NARROWMINDED VIEWS #5 - SHORT TERM MISSIONS - Gaining the Proper Perspective

in #spirituality8 years ago

All too often, it seems that we inadvertently hinder our own faithfulness due to categorization. I personally believe that all believers know we are all supposed to be actively involved in fulfilling “the Great Commission,” yet we know that most who choose to call themselves by His name rarely, if ever, really tell non-believers about Jesus Christ.

The simple label that is conveniently attached to some as being “evangelists” or “missionaries” leaves many quite comfortable in their sin of disobedience.

For too many believers, it is the missionaries and evangelists who are supposedly called to spread the Gospel, and if they do not label themselves as such, then they pretend that they have no responsibility in this area. However, Jesus commissioned all believers to be faithful in preaching the Gospel.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

Though this type of categorization indeed hinders much faithfulness, there is yet another kind that I desire to make us aware of.

Many among the more faithful believers have at one time or another set aside a time to “go out witnessing” or have embarked on a “short term mission trip.” Indeed these activities have reaped much fruit for the Kingdom, and I am not about to bash either of them.

However, I must point out what mentally happens when we categorize activities or time periods in this way. When we “go out witnessing,” we switch mental gears from what we consider to be our “normal, everyday life” into “witnessing mode.” Likewise, when we embark on short term mission trips, we switch our minds into “missionary mode.”

The problem that I find with this is that all too often upon returning home after one of these activities, we switch our minds back to our “normal, everyday life” mode, and this extremely hinders faithfulness in our daily existence.

How is it that we can spend large sums of money to geographically relocate ourselves for small periods of time and try to actively represent God and share Jesus with all whom we come in contact with and yet not be doing so for the vast majority of our lives in our own neighborhoods and regular spheres of influence?

Is the impoverished child in Uganda any more worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ than the single mother at the checkout counter?

Did Jesus pay only for the sins of those within the remote tribes of South America or were the sins of those within our own neighborhoods also paid for?

I fear that far too many who are unfaithful at home are sent around the world for short periods of time to attempt faithfulness there. I have personally been unfaithful and have also been prone to labeling and categorization in the past, but I pray those times have now ended.

It was recently revealed to me that “Life is a Short Term Mission Trip.”

If we can keep this reality in the forefront of our minds, we will be more aware of the lost around us and more aware of our specific role in their lives as far as the Gospel is concerned.

This will inevitably lead to an increased faithfulness, which the Lord can turn into an increased fruitfulness. There are a few with this proper perspective on life, and hopefully you know of some of them. What an encouragement they are to the rest of us!

One such person is Mark Cahill, who, in his book One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven, marvelously points out that you cannot share Jesus Christ with anyone in Heaven, since they all already know Him. Our only opportunity to do so is here. If you have never read this volume, I would strongly suggest it to every believer. My wife and I were exposed to it very early on in our Christian lives and have long considered faithfulness in evangelism to be a major component of “entry level Christianity.” Please check out his website for more information about One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven and other valuable resources from Mark Cahill.

Very, very little that occurs on earth will have an eternal impact, but winning lost souls to Christ will last forever.

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life: and he that winneth souls is wise.” (Proverbs 11:10)

Since the grounds of evangelism are foreign territory to many of us, witnessing can be very intimidating at first. This should encourage us to rely heavily on the Holy Ghost and remember that in our own flesh we will fail at all that really matters.

Jesus indeed has commanded us to “preach the gospel to every creature.” He also clearly stated “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Thankfully He continued with a helpful reminder, “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth;” (John 14:16-17a).

To be obedient and faithful in evangelism, just like in everything else, will require the power of the Holy Ghost. He will work through us; we just have to let Him. Our role is simply to be a conduit for His love, grace, truth, and light.

When we are told to “Go ye into all the world,” often we think of how large the earth is, and our minds come to rest on distant lands and the indigenous peoples thereof.

However, “all the world” is also inclusive of all places near and familiar to us.

Whether they be our neighborhoods, places of employment, local schools, or parks; they are all included within “all the world*.”

