The Tragic Trails of Scarlett Saddles

in #steampunk7 years ago

On planet Wonderifica in the booming livestock trade town of Wrangler Way in the fledgling country of Westovia rides a lone figure through the streets during a Bloomingtime thunder storm in the year 611. The Heavy rain has soaked him and his mighty steed to the bone. The flashes of lightening and booming thunder do little to deter his course for he is driven by anger to fulfill his task. His name is Sheriff Spurs and he is on a crash course with justice.

Spurs is a Buffalosian, a native Westovian tribes man. Buffalosians are large statured beast men, half human, half Buffalo. The Buffalosian people see themselves as the protectors of the land, an ancient pact made by his ancestors and an angel of light. A task that has been made quite difficult since the mass immigration of foreigners to this sacred soil.

The foreigners have brought war, death and disease with them. Many tribes fought against these new arrivals but the unceasing influx of foreigners has been too much to stop. The Skulkre tribe is relentless in their attacks on the invaders. The Peacians signed treatys which only served for their people to become enslaved by the invaders. The humanoid tribes have retreated into nature to take care of their own. The Buffalosian, the Flysian, and Seraponians only protect their territories and stay out of the way of the flood of humans from foreign lands.

Spurs being a man of honor and duty found it hard to perform his task of protecting the homeland from the shadows and against the will of his fellow tribesmen assimilated into their culture. He became a law man to fulfill his ancestors pact with the angel of light and on this night he shall do his duty as his ancestors before him.

The lightening flashes and the the thunder cracks in the sky. He is at his destination. The sign reads “Westovia Steam”. Who knows what terrors await within all he knows within those halls justice will be served.

Spurs is filled with anticipation. Never in his years as Sheriff has such a threat to peace in his land arisen. Even the Westovian War with the Royal States couldn’t compare. He walks forward toward the buildings entrance and kicks in the door. “This is Sheriff Spurs with the Wrangler Way Law Enforcement. I have a warrant for Bernard Banks.”

A young man is startled by Spurs entrance. He was typing at desk but jumped and raised his hands in the air when the door was kicked in. “Do you have an appointment sir?” The young man squeaks out, his voice cracking in fear.

Spurs is annoyed by this weakling and his question. “Take me to Banks now!” He commands storming into the room pointing a shotgun at the young man’s head.

“This way Sir.” Says the boy waving Spurs to follow him down the hall.

Spurs enjoys hearing Banks is present. The betrayal that man planned for the people of Wrangler Way is unimaginable. A smile creeps onto his face as they get closer to Banks Office.

Banks came to town toting himself as a Savior. His machines would bring “peace and tranquility to all of Westovia” he said. It wasn’t long before the truth was revealed. A document from Oliver Oils to Bernard Banks found its way into Spurs office outlining the multi step process of ruling Westovia with an army of steel and steam. He didnt come to bring peace. He came to rule and to enslave the people of this country.

Spurs blood boiled. He clinched his fist in anticipation of exacting justice. He marched forward toward his goal. “I’m gonna get you, you son of a Seraponian.” He thought as he closed in on Banks door.

“There it is sir. Bernard Banks office.” The young man said pointing to the office door with the gold placard reading Banks’ name on it.

Spurs heart beat in his chest heavily. This is it. Behind that door is the rat bastard who thinks himself King of a free people. “Out of my way son.” Says Spurs pushing the boy aside and rushing at the door and slamming it open with his foot guns drawn. “Banks your coming with me.”

He enters the large office trains both his pistol and his shotgun on Banks who sits calmly behind a desk. The walls are lined with book shelves filled with books on engineering. A large desk sits before Banks covered with blue prints and schematics for machines. Behind him a great red velvet window curtain drawn shut. “And what crimes do I stand accused of?” He asked smugly.

Spurs finds his calm, carefree demeanor repugnant. He keeps his weapons trained on the traitors head. “Conspiracy against the people of Wrangler Way.” He says closing in the space between the two.

Banks remains relaxed as Spurs actions seem more aggressive. “And what evidence do you have.” Asks Banks cockily.

Spurs feels something is off. He is too calm. Buffalosians have naturally heightened instincts and his gut is telling him something is horribly wrong.

“You’ll find that when we get to the sheriffs office. Right now you need to come with me.” Spurs ordered.

Banks turns around and opens the window curtain which revealed a window overlooking the city. “Is that the office you are referring too? The one which is currently burning?” Banks said with a chuckle. Looking out the window Spurs saw the Sheriffs office and the jail being consumed by flame. “Must be that pesky lightening?” He said laughing while lightening flashed and thunder crashed behind his voice.

Spurs watched in horror as the building burned and smoke raised into the Westovian sky. His evidence is gone. He has no proof of Banks guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt. His stomach wrenches in fear and uncertainty. “You bastard.” Says spurs.

“If you have no evidence I must ask you to leave my office immediately.” Banks said with a coy smile.

No it cant end like this thinks Spurs. “Your coming with me Banks.” Spurs demanded. “I cant let you destroy this city and steal freedom from these people.”

“Wrong answer Sheriff.” Says Banks as he pushes a button on his desk. The book shelves on either side of the room swing open as hulking Steam powered Automaton’s lunge at Sheriff Spurs from either side.

Spurs is taken by surprise as dread is replaced by adrenaline. He fires at both machines but his bullets only dent their steal frames.

Banks activates a door behind the book shelf and uses Spurs distraction as a chance to escape. “You cant stop me Spurs. I’m more powerful than you could ever imagine” He says slipping into the secret escape route. Spurs wrestles the Automatons as he witnessed Banks escape. 

Sheriff Spurs feels the sting of failure as he battles these menacing machines. Banks is gone, His plan is still in full swing, and there is no evidence to convict him of any crime. As Spurs crushes the Automatons into immovable objects there is no satisfaction in this shallow victory. He won a battle but lost the war.

Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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I cant get the format right on this story. any recommendations would be nice. Im not sure what the issue is. I will edit as soon as i figure this out.

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