My Lucid Dreaming Journey Day 36 - The Best Experience Ever (Plus Lucid Nightmare)

in #spirituality6 years ago

My Lucid Dreaming Journey (10).png

Strong Lucid Dream

This morning, I finally had a great lucid dream, where I had control over it. Oh the fun I had in this magical land...

But let's go back first. Before I went to sleep, I meditated. Then, right before I went to bed, I took Dream Leaf. It contains 2 capsules. blue and red.

The blue one is to be taken right before bed, the red one after 4 hours of sleep.

I noticed something strange about Dream Leaf. In total I used up half of the bottle by now. I take them on Mondays, and if I have no success with it, I do it again on Wednesday.

The thing is... I practically never have any success on Monday when I take it. But, the followup almost always leads to a lucid dream.

I have no idea why it works like that...

Anyway... Even when I don't take Dream Leaf, I still wake up after 4 hours of sleep each day, so I could perform the FILD method.

With this method I can go directly into a lucid dream. This worked like a charm the first time I used it, but it doesn't seem to work anymore.

Even this morning, as I took the red capsule, I tried relaxing for some time and then did the FILD method. Nothing happened...

I didn't bother with it for too long and fell asleep shortly after.

I don't remember how, but I think I kinda woke up later, and then didn't move. While I wasn't moving, I started feeling like spinning and all that stuff. Then, I did a reality check and I knew I was dreaming.

I got out of bed, quickly got to the door and opened it. I wanted to go outside, but I was not wearing any clothes...



Burgers and Fries!

I thought to myself, "So what? It's only a dream, why should I care if I'm naked in the street?". Well, the point is, I know it's a dream, but it feel so incredibly realistic, I just can't believe it's actually happening.

I told myself to go out there, but I didn't want anyone to see me... I even felt cold. Yup, I actually felt the same cold felling you would get in real life.

I even did another reality check just to make sure I'm not making a fool of myself with the idea to get outside naked. Even after the reality check, I decided to go back inside.

I got dressed up aaaaaand..... I didn't go out. FUCK. Every single time I just spend time in my room. Why is this happening?

BUT, it wasn't boring this time. I was actually able to control things around me. This was really exciting, because every time I got lucid, I couldn't control anything at all. I couldn't make things appear or disappear.

I sat down to my computer desk and I started focusing on creating a burger. With my first try, I managed to make a half burger...

I was like, "Woah! It actually worked". I was really surprised. Right away, I started focusing on it much more this time. I managed to create a burger and some fries.

Then I started eating them. The burger tasted like shit... BUT, the fries actually tasted like the real ones! Damn, I ate so many, if I did this in real life, I would be fat as fuck now...

After I had my feast, I decided to turn on the computer. Now this is where all the fun started...



Inside a Game!

I started playing this game. It was similar to Warcraft 3, but somehow different. I spent quite a lot of time on this game. Then, I started thinking about something cool...

There is nothing impossible in this dream world, right? So, what if I go INSIDE the game? How do I do that? I started thinking, what if I visualize myself being inside the game?

I tried doing that and it didn't work...

Then, I said to myself, "This will work". What will work? Well, decided to push my head through the screen! The first attempt wasn't entirely successful...

What do I mean by that? I actually did manage to get through the screen and I even pierced the wall. I went right through it like it wasn't there!

But, it didn't get me into the game. Then, I focused on this even more and kept telling myself it will work.

As I was pushing my head through the screen, I actually got inside the game!

"WOAH!", I said to myself.

There's the funny part.... I don't remember what I did in the game... Ahhhh, why does this always happen! I get too absorbed by it, or maybe my dream recall isn't good enough just yet.

BUT, this was not the end of my dream adventure. I actually got out of the game later, and I regained some of my vividness.

This is when I had a quite scary experience.



She Was Eating My Guts!

Once I got out of the game, I came back to my senses. I did a reality check. This time I decided to push my finger through my palm. I actually tried to do this many times when I was lucid before, but it never worked.

This time was different. It didn't go through without effort though. I had to actually PUSH it through, but it still worked! It felt a bit weird, but it was cool!

Then, I remember I erased a bunch of objects around me. I just wanted to see how much control I have. It felt really awesome to have the ability to just simply erase stuff around me. Felt so powerful! Like a god!

While I was playing around with the "eraser" ability, I don't remember what I did next. This was the last memory I had in my room.

Next thing I remember, I was no longer in my room. I was lying on stairs and this girl was on top of me. I decided that I don't want to do this, so I tried to erase her as well.

BUT... I couldn't do it... So I tried to push her away, and I wasn't able to do that either... It felt like I was tied down. I couldn't make her go away...