Most of us will never make it to the Middle East, or Africa, or South America, but we have already made it to the gas station and grocery store.

We have been entrusted with our own mission field right here, and to aide our faithfulness, we have even been given the same language, cost effective transportation to reach these near areas, and a general understanding of the culture in which these people live.

Might I also remind us that “every creature” includes all those that we meet every day, and none should be overlooked?

Our focus often looks so far outward that it seems our center of attention is shifted outside our homes, and we forget that the preaching of the Gospel and the making of disciples should begin with our own children and branch out from there.

Interestingly enough, according to the Biblical requirements, a man should be approved within his own home prior to ever being considered to be a leader within a local congregation.

Yet, many young men become seminary trained and actually attempt to lead entire congregations before they ever even consider marriage and child-rearing. It is no small wonder that so many Christians are currently failing within their homes, which should be their primary ministry.

I fear the majority of Christian leaders don’t measure up Biblically, so what type of examples can they be to “their flocks”? We all would do well to refocus our main attention to our own family first, and then move forward from there. Take notice of the Godly men and women around you who are still on their first marriage and have raised believing children into adulthood. These are the ones with the hands-on, practical knowledge that we will need. Book smarts and theory will never be as effective as the understanding that can be gained by several years’ worth of actual trial and error leading to eventual refinement and success.

Indeed life is short.

We have only been entrusted with a very small portion of time, and now is the only chance that we can be absolutely sure we have to obey our Lord. We may be dead in a second!

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” (James 4:14)

For he remembered that they were but flesh; a wind that passeth away, and cometh not again.” (Psalm 78:39)

As one compares the brevity of life with the awesomeness of eternity, one realizes that life is indeed a short term mission trip.

This is why Paul tells us, “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

An ambassador is a representative of one place to another.

We are now Heaven’s representatives in this world.

We are not of this world.

If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you” (John 15:19)

For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:” (Philippians 3:20)

Since this world is not our home, we are foreigners and ambassadors here, representatives of our Father and His heavenly Kingdom. We are here for a short time, during which we are to invite others to join us in the blessed eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour. That invitation can only be offered to others now.

Once the opposition, Satan and the demons, fails at preventing us from obtaining salvation, the only other thing they can do is to labor to prevent us from taking others with us.

It is them who do not want you to view life as a short-term mission trip.

We must remember that life is the longest short-term mission trip that we will ever be on, and we must not let the enemies of our Lord succeed in their endeavor to prevent our faithfulness.

If you are a believer, then you are heaven-bound.

When you die, you go to your eternal home.

The only reason that you are still here is to impact others.

Impact them with the gospel!

O remember that my life is wind:” (Job 7:7a)

Remember how short my time is:” (Psalm 89:47a)


Thanks, @narrowminded

In case you missed them,

Narrowminded Views #1 : Jesus Christ : Crucified, Drawn & Quartered, Or Both?
Narrowminded Views #2 : When A Day Is Just A Day
Narrowminded Views #3 : As Much As Lieth In You
Narrowminded Views #4 : Life Essentials Survival Guide


This is excellent.
You have inspired me once again.

Another mistake we make is not realizing that we don't have to do all the work to reach each person ourselves. God is managing a whole team coached by His Holy Spirit. We should be constantly hoping for opportunities to get in the game, if only to pinch hit or run an occasional play. I might not get the call at the goal line. I could be just asked to pick up a first down.

(i.e. I might have a chance to say just one sentence about Jesus to a friend when the opening presents itself. Even just a occasional "Praise the Lord" when the situation warrents it.)

I might get the call at any moment, "Larimer, get in there." After three yards and a cloud of dust I'm back on the bench hoping for another call to get back in the game. Like any good benchwarmer, I need to be ready when that call comes.

"Put me in Coach, I'm ready to play!"

Well said and I am glad to be inspirational.

We do need to be aware that the Lord may want to use us at any moment, and still make sure to be leaving room for the Holy Spirit to do His job too.

Thanks again Brother Stan!

This song brings back memories!

I'll keep some stuff coming!


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