Stop using the term "Black Magic"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #spirituality7 years ago

All Magik is based off intention, Magik has no color as it is made completely of intention. there is good intention, and bad intention. 

(Gif credit from Google Images)

Some Facts about true Magik:

  • Magik is 100% made up of pure intention: Remember the saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions?" this phrase is true.. to an extent... if you are intending to use your Magik to harm someone, your intention is to harm them, maim, or even kill them.. this is not black Magik.. this is Malicious intention.. OR Wrath. Again.. it depends on why you are doing the Magik and how you go about it.. Are you death cursing  a corrupt politician because they are abusing children and making decisions not in the best interest of the people? Or are you death cursing your ex husband for cheating on you with someone who made him happy when you could not? 
  • Emotion has a powerful influence: Do you ever remember being in church and the pastor talking about how anger and depression are demons that need to be purged? Do you ever wonder why the state is so quick to prescribe medications to people who aren't in complete control of their emotions, or have gifts such as seeing into the astral? ( we will talk about that a little later as well) Lets say you have a powerful intention to defame someone.. your anger amplifies that intention.. your sadness amplifies it, also, your love for that person can also make it so your intention causes you harm.. this is why in order to perform true and powerful Magik, you need to be 100% in control of your emotions and feelings over the issue before you act on it.. if you feel that you will have even the slightest bit of remorse for cursing someone, DON'T CURSE THEM ... at least not until your emotions are in check. 
  • Meditation is key: Like I have explained on different posts, your bioelectricity has a lot to so with how you can manipulate your own reality..(Check here: If you are 100% sure you want to perform true and real Magik, you need to meditate first and increase your bioelectricity. Yoga, and Tai Chi are also good ways to increase your Bioelectricity and stabilize your soul, mind, and body on the same vibrational frequency. 
  • Protection is an absolute must: If you are looking to perform any form of Magik , it is important to know with out a reason of a doubt that you are protected in every way possible. The most powerful protection is an aura shield made from the white golden energy from the sun. ( See here for a power meditation on protection: if you ever want to succeed in your Magik it is best to ensure you are also protected from any attacks from not only other practitioners.. but entities that are not physical as well.. 
  • You do not need to be a dedicated Satanist to do Magik: To do Beginner Magik, Wicca, you do not need to do dedicate to Satan.. HOWEVER if you wish to work with demons, then you need dedicate yourself to Satan.. In order to dedicate though, you also need to be ready.. you need to study all of the Satanic gods through a safe and reputable source.. This website is a very good place to start. The community here is amazing. They are supportive to those who are willing to put aside their prior beliefs and learn with a 100% open mind.. The reason you need to dedicate to Satan when working with demons, is because he can help protect you from the influence of those who mean you spiritual death or spiritual harm. I will also wrote another article on the importance of dedicating another time.. 
  • It is okay to channel demons for the purpose of learning: Demons are very good teachers when it comes to learning  things you cannot find in a book or on the internet ( due to the church corrupting and destroying history replacing it with their own fake history. Like I said before though.. it is a good idea to dedicate.. Demons do not trust people who are not dedicated to the path as easily as they do trust those of us who are dedicated.. There is no sacrifice involved in this path, only discipline and a hunger for knowledge we have bee deprived of.. Such as the seven seals mentioned in the bible... or the apple from the garden of eden... or even the concept of Adam and eve.. Though these are all bible references, I can go into detail later on my sermons as to what these things have to do with the demons and how they can help.

This was essentially my point for this article.. There is no Color in Magik.. only Intention, Emotion, Knowledge and Self Control Mixed with the power of your own Bioelectricity.. For more, see my Spiritual Satanism Index: 

Much Love To All My Followers

(Obvious source for this gif is Google Images, and the Simpsons)



Hey, I up-voted your post as one of the best. Here you find more Please re-steem so that other people can participate.

Black or White is (mostly) determined by outcome (of course if the person INTENDS harm their personal karma is obvious) but, as you say;

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions".

If the outcome (according to how the universe REALLY works (as opposed to how we may THINK it works)) interferes with the individual's progression, then the "magic" (however you choose to define/spell it) was BLACK as the ace of spades (regardless of their intention).

And conversely, if it FURTHERS the individual's progress, then it is "white". (and if their intention was "black" but the outcome "white", then we all say "YEAH baby! So Mote It Be", genuflect thrice in the direction of the Just Universe and the "black"magician STILL pays the price for her "black" intention even tho outcome was "white".)
Just my personal O :-)

Although that may be your opinion, true spiritual advancement has no color, therefore neither does "Magik". Magik is just a nikname for Quantum Manipulations. Magik is fact not opinion. It is made of intention, yes, but you need to have a basic understanding on science before you can really progress

Whether white/black (good/bad, hot/cold, fred/wilma or other mental pigeonhole/shorthand) is assigned or not, there is that which impedes "spiritual advancement" (as you call it) and that which assists.

The reason I disagreed with your statement was because there are forms of what people are calling "Black Magik" that are actually a form of self defense or a form of advancement that requires you to have to harness and take complete control of society's version of "undesirable" behaviour and emotions in order to advance. Transforming hatred for someone into self love or inner peace towards an issue can be seen as "black magik" which is why I am trying to abolish all street slang labels on the intentions we will into a quantum manipulation.
Does that make sense? I only ask because I have a hard time interpreting my thoughts into words sometimes.

I am not sure I am understanding all you are saying but I would not dissipate my energies worrying about anyone that thinks transforming your own hatred into something less harmful is wrong, bad or "black magic".

You cannot (ethically) control what other people do, only what you do. So, abolish whatever you need to abolish from your own consciousness and it will have no power over you regardless what anyone else may think.

There is no bad magik only bad people. Black magik can be used for good. That is what I was trying to say.

Yes, just as there are no bad guns, knives, or bombs only bad people.

My point exactly.

Also, that quote I brought up was a quote I used, because it is the same quote that Christians and Sheeple use to discredit Magik.

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