The Bee Bars Are Open, It's Officially Spring!

in #spring5 years ago (edited)

The crocuses have spoken!; " It's time to open the bee bar and let them bees have a nip!"

This week, the temperature has been unusually warm and yes! It's officially spring in Holland!


The crocuses were the first open bee bars, I' ve seen this time. The moment the warm sun kisses the open blooms, the honeybees go buzzing in the crocuses' bee bars, hovering around and nippin' on the pollen. Hay Fever? Who cares about that when you're a bee!.

I would want to keep writing about it but let me just show you instead.

The crocuses in my garden beat the Snow Drops. I was expecting them to open first but I guess there wasn't enough sun where I've placed the later. I've been waiting for them to break through the ground but as of the moment, only one of them seem to be doing it.

By the way, did you know that Snow Drops actually have green hearts on the petals which holds the pollen? I didn't, I've just found out recently!

I used to dislike Snow Drops just because I thought they're plain white and are invasive. However, my hubby and I wanted to have our own colony of bees .. what? I mean .. try - bee keeping but our garden size and daily schedule doesn't qualify so we just enjoyed our stay there.


I found out from a bee museum that Snow Drops are the first food source for honeybees so for the love of the later, I hoarded on their bulbs the moment they were on sale in autumn and mind you, I had a hard time finding one for weeks! It seems that everybody here knows about the magic of the Snow Drops. No wonder I see them around a lot on grasses beside the pavement of the foot paths.

It's been a week of sunshine and blue sky and may the heavens permit that it stays so! Spring did come pretty soon! I can't wait for bulb domination! For now, have a great weekend ya 'll!

This content's 100% mine . I took the pics and the video with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2017. Don't like reading? Watch video in my VLOG instead.

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Also here in the middle of Italy the weather is warm during these days and I watched some bees on the rosmery's flowers! Spring is started!!! ^_^

ah, cheers to that !
Enjoy !

Congrats but here in Russia is still just a calendar spring, hope it will come soon real spring to us!

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you!

must be on it's way already!

Wow, S was driving fast in the first part if the video. :-)

We did have some great weather lately. Currently the soil is getting some more moisture overhere. And that is okay too.

Hope the bees will have a huge honey fest this year and grow in population massively.

When I wend on a bike ride recently I had to plow through extreme dense swarms of mosquitos at some long road. If some parts of the world is without, please feel free to get some from overhere, we got more than plenty.

It is news good for the bug eating birds though. And some plant seeds will be spread out more too. Hope that there will be nice weather spring ahead.

Have a nice day!

Haha no he wasn't I manipulated the speed of the video so people won't get bored - you know short attention span. I dragged the speed to 100% fast motion on the editor.

Oh mosquitoes doesn't sound good no thanks I'll pass.

It's gray and gloomy today but the earth needs a drink after the summery sunshine show off the past days I think. Have a great week ahead!

Thanks, I know I have a short attention span. :-)

No, mosquitoes are yech, had some in my throat too. And eyes, nose, ears... It was a nightmare.

Good day to stay inside.

Thanks! Kind regards from here to there!

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In Korea especially in the ery south like Jeju and Busan areas there are some flowers opening. However I am on vacation in tropics and I dont think the flowers stop here. I wonder do they have a spring?
It seems like you have a logely garden. I just have a few houseplants and a weekend vegetable farm, but one day I will be sure to have a nice garden. I need somewhere to have a picnic and chat or drink tea and read.

no, there's flowers all year through in the Pearl of the Orient Seas and your post just took me back in time. Thank you!

Stay safe and I hope you enjoy your vacay there, btw, I would advice (yes) to always negotiate with the prices specially if you feel like its too much, sometimes seven five percent off is actually the real price. Enjoy the sun and yes, please take pics of your diving adventures and discoveries !

Hang on to that thought of you having exactly the garden you'd like to have, it shall come true one day specially if you do everything to make it happen! I think the biggest garden I've ever worked on was my grandparents and I really miss that place, too but I am at my own home and garden now and it's also a paradise specially when the sun is at it's warmest.

Gorgeous flower pictures., bookmarked to watch video later

We still have a little while until spring makes it appearance here but I've already got some garden seedlings going inside here. I can't wait to get outside and plant my garden and herbs!

I get you there! I have been waiting for a long time and finally I could get my hands dirty this weekend though it's a bit gray today.

I hope it gets your way soon !

It was officially spring on 4th Feb according to the Hsia calendar. :-)

yep the summer solstice seem to be catching up quickly as well

Ours is caught up by the heat.

Springs are so beautiful it's hard to not fall in love

Wow, spring means colors and colors means beauty <3

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