That's when her face transformed into something scary and she started eating my stomach... That was disturbing as fuck!

I was screaming for help and I focused on erasing her really hard, but nothing worked. I woke up from this really quickly...

When I woke up... I thought about this whole experience and I was like, "What the fuck just happened?". I was breathing quite quickly and my heart wasn't very calm either.

I was only glad that it didn't last longer, because seriously... This is not like an ordinary nightmare...

You see, when you're having a nightmare, you don't actually know it's a nightmare. Thus, when you wake up, you're so glad it was only a dream.

Now, when you have a lucid nightmare, you know it's a dream, but you can't fucking do anything and it's still disturbing. When you wake up, you're scared of how little control you had there.

Well, I still handled it pretty well, even though it's my first lucid nightmare. It just seems to have a stronger effect on your mind than the usual nightmare.

I didn't move much, because I didn't want to wake my body up too much. I still wanted to go back into the dream world. I fell asleep pretty quickly...

And, to my surprise, I was lucid once again! I found myself in my bed as always.



Dreaming Forever With a Dream Clock!

Once I became lucid for the second time, I don't have much memory what happened there. I do remember few interesting things though.

I was in my room and I was just standing there talking to my subconsciousness. I don't know if my subconscious mind took any note of what I said or not, but I guess I'll find out!

What did I actually say to it? I remember that I kept repeating, "Next time I'm dreaming, remind me that I'm dreaming". So, basically I was telling my subconscious mind to make me lucid next time I'm dreaming.

Will it work? I have no idea, but I've read somewhere that some people actually do this kind of stuff to become lucid.

I know I was talking about something else as well, but can't remember what. My memory disappears for a short while after this.

Later, I remember being in a car. My brother was driving the car. His girlfriend was also in there. Somehow, he was talking about lucid dreaming.

I mean, he knew this is a dream. Then, he showed me a clock. He told me that he uses this clock to lucid dream for as long as he wants.

He looks at the clock and just resets the time every 20 minutes or so. He told me this is the best way to increase the time of my dreams to last for years if I wanted to.

I focused a lot on creating a clock like this for myself. I tried really, really hard! But for some reason, I wasn't able to create this clock.

I guess my dream control wasn't so strong anymore...

My memory fades away once again. I do remember that I kept on trying to create this clock with my mind multiple times throughout the dream, but I don't remember the scenery at all.

Anyway, my memory comes back when I was in my room again! Damn, why do I spend so much time in my house? I could potentially visit or just create something really beautiful and amazing, yet I still spend basically all the time in my stupid room!

I was with my cousin this time. And guess what we did? We played video games! Sooooooo much creativity in my mind, right?

This is where my memory fades completely.

When I woke up, I wanted more, so I tried to fall asleep. I did actually manage to fall asleep, but the dream wasn't vivid at all and I wasn't lucid.

But I had to pay a price... My head was pulsating! Especially where the Third Eye is located. Don't know if this is from all the lucid dreaming I've had, or is it because I slept one hour longer than usual...

When I used to oversleep, I didn't have much energy or motivation. I haven't been oversleeping for quite some time now, but this time I couldn't resist.

This sensation stayed for a couple of hours. When I went to the gym, it seemed to disappear completely.



Final Thoughts

After this incredibly vivid experience, I thought about everything that happened almost all day long.

I was talking to my subconsciousness, I was able to make things appear and disappear, I had a nightmare that I wasn't able to control, I talked with dream characters that knew it was a dream, I went inside a game and so on...

And all of this happened in like 2 hours of real time, but in the dream world it felt like much, much longer.

anyway, I'm already having incredible amounts of fun here, but I haven't even experienced 1% of what's possible. What do I mean by that?

Well, firstly, I'm still nowhere near to having full control over my dreams. I have to try extremely hard to make something appear and it doesn't always work.

I always spend most of my time in my room. There's so much that I could explore, so many places. I simply haven't explored what my subconscious mind can create within this dream world.

I also haven't done the 2 things most people want to do in a lucid dream. Fly and have sex. I only tried flying when I had my first lucid dream, but I had no success at all.

For some odd reason, I never tried flying after that one time. The thought simply doesn't occur to me. But since I'm aware of this now, I'll try to fly next time I'm lucid dreaming.

And, I haven't even started to experiment with real life skills. This was my main goal why I even wanted to achieve lucid dreaming. I wanted to experiment if I can actually improve certain things in life through lucid dreaming.

Well, to do this, I must first have strong control over my dreams and then, I must have excellent recall. Who knows, maybe I am trying to improve my skills in my dreams already?

Maybe I just don't remember it, because my memory fades away quite often.

