Receive More Upvotes With Steemfollower! (Walkthrough)

in #steem-help7 years ago (edited)

Receive More Upvotes With Steemfollower!


Steemfollower In-Depth Walkthrough!

Hi everyone! As promised, I wanted to make a follow up post to my last one about pledging my SP to the service that explains more in depth exactly how to use Steemfollower to exchange upvotes and support users that make great content!

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Step Zero:
Create Quality Content!

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What do you do? What are some of life's niches that you love to explore? DON'T JUST POST RANDOM PICTURES OR ARTICLES THAT ARE NOT YOUR OWN (even if they are credited) AND EXPECT TO BE REWARDED! Put some real effort into creating something GENUINE and ORIGINAL! Steemit is filling up with spam, let's put an end to this! /endrant

ahem, sorry about that, dunno what came over me...

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Step One:
Click Here To Connect to Steemfollower!


(Note for transparency's sake: the link above is my referral link. I would really appreciate it if you sign up using it, as I will receive 5% of your activity :D)
When you get there, you will see "Login" in the top left menu. Click it!

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You will be redirected to Steemconnect, a secure service which will connect your Steemit account using your Private Posting Key. This service is generally considered trustworthy and is used by professional services such as @minnowbooster to do thousands of dollars worth of transactions. Therefore, I trust it.
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Once you input your private posting key and hit enter, you will see:

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Hit the green button to continue.


Step Two:
Learn to Use the Upvote Exchange!

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You will now see your username at the top.
Click on "Exchange" in the top left menu and
it will pop down two options.
Click on "Upvote exchange."

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Now, you will see the main screen,
where you need to select a category.
For now, select "ALL" and hit "filter."

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Now you will start to see posts:

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To hide a post, hover in the
top right corner of the box:

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To look at the post in the site,
click the title of the post:

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To open it on,
right click and select
open in a new tab:

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To upvote it, type in the
percentage of vote you want to give it,
then click the blue upvote button.
After that, you will see these three steps:

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followed by
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followed by
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Congrats! You just upvoted your first post in Steemfollower! :D
You will now have some SBD in your account balance!
(worth slightly more than amount of the vote you gave)


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Step Three:
Understanding the Info Box!



You will find this info box on the
right side of your screen.
Let's look at the parts!


Post Display = whether or not you want
your post visible on Steemfollower.

[Note: your balance must be over
Zero for your most recent post to appear!]

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Promote = spending extra of
your pending upvote so that
your post appears at the top
Of the page.
(2x,3x,4x or 5x!)

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Voting power: shows your current voting power.
Total registered users: total # of people using SF.

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Points: total amount of upvote you are
due based on how much you have given

[Note: minnows will receive more %
of their upvote in return!]

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Referral link: if someone uses it
To sign up, you will receive 5% of their
Upvote value.

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Total referrals: people who
Signed up with your link.
Earned from referrals:
Total your referrals earned you.


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Now you know the
main aspects of Steemfollower!!


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It's pretty easy to start using Steemfollower to begin to connect to more Steemians and mutually support each other in a different way! I want to use it to support the artistic community. Since I am borrowing a large amount of SP from @minnowbooster right now (30K SP!) I need to use a tool like Steemfollower to do my main upvoting/ supporting of art. But there is still a general lack of good content on Steemfollower, so if you make any type of high quality creative content, please join!!! For reference, here is my original post on Steemfollower from ten days back.


I am currently at around $50 pending payout, and I know @donaldtrumpfan is at nearly $300! So we need some bigger accounts to come curate us "top users" as well :D
I hope you enjoyed my walkthrough and learned something. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions in the comment section below! Also, introduce yourself so I can look for your posts on the site. If they are great quality, you will definitely be rewarded!


Daniel Pendergraft

Images are the
Steemfollower logo blended with
a free domain photo.

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Do you think purchasing delegated 100k power for 4 weeks from minnow booster then upvoting others on steem follower would be profitable ? I dont want lose a load of steem testing it :P

I believe so yes! You'd want to use nearly all your SP voting through Steem follower though. And it might take a long time til you get paid out, because the only whale I've seen using the site so far is @zeartul.

Okay ill give it a try when my voting power goes back up !

rubs hands together in anticipation
This oughta be good...
grabs popcorn

i don't think the delegated SP wiill have a positive effect on steemfollower because the delegated SP will not reflect in ur steemit account. i believe am.right

can i post similar post in arabic?

While I haven't been here long, it's worth noting that this is the first "helper" service that strongly emphasizes the need for Quality AND useful reminders of what that really looks like. Kudos!

Thank you I appreciate that. I see you haven't started blogging, but if you decide to, definitely give Steemfollower a try! It can be a big help for getting off the ground :) Welcome to Steemit by the way! I applaud you for powering up already lol, a lot of people don't get that concept ;)

I really dont know how to power up. pls help

Thanks my friend @d-pend for explaining how this useful site works

You are welcome... hope it helps!

Wanted to upvote this post. But then paused and thought won't it be better if I upvote it through SF? So I just logged in there but how to look out for this particular post there? I hope it must be set "visible" by you as you have got 50 SBD worth upvotes due to you 😊

Well, found it under Steemit category. But is there any easier way to search a specific post?

Are you a Top User or a Old User or a Top Inviter? Who are you? 😜

Nice thinking! I do that myself with friends that use SF. There are a couple tricks: you can search by category, if it is something less popular.

But to find my posts, it's easy, just click the "Top Users Posts" button above the categories. It will show the users with the highest pending upvote. You can find me there, 'til some whale comes along :D

Before the whales arrive, we have got a Market there now. So I think the one who can accumulate more points by purchasing those from the market too can become a top user, I suppose. Would be interesting to see how you manage to hold on to your spot now 😜

Yep, that's true too! I am actually not #1 with Pending upvote. I think I'm #3 at the moment. I have around 140 SBD pending upvote :D @donaldtrumpfan and @spacehd have more than that, I believe.

Im joined SteemFollowers using your refferals link. Gonna see what will this thing could do.Hope it worth to try.

It should help out a bit! Make sure your balance is above zero or your posts won't show up. If someone gives you a big upvote, it will go to zero and you'll need to go use the vote exchange to get back in :D I'll look for your stuff!

im am not really a blogger type of person. as you can see im still new in here. My time very limit to hangout in here. what i search is a vote exchange. hope it worth my time in here as im barely to got even a dollar a day in steemit. kinda shit but im still hang on. if still no progress i have to to give up and do a daily trades as always.

Im feeling a bit dense, but this is a group of steemians all upvoting each other using a bot? Is there a cost? Thanks on any replies

Haha no problem. No, it's not a bot or automated. You manually select posts you like. The only cost is your voting power. Think of it as just enhancing how Steemit naturally works. Helps your posts get seen by different eyes :)

Thanks @ d-pend! So Im trading my voting power for more views? (And hopefully more upvotes)? Sorry..Im afraid Im missing a key point somehow :(

Basically, you just upvote like normal, only the system keeps track of the $ amount you give. You will then receive that amount (plus extra) back in the future. So think of it as a win-win. Try it out, it will make more sense when you see it in motion :)

Ahhhh,,ok thanks! (light bulb turns on) Appreciate the help @d-pend!

d-pend your best friend and thx for you for every day voteing to me

Thanks for stopping by @minasmsm!

Thanks for your illustrations also following you

Thank for sharing, ,very good post

Comment very nice, ,sharing for thank

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