Steem Cartoon : The Psychology Behind Cartoons

in #steem-cartoon7 years ago

The Pattern

There is something that is strange about the effect of cartoons on humans. The visual art and how it affects our mood and our search for something pleasant, funny and engaging. I can't speak for the rest, but one of the pages that I used to turn to when I read the papers is the funnies. There will be an entire page dedicated for cartoons and that is how I would start my day, then I realised one thing, I am not the only one that display this trait.


Cartoons are meant to be fun, funny, engaging and pokes fun at our daily lives. It is a subtle hint by sending an important message across. To me it is an effective tool because it looks harmless and it breaks all barriers.


The Marketing

We find that cartoon permeates all forms of communication especially in the realm of marketing. It is a great way of telling in a cheerful way that is both attractive, unoffensive and very approachable.



There is a very valid issue when it comes to cartoon and how it is so effectively conveyed through cartoons. In this fast pace world everyone is in a rush, so the most valuable thing that one can give you is their attention. This attention would be too short a time to explain in words or rather even if it is enough, words alone would be too boring and time consuming, hence the visuals. In short, the name of the game is to capture the attention and interest, then the marketing process starts. If the keywords has to be named it would be as follows:-

  • short / simple
  • engaging / colourful
  • message is immediately conveyed

Of course then comes the next question, if cartoon merely being visuals can market a product, why not other visuals which are also able to capture the essence of the message and deliver it in a glance. Well, the same reason why Charles Shultz was so successful with the people because there was an immediate connection with the characters. It is easier to imagine yourself in the shoes of the cartoon character rather than imagine being the successful looking model driving a swanky car.

People relate and are more emotionally linked to a cartoon character. There is a subliminal message that says, hey, its just a cartoon but the impact proves more than just that. It is a powerful tool. If the pen is mightier than the sword, there is a strong possibility that this pen is a sketch pen or a 'sharpie'.

Human Emotions

There is a very interesting scientific finding that prompted me to write this post. Humans are generally kind and their instinct is not to harm another unless of course it is a situation when their welbeing is threatened or they feel that they felt oppressed. Then it may invoke a different reaction.

Here, the subject of the study were told to choose hot sauce for another subject and in the first situation there were not extraneous circumstances that will lead to the person choosing to be mean. Hence he will choose a mild sauce. In the second situation, the subject is being agitated by the person who will be given the hot sauce, his anger transcended his judgment and he choose the hottest for that guy who had angered him and finally the third subject who is angered in the same manner but was interrupted halfway with an act of kindness which is simply giving him a cup of water and asking how his day was. The interruption resulted in a less angry outburst. He choose the medium hotness.

This, is what the scientist term as 'Pattern Interrupt' which is the same effect that cartoons give to its readers. Cartoon implants small doses of feel good factor which is what makes us return for more and we crave to read the next Calvin & Hobbes cartoon so that we can laugh at their silly antics.


Why Homer Simpson & Garfield are Household Names

It is not surprising that cartoons are able to make impact and very often an over the top character which is slightly a resemblance of us immediately hits the psyche. Cartoon are manifestation of the human imperfection and we can all hit a chord with Homer who is a couch potato, a TV addict, a dirty slouch and a selfish douchebag. We are all that but perhaps at a lesser degree. Who can forget about the fat cat that is too lazy to move except if it means to kick Odie down the table. It is relatable and that makes cartoon special.


With that in mind, we know that the audience are here to 'listen' to us. This is our community of # Steem-Cartoon

Look into the eyes...the loser is the first to blink



Very interesting. Do you make an effective distinction between a cartoon as a drawing, and a cartoon as an animation?

actually cartoon has a very wide definition as it can even cover illustration and animation. that was one of the reason why we choose the name seem-cartoon as our common tag.

cartoon is a simplified/stylized form of representing reality be it in drawings, painting, 3D models etc. cartoon animation is simply cartoon being animated.

The emotions and their actions resonates in us in a very unique way. I guess maybe cartoons it entertains us in a way that what if our real life personas were similar to the cartoons we watch!

Sometimes I imagine if only I can enjoy life as much as that cat does!

We are all that but perhaps to a lesser degree.

So true!

i guess the message behind it is that we like to be informed and entertained at the same time...that is why cartoon does the trick very well

Your 🦉 blinked first. ^^
I agree, when done wisely, cartoons can be a good form of subliminal. That's why it is effective to use in commericals.

Oh, thank you so much for this. It was the best thing I've read this morning so far. I always enjoyed cartoons and comics and now I know why :)
It's interesting to see how human emotions are affected by cartoons and how serious we can take them even when they make us laugh. I often say that you can hear more truth from a comedian then from a news reporter. I think it is the same with cartoons and articles.
The owl blinked first :)

Lovely little insight into how cartoons effect us. It's something that has went right over my head to be honest.

I liked how you showed how Homer and Garfield were very relatable for us. It makes a lot of sense and just shows how the right links to our similarities can create a likeness very easily.

I enjoyed reading that post a lot, and your formatting is brilliant. I've taken a couple of pointers!

Take it easy buddy and have a great day.

As a person which in the cartoon for the past 27 years... i'm really amazed with the platform that u introduced to us @perennial... our #steem-cartoon growing very fast... thanks to the talents who contribute and make it a success... cheers!

So true. The 1st section when I grab hold of newspaper is the cartoon comic section. Everyone loves cartoon even the old ones. Really cartoon character is less intimidating and usually even the most angry-looking character doesn't look scary to a real momma papaya face that haven't reached her maximum angry mode.

Did you say 'sharpie', oh I love this brand.

On side note, McDonalds is smart to incorporate all the cartoon world into their Happy Meals. Often you notice adults are the one crazy for the collection.

Well, you know your owl blinks 1st! 😉


All the best. Grow #steem-cartoon.

It is really a good write up, @perennial, I’m impressed.

It is even better now because you seemed to be knowing and befriend more and more cartoonists around you.

I remember an article I read, sometime back about those people who draw cartoons..
A cartoonist can often predict the course of events more precisely than the strategist. A cartoonist has a sharp mind and uses all his imagination to define the world in a few images rather than hundreds of excel sheets or presentation slides.

Let’s take the point of view of cartoonists, then, and forget for a moment about what analysts, strategists, and marketing gurus say.

Which one you think is more effective and and easily absorbed into your lazy mind...?

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thanks for taking the time to read my post. It means the world to me...and we will continue to strive to make each other better. thanks again #thesteemengine

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