BILL "Mad Dog" MADLOCK winner of 4 batting titles and NOT in the Hall of Fame. INJUSTUCE? What's Yankee-statman's take?

in #sport6 years ago (edited)

Good day my Steemian friends. And welcome to this rare baseball post by The Statman.
Baseball is a lifelong passion and I played the great game at a fairly high level at one time, even being considered a prospect of (yes) the Yankees before the sore left arm said otherwise.

Watching a game last evening on "the tube", an announcer mentioned Mad Dog and his 4 batting titles. I said "wow" he isn't even in the "HOF". What's up with that! So, of course Statman checks the stats (what else?) and comes to a conclusion.



Very simply put, I believe he belongs in. He is the ONLY player in history with 4 batting titles NOT in the Hall of Fame. Madlock won 2 titles for the Cubs and two for the Pirates in his 15 year career, 1973-1988.

But folks in the voting he has not even come close. So let's analyze a bit.
1.) He was a below par fielder primarily at third base.
2.) He hit only 163 home runs in 15 seasons.
3.) He never drove in 100 runs in a season nor scored 100 runs.
4.)He did not steal bases.
5.) While he had 2008 hits for a career. While good, if you don't hit the long ball, you need today about 3000 hits for a solid chance.
6.) He was notoriously hot headed and had serious clashes, even a suspension, over clashes with the umpires.

However, 4 batting titles? Some folks think if he played for the Yankees he'd be in the Hall of Fame. Maybe.

In his defense, just look at some of the players that are in that I do not think belong. Check out the Stats for the popular Phil Rizzuto! Of course he played on great Yankee pennant winners. Check out the Pirate's Bill Mazeroskie, famous for one huge home run, and a career .270 hitter at best with moderate power. He had a great glove however. Times have changed. 400 home runs do not get you in the Hall of Fame. It once did.

What's your take? Look him up!

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I don't have to look him up, I liked him. 4 batting titles is quite a feat. No doubt about it.

Part of the problem for Madlock is he played on some pretty awful teams. It was pretty easy to forget him for the writers and voters, in spite of his batting titles. Rizzuto was at least on TV once a week and then all through October. Madlock was fishing or playing golf...

Where do you bat him on a good team? His average says 1st or 2nd but he was an impediment on the bases. Not enough power for 3rd, 4th or 5th. So a number 6 hitter to the hall? Not likely. Particularly with his defensive liabilities. Brooks Robinson saved runs with his glove...

Another great post that made me think. Thank you for it.

thanks Tom...great to see you...yup he was a piece of works...If he played for NY HOF (maybe)...umps hated him. would probably bat him 2nd or 5th...?? today he dh's in the AL..

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Nice info... Kudos

thanks....much appreciated.

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