Showing code, centering, hyperlinks, emojis - More useful tips for formatting your Steemit posts 👍

in #steem-help7 years ago

Hi everyone. Here are a few more formatting tricks that either I have learned this week or I have seen other people struggling with.

Showing code
If you want to show a piece of formatting code rather than have it do the formatting you surround it with back quotes (ie. `` around it). The back quote is normally found on the top left of your keyboard (it's different from the apostrophe). For example to show the code for bold text we put the back quotes around it: **bold** (vs. bold without the quotes).

Centering Text or Images
To center your text or images you place <center> before it and </center> after it.

This can work over multiple lines
with a single <center> tag.

It is important to not leave spaces immediately after the <center> or before the </center>. This is the most common way for the tags to not work.

It works for images too

When you are using hyperlinks it is normally a lot cleaner and neater to have a short piece of hyperlinked text rather than the including the whole url, especially if it is a long one. The format for hyperlinking text is as follows: [text to show](actual url). So to link to my profile I used the code [profile](

There is a wide range of emojis that are available on the site. See here for a master list. To insert an emoji you can copy and paste it or you can use the the codes from the master list. For example &#128546; gives you 😢

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