But overall, this was the best lucid dreaming experience I've ever had and I probably must thank Dream Leaf for this. I noticed that when I take this supplement, my lucid dreams are incredibly more vivid than the usual lucid dream.

Still, my lucid dreams feel very real even without this supplement... It just adds that extra feel to it. It's hard to explain but there's definitely a difference.

Plus, it's a great placebo and constant reminder. I put my bottle next to my computer screen, so it often reminds me to be aware about lucid dreaming.

Are you not sure if lucid dreaming is worth all the hard work and effort to achieve it? I can say for sure, it's 100% worth it. I don't care how long it takes, weeks, months or even years, it's all worth it.

I'm so glad I've actually put so much effort to this, because I love going into the unknown. It's something mystical and you might have experiences that nobody else ever had. It's a playground inside your head.

I'm ending this post here. At the end of each post I'll include my first post (down below) about this journey as it explains why and how I'm doing this! (Full Post Here)

Lucid dreaming world.png


I Will Be Doing This Every Day!

The main reason I want to start lucid dreaming, is for self improvement.

I've been reading a lot about it and studies have shown that you can actually improve certain abilities by doing it in your dreams.

For example, if you wan't to learn a foreign language, you can practice it in your dreams. Since you're working with your subconscious mind while you're sleeping, you might find out that you know words that you were never aware of while conscious.

It's really all up to your creativity to what you wanna learn and improve upon in your dreams. Is it basketball that you want to become better at? You can do that!

Do you want to become a better fucker? Nobody is holding you back! Just make a nasty slut appear in front of you and do whatever you want with her!

Apparently while sleeping, the neural pathways engaged in the activity are strengthened, and not only imagined or visualized.

To achieve lucid dreaming, a lot of action has to be taken. Well... Some find it really easy to lucid dream, but most have to achieve it the hard way.

It's really important to think about lucid dreaming throughout the day. This way you're telling your subconscious mind that this is what you're focusing on and what you want, thus it gives you the access to control the dream world.

There are quite a few things I will be doing in order to achieve this goal!

  1. So, first of all, I will be posting my whole lucid dreaming journey here on Steemit every day.

  2. I will be writing down all of my dreams on a journal. A dream journal is basically essential if you want to achieve lucid dreaming.

  3. I will do at least 30-50 reality checks every day.

  4. Have a sleeping rhythm. That means I will be going to sleep at the same time every night. I'll also wake up at the same time every morning as well.

  5. I will also experiment with some techniques to induce lucid dreams.

  6. I won't look at any screens (computer, TV or even phone) 30-60 minutes before bed, because I've read that this helps a lot. For those 30-60 minutes I will be meditating.

  7. Talk, read and think about lucid dreaming constantly.

  8. Occasionally I will listen to lucid dreaming binaural beats and hypnosis.

  9. I will use an app called Awoken. This app is designed to help you achieve lucid dreaming. It reminds you to do reality checks throughout the day and it has a dream journal, which is where I will be writing down all my dreams when I wake up.

  10. I will experiment with the supplement called Dream Leaf, I already ordered it and I will use it when it arrives. I will take it only once or at most twice every week to see if it changes anything about my dreams and the ability to become lucid.



Tracking All My Progress!

So, like I've mentioned before, I will be tracking all my progress and I'll be posting about it every day here on Steemit.

Also, after I achieve lucid dreaming, I won't stop posting about my experiences for some time still.

When I achieve my goal, I will be writing down a lot of experiences that I have inside the dream world, and I'll experiment if it's actually possible to improve real life skills while sleeping.

I set a personal goal to achieve lucid dreaming within 30 days starting today. I'm really excited and hopefully I'll be able to do that even faster than 30 days!

This is not the first time I try to achieve lucid dreaming, but I never took it seriously and I was too inconsistent, so I never even came close to becoming lucid.

But this time I'm gonna SMASH it and record the whole journey on this blockchain!

UPDATE: I achieved lucid dreaming for the first time on day 12


I'm going to lucid dream tonight!


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Day 35 - Where Are Those Dreams?


Thanks, upvoted and resteemed - this will also be added to my forthcoming curated post.

Strangely, I have found Cordyceps to aid dreaming. Strange, because it is not usually given for this, but it has 100s of bioactive substances - I haven't delved into which ones are actually helping the dream process.

Your post has been included in my latest AAKOM Curated Resteems post.


I will look into this Cordyceps to see what it's made of.

Wow hahahahha ive got lots of lucid dreams too some lean on horrible events and some adventure, games and superhero-ness

Nice post. Upvoted hehe

Wow, i have learnt something here, i want to try to use some of your to do daily list

Like time to sleep and wake, not watching tv, computer or phone 30-60 min before and after bed.


I hope you do try it out!

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