SPUD5 PRIZES UPDATE - 20 PRIZES Now Up For Grabs - [steem] [community]

in #spud5 years ago


Pumping on Steem Power

I am constantly surprised by the caring and generosity this Steem Community has towards one another and the community overall. When I initially started the Steem Power Up Day movement, I really wasn't sure how receptive the Steem Community would be towards it, but was pleasantly surprised by the participation of many Steemians. More importantly, many more encouraged the SPUD initiative to continue on, including @traciyork.

I thought SPUD would maybe turn out to be a one time thing, possibly a yearly event to take place every May 1 so as to also land on International Workers' Day. Yet the voices grew in support of SPUD, with many asking for another SPUD event. Again, I had my doubts and thought maybe this would turn out to be a quarterly thing taking place every three months or so. More Steemians clamored for a SPUD event to take place sooner, and now it seems that this will remain a monthly event taking place the 1st of every month, well at least for now.

Now for SPUD 5 we will have 20 prizes totaling over 9000 in Steem Power. This will give many more the chance at receiving a prize for showing their support and belief in Steem, the Steem Community and SPUD. Every time you lock up Steem by powering it up into STEEM POWER, you show solidarity toward each and every one of us!

How to SPUD on September 1, 2019

  • We ask that Steemians that are able, to POWER UP any amount of STEEM they have on SPUD day.
  • We ask Steemians that are currently Powering Down, to put a Stop on Powering Down for that Day, and if desired to commence the Power Down the following day.
  • We ask that those that trade or sell Steem to Not Sell or Trade Steem on September 1, 2019, but to do it the day before or after if possible. Also, to cancel any type of Sell Order on the Exchanges.


The prizes are meant to incentivize the smaller Steemians, the planktons, minnows and barracudas out in the Steem Ocean to participate in powering up on SPUD, and hopefully create more understanding as to why Steem Power is what backs the Steem Economy.

1st Place -

- 2500 Steem Power Delegation for 3 Weeks - Sponsor = @xpilar
- 2000 Steem Power Delegation for 3 Weeks - Sponsor @sultan-aceh
- 15 Steem Power Gift - Sponsor = @steemit-nz
- 5 Steem Basic Income Shares Gift - @improv

2nd Place

-1500 Steem Power Delegation for 3 Weeks - Sponsor = @reflektor
- 1000 Steem Power Delegation for 3 Weeks - Sponsor = @hingsten
- 5 Steem Basic Income Shares Gift - @improv

3rd Place

-1000 Steem Power Delegation for 3 Weeks - Sponsor = @bippe
- 5 Steem Basic Income Shares Gift - @improv

4th Place

- 750 Steem Power Delegation for 3 Weeks - Sponsor = @streetstyle
- 5 Steem Basic Income Shares Gift - @improv

5th Place

- 250 Steem Power Delegation for 3 Weeks - Sponsor = @streetstyle
- 5 Steem Basic Income Shares Gift - @improv

6th - 20th Place

- 5 Steem Basic Income Shares Gift - @improv

*(the prizes are subject to change if we get more sponsors or should a sponsor opt out.)

Rules to Win Prizes for SPUD5 :

MUST have a reputation score BELOW 69.00 ( so 68.99 is good & Can participate.) AND more than 150 STEEM POWER (prior to SPUD5) BUT LESS than 7501 Steem Power.

MUST have a reputation score ABOVE 42 (so rank of 41.99 will Not Win)

MUST have at least 1 Steem Post in their blog about SPUD5

MUST Power Up Steem on September 1st, 2019

On September 1st, you MUST make a post about your POWER UP. It can be as simple as "I powered up X amount of Steem" to a simple picture/screenshot of your Power Up and posted to your Steem blog, or it could be a super long dissertation on Steem Power. IMPORTANT: Use the SPUD and/or SPUD5 Hash tags so that I can be sure to see them.

The winner must meet all 5 requirements, and will be the one with the Biggest Steem Power Up PERCENTAGE, not the biggest Power Up. This means that it will be based on the ratio between your current amount of Steem Power and the amount you power up on September 1st.

For Example:

If you have 1000 Steem Power already powered up prior to September 1, and on September 1 you complete steps 1-5 with a 100 Steem Power Up,


another Steemian has 100 Steem Powered up prior to September 1, and on September 1st Powers Up 20 Steem, then this 2nd user would be winning with a 20% power up versus the first example with a bigger power up but smaller percentage of only 10% based on their account.

The winners will be announced via a Steem Post a few days later, and if no one challenges it or lets me know I missed them after 2 days from Winner Announcement, the Winners become official and the prizes will then be given out.

