see two plants up ahead. For those who desire to try to eat something, these are the options.





Within the next 24 hours please reply with your choice. You have three options.


The current prize pool is 175 STEEM.

Also, for those wondering if the teams that did not survive will still get payouts, the answer is yes, but I will be waiting until the end of the season.

If anyone is interested in playing a different game on steemit rigt now, please check out the STEEMITQUEST Role Playing Game which will be run by @swolesome. It should be an interesting adventure for teams of 2 - 7 players. Plus, there is a 100 STEEM Prize!

Until next time…

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Team Barz will pick option 2

@bilbop it's back into the ether for us,
Tick virus in us like a magic schoolbus.
It would seem scrapin beats squeezing,
Wish we had an option for some tweezing.
Season 3 is going to be coming up soon,
Sell some rebirths fore steem hits the moon.

With decisions like that your team was slackin'
But in Season 3 I'll be glad to have you two back in

What happened, unsure, maybe the potion,
Not a good choice to use it as lotion
The ether's not bad, let's be creative,
First to the cave and back with the natives,
They're real fun and always party 'til late,
The distant drums are calling, best not to wait,

the kiwis will go for option 2, the younger member is still finding out what it feel like to be OLD, but hopes to do an update before he has a 'nana nap'.

the kiwis survived the tick attack!
see how they did it here

Sorry this was a bit late coming. You can see why it's late here

The Startled Wombats have decided it's a good idea to try and eat before we need to. We're going to snack on Option 2 and pretend it's one of those overpriced salads from the hipster cafe down the road.

OPTION 2 - Squeeze the ticks hard to get a good grip and then rip them out of your skin.

Though it is important to get the ticks out of your skin, squeezing them was a great way to get the virus into your skin. Unfortunately a few teams did choose this option, and a few were even STEEM-Pocalypse veterans from Season 1. The ticks were all removed, but the squeezing forced the virus that they were carrying into the team members, and they all died horrible deaths. "Participant" Ribbons and consolation STEEM will be awarded at the end of this season.

RIP @clayboyn & @bilbop

This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 4 (gameplay)

RIP @fishjojo1 & @ikilledcobain

This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 4 (gameplay)

RIP @natator88 & @whatageek

This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 4 (gameplay)

hai... I used a tweezers to remove them, why not? Idk why using your fingernail was a good choice, wouldn't you dig the head in even more?
completely clueless

Option 2 included squeezing them hardwhich was not a good idea. Does that make sense?

Squeezing their body squeezes out things from inside their body into yours.

oh yeah.. how DUMB of me :DD
good luck to those teams who are surviving!!!

@steemerstan I think #2 is the way to go. Thoughts?

Neither of those plants appeals to me. Since we can, I would be inclined not to eat at all now. But if you are sure one is safe, I will go with your judgement. I just looked again at the plants and noticed some piping over the water in #2. Is that bad? Could it be sewage? My thought is even more toward #3 now.

That does seem like the safest option.

That's what we will do. Gormets choose option #3 ...

Team Szumni won't eat any plant. We're choosing option 3.

Team Racoon City Ops will go with option 2 and push back starvation another day by eating that tasty looking plant.

Nom nom nom :)

I knew we should have used the guns :p. See you season 3 @nataor88... we will take this one time. Thanks again for running this @papa-pepper :)

It was fun playing with you during Season 2, @whatageek! Off to Season 3 we go!

Hey there is a role playing version of this type of game that is being set up:

I think you are suppose to make a team if you want to join. Between your skyrim expertise and my geekiness this might be a better world for us to conquer.

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