STEEM Will Not Go Quietly Into the Night - Proof is in the SPUDding - [steem community] [June 1st, 2019]

in #spud5 years ago (edited)


Hello SPUDding Pop!!

Since I first started in the crypto-world many many moons ago now, I have heard that Bitcoin was doomed and dead, many if not hundreds of times from many different angles. Wallstreet gurus, Politicians and the media all claimed that Bitcoin was a scam and would soon crash and die and now so too with the STEEM Blockchain.

Regardless of whatever new "STEEM KILLER" is released on June 1st, 2019, many from the STEEM Community will be joining the SPUD2 initiative on that day. Every Steemian that supports SPUD2 will be a testament to the strength of the Steem Community. STEEM Power Up Day 2 will further unify the Steem Community and every blog post, up vote, comment and Power Up taking place on the Steem Blockchain will be a Crypto-Dagger in this New "Steem killer."

I am resentful that one of our Steem Blockchain co-founders feels this way when making his new creation. I might have felt jealous of the new creation had there been no openly direct enmity towards the Steem Blockchain. Yet from what I have read it seems that this hostility is more rather directed at Steemit, inc, which is the organization that originally released the Steem Blockchain to the World. I am not sure what happened between the founders of the Steem Blockchain, but that difference should be settled between them and not create a rivalry between Steem and any other up and coming Crypto Social Media.

The Steem Blockchain and Steem Community has banded together under the SPUD initiative....

STEEM Will Not Go Quietly Into the Night - The Proof is in the SPUDding!!

+++ @streetstyle

1st Place 100 Steem Prize,
2nd Place 500 Steem Power Delegation (4 weeks sponsored by @xpilar),
3rd Place 250 Steem Power Delegation (4 weeks sponsored by @flipstar)

The rules are as follows:

Rules to win for SPUD2 :

MUST have a reputation score BELOW 69.00 ( so 68.99 is good & Can participate.) AND more than 75 STEEM POWER (prior to SPUD2) BUT LESS than 5000 Steem Power.

MUST have a reputation score ABOVE 46 (so rank of 45.99 will Not Win)

MUST have at least 1 Steem Post in their blog about SPUD2

MUST Power Up Steem on June 1st, 2019

On June 1st, you MUST make a post about your POWER UP. It can be as simple as "I powered up X amount of Steem" to a simple picture/screenshot of your Power Up and posted to your blog, or it could be a super long dissertation on Steem Power. Please tag me in it so I can be sure to see it.

The winner must meet all 5 requirements, and will be the one with the Biggest Steem Power Up PERCENTAGE, not the biggest Power Up. This means that it will be based on the ratio between your current amount of Steem Power and the amount you power up on June 1st.

For Example:

if you have 1000 Steem Power already powered up prior to June 1, and on June 1 you complete steps 1-5 with a 100 Steem Power Up,


another Steemian has 100 Steem Powered up prior to June 1, and on June 1st Powers Up 20 Steem, then this 2nd user would be winning with a 20% power up versus the first example with a bigger power up but smaller percentage of only 10% based on their account.

This prize is meant to incentivize the smaller Steemians, the planktons, minnows and barracudas out in the Steem Ocean to participate in powering up on SPUD, and hopefully create more understanding as to why Steem Power is what backs the Steem Economy. The winners will be announced via a Steem Post a few days later, and if no one challenges it or lets me know I missed them after 2 days from Winner Announcement, I will then payout the 100 Steem Prize to the Winner and let @xpilar and @flipstar know to consider making their pledge for the 2nd and 3rd place runners up!!

And I believe there are others looking to sponsor more Prizes, Stay Tuned for More Info, and in the mean time let all your Steemian friends, followers and family know that on June 1, 2019 SPUD2 is taking place, and this time with some prizes!!


Hi @streetstyle

Contact @Sultan-Aceh He writes in my blog that will provide support and a prize for winners

Only for users with more than 75 SP? poor me, I will have to wait about a year to get to that rank.

You have 47 Steem Power so yeah you won’t qualify but you also aren’t that far away... you just have to be consistent on here... I just upvoted your posts a little but hope it helps and if you post again, be sure to let me know

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for your support, my friend.

Also, remember there will be other future #SPUD events so you can prepare.

Oh yeah that EOS steem killer, we should just all boycott them, and watch them fade away into the night! lol like trybewho? that thing is faded! lol EOS will get the karma they deserve if they have any bad intentions towards steem! I’m boycotting EOS i think, already got plenty of blogging solutions, eos is a little late to the punch!
I would not be surprised if a lot of steemians jump ship, but they are just in for the same thing over there when dan does the same thing with eos and invents something even newer, and bails!

Steem still have a huge potential to fulfill and I am sure it will be fulfill

We should focus on the point of steem, others are whatever doing is not priority, we are sticky together to success spud2.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, the rivalry between the two founders is crazy, both could coexist and the rivalry does neither one any good,
I am sticking with Steem and will be powering up as much as I can on SPUD day
I love that people are offering prizes thats great to see :)

I agree @tattoodjay I think it is more personal which sucks but yeah whatever, I'll be here on Steem.
As @stackin says in his new post, people will probably be on both just like today people still have facebook and twitter, or instagram and snapchat etc etc.


Yeah I think you are totally on the ball with it being personal, thanks for mentioning that post i went and checked it out and I do agree many may use both but I see no reason why they can not co-exist

All the best! Lots of success.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @streetstyle. Have a great and beautiful day...

Posted using Partiko Android

Let's Together SPUDding ! :) 💙 ♩♬

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree, and we will @bluengel

great project my dear friend

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