2019 FIBA Basketball World Cup tipping contest #1

in #sport5 years ago (edited)

Hi there my Steemian friends and followers!

I have been really excited about the stunning performance of our (Czech) national team at the 2019 FIBA Basketball World Cup that is currently taking place in China and to share the joy and emotions with you, I decided to host a little tipping contest for all basketball fans of Steem :)

Photo of my basket ball that I took on a court in Playa del Carmen, Mexico where I used to go to practise my shooting skills :)

I know it is a kind of short notice as the tournament is already in full swing and I didn´t even have time to think about the format of the tipping contest too much so let´s just do it like this. There will be 8 games tomorrow and participants of the contest are supposed to submit their tips on those games in the comment section below. Those who manage to have all 8 tips correct, will win my full upvote on their entries. You are only supposed to guess which team will win (not the final score), for example:

New Zealand - Japan: New Zealand

Here are all 8 games:

New Zealand - Japan
Australia - Dominican Republic
Canada - Jordan
Brazil - Czech Republic
Turkey - Montenegro
France - Lithuania
Germany - Senegal
USA - Greece

You can submit your tips from now until the start of the first game, which is tomorrow (Saturday, September 7) at 9:30 A.M. Central European Time.

Just one entry per person and no editing please. Upvotes and resteems of this post are not required but highly appreciated of course :)

Good luck and have fun guys!

PS: If the contest proves to be successful, I might change the format and come up with bigger prizes to make it more interesting next time ;)


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Hi there, my friend, i like this one.
I was south german BBall Champ as
a teenager, so let's go with the winners:
New Zealand
Czech Republic

Wooow, it is an honor for me to have a basketball champ in my contest :)) Good luck buddy!

You're welcome. Thanks! :)

Just one mistake (Lithuania). Very good result! ;) See you in the next round tomorrow :D

USA!! Lets go!! 💪💪🙌

Dýýýfens pfůů pfůů :)

a k temu LeBron s Taco Tuesday!!!🤤🌮💪

First let me tell you that the post is shown on Sportstalksocial so you did it correct :)

Don't know shit about basketball but I am always in for a contest!
New Zealand - Japan -> Japan
Australia - Dominican Republic -> Australia
Canada - Jordan -> Canada
Brazil - Czech Republic -> Czech Republic
Turkey - Montenegro -> Turkye
France - Lithuania -> France
Germany - Senegal -> Germany
USA - Greece -> USA

Will be glad if I do have 3 or 4 correct. Will re-steem for more exposure!


Awesome, thank you so much for the resteem and for joining the contest, good luck! :)

You actually made just one mistake (with Japan) Peter :) That was very good and very close! See you in the next round tomorrow ;)

Well I am surprised by this. I didn't look up any previous results. Just did pick some names.

The bold ones to win:

New Zealand - Japan
Australia - Dominican Republic
Canada - Jordan
Brazil - Czech Republic
Turkey - Montenegro
France - Lithuania
Germany - Senegal
USA - Greece

Díky za účast, šupináči :) Hodně štěstí ve hře.

The bold teams are my tips to win:
New Zealand - Japan
Australia - Dominican Republic
Canada - Jordan
Brazil - Czech Republic
Turkey - Montenegro
France - Lithuania
Germany - Senegal
USA - Greece

Doufal jsem, že se přidáš :) Díky za účast!

Koukal sem chvíli i na naše s s Tureckem a pěkně si ten konec pohlídali. Věřím že by mohli ještě jednou zabodovat...ač jsem tipoval proti nim.

Jo, hrají fakt skvěle :) Turci mají většinu kádru složenou z borců z NBA a jak jsme si je dali :) Myslím, že minimálně tu Brazílii bychom mohli hodně potrápit...

Did you copy my results? ;)

Aha I see they are the same. I wanted to tip Brasil but probably a mistake. Not wanted to copy those

It's all good ;)

It can actually happen that more people submit same tips and it is ok with me :) If they prove correct, I will upvote all of those who submitted them. Nobody can know whose tips will be correct ;)

Já sem basketbalovej analfabet, ale loni jsem se třeba zůčastnil ze zvědavosti pár mládežnických tréninků a dokonce dvou kvalifikačních duelů na tohle MS. Mám totiž v příbuzenstvu kouče, tak mě zajímalo, jak se baskeťáci hejbou, jaký maj silný a slabý stránky. Tak si teda taky tipnu (zvýrazněný, jak kolegové přede mnou, jsou označeni jako vítězná strana):

New Zealand - Japan
Australia - Dominican Republic
Canada - Jordan
Brazil - Czech Republic
Turkey - Montenegro
France - Lithuania
Germany - Senegal
USA - Greece (prej to maj řekové našlápnutý, poslouchám to celej rok, tak zkusme překvapení)

Díky za tip :) Já si basket zahraju rád. Teda spíš mě baví házet na koš :D Taky mám s basketem spojený jeden takový osobní cíl, něco na způsob tvého testování vlastního těla :D Rád bych se jednou (se svou nevelkou výškou 177 cm) při výskoku dotkl obroučky. V Mexiku jsem to trénoval hodně a chybělo mi už jen pár centimetrů, ale teď tady doma žádné hřiště po ruce nemám, tak se mi tahle meta asi zas trochu vzdálí :D :/ Jak jsi na tom ty, zavěsíš?

Tý jo, no vidíš! Zajímavá výzva. To nevim, asi spíš nee. Ale mám teda zase 8 cm náskok při startu. :D to vyzkoušim a nahraju. Nějaký pravidlo?

  • S rozeběhem, nebo bez?
  • Stačí dotek prstů, nebo dáme zavěšení?

No já to trénoval s rozběhem a stačilo by mi se dotknout :D I jsem si našel video jednoho týpka, co byl ještě menší než já, a ten po pár měsících tréninku nakonec normálně dunkoval... Hezky si to celé zdokumentoval v tom videu. Tak to zkus a dej vědět ;) Co jsem tak četl, tak kromě samotného skákání je důležité posílit stehna (dřepovat).

New Zealand - Japan -> New Zealand
Australia - Dominican Republic -> Australia
Canada - Jordan -> Canada
Brazil - Czech Republic -> Brazil
Turkey - Montenegro -> Turkey
France - Lithuania -> Lithuania
Germany - Senegal -> Germany
USA - Greece -> USA

Awesome, thanks for participation :)

Thanks for hosting this contest! :)
New Zealand - Japan -> New Zealand
Australia - Dominican Republic -> Australia
Canada - Jordan -> Canada
Brazil - Czech Republic -> Brazil, sorry! :D
Turkey - Montenegro -> Turkey
France - Lithuania -> France
Germany - Senegal -> Germany
USA - Greece -> USA

Thanks for joining buddy :) Cool tips except the one with Brazil :D ;)

Oh man, if you had more faith in our national team, you would have them all correct! :D

Dang it! I should have believed in you! :D

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

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