
Haha, well. Then I guess the real depth of this post remains hidden to you. "It is what it is" is the kind of Acceptance which works for 99% of the healing, yet the last 1% cannot simply be healed by applying "It is what it is", for this 1% is that spark of perpetual Oneness in us that does NEVER accept Separation as Truth.

To heal this last 1% of Separation within, a 360° perceptual shift is necessary: it is no longer about merely accepting "it the way it is", but about ultimately accepting that Oneness can never possibly repealed, no matter how hard we try.

I get it! The one with the most spirituality wins. That is certainly how you came across in your last comment. Let me leave you with a dose of this... You assumed I didn't know.

The Role of a Guru. The Guru Gita (verse 17) aptly describes the guru as "dispeller of darkness" (from gu, "darkness" and ru, "that which dispels"). ... He who faithfully follows a true guru becomes like him, for the guru helps to elevate the disciple to his own level of realization."

Understand that you have a real long way before full understanding.
To be humble is to be a teacher. You were far from that by laughing in your last comment. Laughing at your students would be unauthentic and hardly spiritual.

"Laughing at the student" surely is a a very personal and judgmental perspective without substance. Whenever we take something personally it indicates where we still need healing within, for as long as we are stuck in our own thoughts we cannot possibly experience and know another. :)

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