in #spirituality6 years ago

Many of you are probably familiar with these names.

However, I believe that these men never existed, so please allow me to explain why.


In the book of Daniel in the Old Testament, were are told a few things about certain individuals. To most, they are now commonly known as "Shadrach," "Meshach," and "Abednego." However, I don't think we should ever refer to them as such. The real people who are the ones spoken of in the scriptures are Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. As far as I am concerned, this is the true identity of the ones mentioned.

You see, names have meanings, or at least they once did. Hananiah meant something like "Yah is gracious" or "Jehovah has given.," Mishael meant "who is like God!" or "Who is what El is?" and Azariah meant "Yah has helped" or "whom Jehovah helps." Each of these names not only had a specific meaning, they each spoke of the one true Creator and glorified His name and person. But then, something terrible happened.

Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon changed the names of these young men. Essentially, it was an attempt to change their identities. According to this source "The Chaldean names are related to the Hebrew names, but the name of a heathen god has replaced that of Yahweh," with supposed meanings like Shadrach = "Command of Aku (the moon god)", Meshach = "Who is as Aku is?", and Abednego = "Slave of the god Nebo/Nabu." As we read in the recorded history of the book of Daniel we know that this attempt at changing who they were utterly failed. Nebuchadnezzar may have tried to change who they were and even tried to change their names, but their identities never changed.

My point and current thoughts are, "Why do more modern day Christians not call these young men by their real names?" Doing so would not only accurately represent their real identities but also testify of the real Creator God. Personally, I think that even if we are ignorant, God knows what their real names were, and what their fake names mean. It is my belief that it may even be an insult to Him to refer to these young men by their fake Babylonian names representing false gods. We seem to have no problem calling Daniel by him real name... so are "Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah" really that hard to pronounce or remember?

Anyway, just some random thoughts that I was having late last night, and I figured I'd share them. As far as I'm concerned, "Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego" never existed. That was a failed attempt by Nebuchadnezzar. Words have meanings, and it would be a shame to call these faithful young men by such names. To personify it a bit, it would be like calling a Christian a name like "worshipper of the moon" or "slave to the tree god." How long would you allow someone to refer to you as such? Just some thoughts anyway... what are yours?

Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai




Hi @papa-pepper

Thanks for sharing. This is my thought on what you posted.

Hebrew names were translated into english names. Just like the real hebrew name of Jesus is yeshua.

Good thought! Thanks!

Thank You for sharing I just know there real names as of today thank u @papa-pepper cheers... Godbless...

@papa-pepper i think if i got your your point you are trying to make us see the light of their own Hebrew names because their Hebrew name is a picture of christ and his finished work.
Hmmmm this is really englightening.

I've wondered that myself. Why was it that the translators decided to use the Chaldean names rather than the Hebrew names. It's always been strange to me. Glad someone else picked up on that too.

Yeah, I figured that I wasn't alone in these thoughts. Thanks man... with no name.... Hmm.....

For lack of a better expression, I’m going to play the devil’s advocate here... and I’m no theologian, but shouldn’t god be accepting of the incorrect way that these names are being used? Again I understand the points you’re making on the basis of, the names are just plain incorrect. They should be this, but the ‘heathen’ changed them to that.

I think if religions in general were more accepting of others and not labeling other religions are false or portray them in a negative light the world would ultimately be a better place.

This in primarily in response to this statement:

It is my belief that it may even be an insult to Him to refer to these young men by their fake Babylonian names representing false gods.

If we’re going to analyze based on history or age, science aside, then newer religions should be more respectful of the pre-existing ones. Unless there is an anterior motive at play. What changed culturally or in the course of a society that caused it to change from pagan/multitheism to monotheism...?

Or, what changed in order for things to go from monotheism to multitheism to atheism.....?

Thanks for putting in some food for thought!

I think that one is a bit easier to grasp... (or perhaps it’s a similar discussion for both).

Scientific thinking in modern post industrial revolution times or “philosophy” during the BC/AD cusp.

When something needs a more structured or proof-based reason for existing, it’s harder to believe in the supernatural.

Good good good

Wow, this is the first time that I heard about the "real names" of "SHADRACH, MESHACH, AND ABEDNEGO". I first came to know them exactly as "SHADRACH, MESHACH, AND ABEDNEGO" in the Bible and never read any story about their real names until I read this article of yours.

And this goes for many things in life. The more you know, the less you know, hehe.

This is also the first time that I read about "the more you know, the you less know", I am only acquainted to "the more I know, the more afraid I become".

I become less afraid when I know more.

great post,keep it up

Wow,this is awesome. Thid is exactly the same thought i have about the babylonian names given to the young men. Thanks for sharing this here. I'll resteem this

Cool! Glad to hear that you think in a similar way about this.

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