This posted by total sorry..Don't vote for this!!

in #steem-help7 years ago (edited)

Frt, drrp, DOH!!! All the sounds I make after magically having a completely unprepared post...well, post! So in times of out the UBER CUTE!!

Don't let this happen to you! Learn to type without words, simply will your post into existence!

I don't really exist anyway...being merely a figment of your imaginations anyway!

So here is a little something for your time and trouble of NOT voting for this...


Corgi gif!!!! Falling out of a laundry basket, even! This pleases me to no end!

Hehe...what better way to turn a total DOH WTF moment than a basket full of corgis! Lol.

Not even upset that it says I died. What a cute way to go!

Exactly!! Death by Cute!! hehe

the steemian are crazy you will still get votes for this i bet.

Yep. 10 votes and counting :)

Lol..I still feel bad. So at least tried to spiff it up with Death by Cuteness!! :P

Ok i didn't vote the post . just voted your comment. ☺
however, i now think i should post one just with the as same title. ah haha.

Hehe..true true. I still feel bad...hopefully I can finish my others posts and I'll just toss a hearthstone stream in here or something. Lol

That was just a [email protected] for any bad feelings.

Oh, were just fine. I didn't take anything you said badly.

I feel bad for those people who voted not knowing this was a deleted post. Which is why I came back and tried to salvage some value. Lol

You can delete it if you press edit!

the blockchain is unforgiving

Ain't that the truth?! Lol

But now you have $6... lol

No, no delete option once it has a vote.
Unfortunately that was my vote giving it the $. I was typing, somehow hit enter, then it suddenly posted. Lol. But even if I remove the still burns the vote power.

It's been one of those days. Lol.

I was workin on posts for morning..but if I get done soon enough..I'll put my hearthstone stream into here.

lol, happened to me a couple of days ago. the developers should have a confirmation pop up before publishing a post I feel.

That would def be nice! :)

Oooooooh I didn't know that! Oops!

All good...hopefully I can get my posts done and get something in here shortly.

Is it tonight? Is there a schedule? I need to know these things! I enjoyed listening in on the one I did make it for! Thanks for all you do syko, you work here is more helpful than you think. More helpful than you at even know!

Oh, for the podcast?
Usually they're Sundays starting between 2-3pm CDT...but this weekend we had to take off with Giftedgaia having an event to go to and I'm gonna be in Kansas City for the Steemy Summer Meetup thingy. :)

We'll be back next weekend though.

Awww, thank you! I like to think I'm helpful..but's hard to fully know. Lol.

I really like the spontaneity I see in this have fun in Kansas City.. I hope to meet you one day. Can't wait to hear how it goes.. how were you able to write that title .. I am never able to change my titles? nevermind.. good night lol

Hahah...definitely one of my DOH!!! WTF!! moments, lol.

Thank you! I'm really stoked to go! I've managed to miss every other Steemit Meetup event so far and this time I'm DETERMINED!! :P

I'll def be makin a post on the event.

Oh the should be able to edit the post and just change it to whatever. The only things we can't do are delete the post (once it has a vote on it) or the first tag.

that is why I followed know all the rules.. haha

Hahaha....Over/Under on how many people/bots/steemvoter still vote on this. I'm taking bets! I say 25 for the over under :-)

Dang it...I voted on it too. I may have to take the under on this 25 number!

Haha...looks like we're past that! :P

Glad no one placed a bet...whew! My vote didn't help the cause LOL

I had to upvote this purely for the entertainment value of it. You have so many opportunities to not post LOL

Rofl! This is definitely one for the highlight reel. :P

I can't even remember the last time I had done this. But's amazing what a 'DONT VOTE FOR THIS' statement can do. Lol


Ooooppppsss, I accidently voted

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