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RE: How to make a *Sacred* DreamCatcher - Part 2 - Sacred Feathers, Crystals & Decoration

in #spirituality7 years ago

Fantastic. Now I can make my own, which I need to do because I have really vivid dreams ;-) If I could catch them and write them all down the bestseller would write itself!


Oh yes! You totally have to, I have had much clearer dreams since I made it. You just need to get a dream journal to write it all down as soon as you wake up. That said, I have found I much prefer lazily enjoying the last moments of a dream until it fades away rather than sitting up to write it down :)

I do keep a dream journal @calluna, although I only record dreams on waking when I feel like it and they fade from memory quite quickly sometimes. I'm not religious but I used to carve as a sort of a creative ritual, that's why your article interested me so much.

P.S. here is a poem inspired by one of the dreams from my dream journal. It's past payout so I can't be accused vote begging ;-)

Have you ever carved your own totem? I have heard it is such an amazing experience!

This is such a beautiful dream poem, you use of repetition anchors dreamy ideas very well. This is definitely one I want to come back to and read a second time.

Have you ever seen the film Paprika?

😀 Strange that you'd ask that @calluna, there's some synchronicity going on here. Yes, I carved like personal totems. I just used to pick up a branch that I saw a shape in and carve it over the course of months with images and themes that emerged from my subconscious. I was a complete hippy as a teenager and it just came naturally to express creativity like this before my writing really found its feet. I remember a particular carving that I spent a year on, it included various animals that pop up in my dreams being swallowed by a sort tortured face with a mouth impossibly wide. I painted it and it was quite impressive. Strange as hell though, and I remember being a little freaked out by what it might mean at the time. I figured it out later, and ended up burning it. I wish I had taken a picture.

Thanks for the compliment on the poem, I am glad you enjoyed it 👍

No I have never seen the film Paprika, I shall look it up. Thanks for the recommendation

Oh my word that is amazing!! I was hoping that could be the carving you alluded to! Oh I wish you had as well, it must have been so surreal to bring dreams to life in front of you like that. I could see how it could be unnerving, I kind of what to know what it meant now but I am not sure I want to ask, some things can be best left untold. Do you still have any totems?

It is a great dreamworld themed movie, not that recently but still well worth a watch, I would love if you ended up coming back and telling me what you thought of it's dream representation. I have to ask if you've seen Waking Life? It is quite a bit more well known so I was guessing you probably would have :)

No, I don't have any totems now, I think there may be some some of my old carvings hanging around my childhood home somewhere.

I have never seen Waking Life either. You are giving me a fantastic list of new movies to watch. I have been overdoing steemit the last 3 days anyway, so I think it's time to download a film or two and kick back 😉 Thanks for the recommendations @calluna