in #spirituality7 years ago

Revelation - The Rapture - The Tribulation - The End of Days

Many think that this world will soon be in for it. A lot of ideas about what will happen in the future are based upon the Bible and preached from a lot of pulpits. Many believe in an imminent rapture when all of the "true believers" will suddenly vanish without a trace. Then, they say, a seven year period of God's wrath will be unleashed upon the earth, commonly referred to as "the Tribulation."

While these ideas may be popular within Christianity, are they valid?


When it comes to talking about an issue like eschatology (*the study of end-time prophecy*) we are dealing with a very big matter. Many different ideas that contradict one another exist, and yet many claim that they come from the same source, the Bible. Many churchgoers only believe what their pastor teaches them, and, unfortunately, many believe that they are simply not capable of making sense of it on their own. I believe that if anyone is diligent enough to actually seek the true answers to questions like these, they can be rewarded with an accurate answer. For many years, I too had no idea what to think. A lot of what I was taught didn't seem to make sense and, when compared to scripture, it all seemed very confusing to try to draw the same conclusions that others had.
For a very long time, I determined to seek out the matter more fully. While I will never claim to understand it all, what I was able to determine from my studies was a more accurate view of the end-time events than that which I had been taught. While not everyone may agree with me, and while many may not even care what the God reveals in the Bible, since they events will affect all of us, I thought that it would be beneficial to share them here. The posts that I share in this series will be based upon a 50 day devotional that I wrote some time ago. While I have some proof copies in my possession, I have not fully published it yet. Hopefully, I will be doing just that in the near future.
In this series, each post will cover one of the days of the study. I will be sharing the information in a video that I will also upload to YouTube, and the talented @verbal-d will be recording an audio version and sharing it on soundcloud as well. Each day is meant to cover one small part of this incredibly large subject, and, by the end of the series, all come together to form a much fuller and more accurate understanding about what God reveals will be happening in the days to come. I will try to make it easy to digest and slow-paced enough that a solid foundation will be laid brick by brick. Even if you have never been interested in this topic before, or if you've always wondered it, feel free to join in and see what you think.


My goal is to consistently release each post in this series on consecutive days. Obviously life can get random and many variables come into play, but that will be my goal. Hopefully I don't keep you waiting too long if you get interested and tune in on a daily basis, but, if I do, please be patient with me. I'll get started with the preface tomorrow. Thanks!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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Oh, I love End Times stuff! This should be exciting! There are many different views about it, but the most important thing no matter what our interpretation is, is to know is that WE WIN, because the battle has already been won! Yay!

Revelation is the Book with a promise, those who read it and believe it will be blessed

I think this topic will give you a lot of contents to write for a very long time and give our community a great point to discuss....good one my dear wild man...greetings to your clan.
Feel free to see my new posts for a once in a life time opportunity...success to you.

You got a topic that you can discuss for years without exhausting all the resources of interesting details on it. Keep up the great work!

LOL, you are correct about that. A very deep subject indeed. Thanks @arnel.

Hey @papa-pepper I too enjoy eschatology! I have watched many videos on the subject made by Steve Moutria over at torahfamily.org. He has some good insights into this subject! I would suggest everyone to take a look if you are interested in this topic. Have you seen any of his stuff before?

@simms50 We love the Moutria's. They are a super sweet family! He's a great teacher.

Agreed! I enjoyed him over at 119 Ministries as well!

I started researching "what makes the queen a queen" which crossed paths with "the bible". Many videos are avail and the history is interesting.

Did you know the egyptians 5000yo had a "virgin mother" , yep same-same 'story'. Facts? I don't know, but it is interesting, esp when you discover who/how/why "the bible" was re-written over the ages. and it is compared to archeology. There is something to it, just what I'm not sure.

Here is one vid, I look forward to reading your posts.

A lot of things about the Messiah were prophesied long before, so it is possible to create a story that includes something else, like a virgin birth, before the Messiah came and hence be "first." Interesting stuff to look into.

Agreed. The historical + the archeological = interesting research
(& I'm not religious : to many have died in the name of man-made religion IMHO)
I'm sure the vatican vault has some interesting docs & the UK museum (egypt stuff)

Maybe try these for some brainfood:





Did you know that the pope is Antichrist?

The meaning of Antichrist is "Insteed of christ".

The end time events involve the last regim, a union or a global nation, symbolically called a mixture of clay and steel. It will not last, but this nation will look like a lamb but speak like of a dragon. (maybe a false christ-state with persecutes the real people of God)

Catholic connection
Today the Vatican power is trying to unite all so called christian churches under the catholic institution. They try to create a new world order by uniting the religious realm with the power of the nationstates, they will also include the fallen angels by including the new age realm

Nationstate connection
In the medieval times there were a union between catholic church and nationstates/kings. That resulted in persecution of free people, witchburning and a totalitarian dictatorship in Europe.

New age connection
This false church do not have Gods blessing, but the fallen angels will give power to humans så that it seems that they are doing miracles. Bible say that many false Christ-persons will appear in the end times.

But there is another people
Gods people in the end times will be a international church, with the testimony of Jesus Christ.

We need to get out of Babylon so that we do not take part of her sins.
God forgives all sins that we ask forgiveness of.

I'm not religious. To many (esp kids) have died in the name of religion, it is a man made -up construction/mindset. To me the 'books' are works of man, modified over time to suit a mans purpose. I am interested in the history component they may contain and how it relates to archeology. However I understand and accept that others do believe in these institutions, and from them I gain learning & understanding as to why, which helps my learning also.

Understood. Some of us are still on the "inside" trying to steer our religion into a less destructive mindset. Let us know how we are doing :)

There is so much info / investigation on the net. eg the history of the biblical texts, how & when they where changed etc.
The "interpretation" of those texts I appreciate, it's the "blind faith" & the "preachers" (that take money from the poor for themselves) that I disagree with mostly.

I'm with you about blind faith and greedy preachers. I have not heard of KEK. Are you aware of the branches of eschatology called Preterism and Historicism that say those prophecies were usually fulfilled in the lifetime of the prophet? Or belonged to a genre of biblical literature called Apocalypse which was not meant to be taken as a prophecy of future events but rather spiritual events?

I think the antichrist is not a person, but rather an "ism" or a belief. The thing that John dealt with that was against Christ was Gnosticism. He makes mention of it elsewhere, though not by name. 1 John 2:18 - "Little children, it is the End Times: and as ye heard that antichrist cometh, even now have there arisen many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the End Times." Also: 1 John 4:3 "and every spirit that confesseth not Jesus is not of God: and this is the spirit of the antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it cometh; and now it is in the world already."

Hi @papa-pepper
I agree with you on the fact many people just take what their preachers say without even trying to understand the scriptures themselves.. I have been a victim of this lifestyle and it made me to take rash decisions that almost destroyed my career. It is dangerous especially if it's a false prophet. So the best thing is for us to study and discover for ourselves what God says. I am looking forward to your series.. Kudos..

I agree! I was raised in the very popular denomination church just believing whatever we were taught. One day, I was slowly learning all the lies I was being fed and went to a different church. Then one day I prayed to God to show me His truth, and my world flipped upside down yet again. I am now finally reading my Bible and studying everything for myself.

Self study is the only way to go.

The lord is your strength..... Great job

This will be interesting viewing for the next two months. By then it will be spring and you will be able to chase your snakes again.

LOL! You know me well my friend!

good story
well wrote
great work like always

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