Thank you to All our Prize Sponsors, Truly Amazing!!


+++ @streetstyle

img created by @eddiespino and @grisvisa


Whoops! Your example is out of date since you've changed the rules. You say that the person who had 100 sp and Powers up 20 would win, but 150 is the minimum starting sp you said.

Posted using Partiko Android

That merits a full 100% vote for having a good eye and catching my mistake. Thanks @improv I will amend it as soon as I get a chance.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Don’t forget about me!!! I’m going to be giving 20 SBI to 1st place ~ 10 SBI to 2nd place and 5 SBI to 3rd place. Sorry I just got back from Vacation
Plus you get a

Sorry about that @jlsplatts I will update it as soon as I get a chance. And thanks for the !Beer #spud can be hard work!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

No worries I just saw this post and just couldn’t help but sponsor it in some way. Maybe this time I will get the username right. LOL

Posted using Partiko iOS

I did that with one of the sponsors early on.... I put Reflector when it should have been Reflektor with a k... or better yet I recently did a post about SteemPeak and instead title it and wrote about it as SteemSpeak until someone pointed it out....boy I felt like my dunce hat couldn't get any bigger. hehehe happens.

@streetstyle I never came back to you, sorry, I’ll sponsor SP GIFT FOR 2nd place 15SP, just adds a bit more of another layer! It’s a good collection of prizes.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ok @cryptocurator I got you down for 15 Steem power gift (not delegation) for 2nd place. Thank you for helping to make this #spud even better than the last. #SPUD5 is going to be Great!

Great. Spud5 is particularly important being just a few days after the pivotal HF21! Thanks for organising.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dang, didn't even think about that... kinda glad #spud5 will come in a few days later should anything act funky after the HF, it will give the devs plenty of time before #spud just in case. And you are welcome!! Thank you for helping support this initiative.

Nice prizes

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations to @streetstyle for your idea and other sponsors for SPUD5.

Let me share about SPUD5 Prizes Update to Myanmar steemians by Burmese Language.

Special Thanks!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @streetstyle,

First time I'm hearing about SPUD... what a great initiative! \m/

Will definitely participate, and I'd also like to contribute to the prizes:

  • 20 x SBI (1 each for positions 1 through 20)
  • 2 x BRAAIB tokens (0.1 each for positions 1 through 20)
    FWIW: 1 BRAAIB is worth ~ 13 STEEM (for South Africans anyway, when using them to buy food/beer in the real-world - non-SA folk will have to wait a few more weeks before they have online value/use).

Thanks for the support and sponsoring of prizes @braaiboy for #spud5. This is going to be the best #spud yet!!

Amigo,buen dia,espero que cada dia sea mas optimista y vera que todo se puede,se de su gran empeño y fuerte trabajo por mejorar steem,se que usted es el motor que mueve a spud5,espero me diga de que manera yo humildemente pueda ayudarlo,feliz fin de semana para descansar un poco,saludos y el exito esta cerca amigo,ah aqui todo igual.

Gracias por su apoyo @petrarodriguez y su puede votar por los #spud posts que vea pero no gaste su poder de votar por hacerlo tampoco. Con que haga re-steem a los posts de #spud5 tambien es gran ayuda.
Va haber un cambio grande en el blockchain de Steem, y creo que le va a beneficiar usar mas sus votos porque creo que el cambio va hacer que los posts que uno hace reciban menos pago... y los que usan sus votos reciberan mas que antes del cambio.
Preguntas o dudas, dejeme saber. O y mencionele esto a todos que 27 de agosto entran estos cambios.
Saludos y hasta luego.

thanks for the update, @streetstyle

nice to see more sponsors coming to SPUD now

I know, it is pretty amazing @xpilar . I think you really got the ball rolling. Thank you and your team!!

Yes @streetstyle👍, the ball has started to roll and the ball will roll more and more and will increase in strike as well

I'm so happy to see the #SPUD awesomeness continuing on! Thanks so much for the shout out too, @streetstyle. I've been a bit distracted this month, because my hubby hurt his shoulder early August, and has been out of work since.

However, I want to add my tiny bit to the prize pool, but I thought I'd try something different this time. Please put me down for -

~ 5 Steem to one person, randomly selected from the list of Steemians who qualify for a #SPUD5 prize.

Viva La SPUD!

Forget the FUD Power Up on SPUD.gif

No worries @traciyork and yes, family and health first.
Thank you for your support of #spud and I will update the prizes as soon as I get a chance.
Take care and have a great week!

I will try to participate in this opportunity.

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