Spiritual Satanism Part 5; Tai ChisteemCreated with Sketch.

in #spirituality7 years ago


if you do not comprehend this article and what it has to do with Satanism or the occult, please read these last few articles. I am building up to another article with this one that will tie together my last few as well as the relativity to the oroboros.:

What is Tai Chi?

Some people refer to Tai Chi as Meditation in Motion. This description is both accurate and very well descriptive of this art. I often refer to Tai Chi as "The dance between Spirit, Mind and Body." The reason I refer to it as such is because from experience, this is exactly what it is. Using slow, fluid physical motions to also move the flow of spiritual energy (chi/bioelectricity) within your physical and spiritual body to either heal an ailment or to keep the body limber, or disease free. 

If you are new to Tai Chi, I suggest only doing 5 minutes at a time before doing your exercise routine, or Yoga routine. doing even 5 minutes of this can help you focus and boost your motivation, which results in a more relaxing workout routine and a more motivation fueled workout, rather than an " OH MY GOD WHY AM I PUNISHING MY DOUGHNUT BUTT!!" type of routine. 

Below here are some very basic moves for a beginner to Tai Chi. 

(Source: Youtube)

Below is for my handicapped followers who are wheelchair bound, have very limited mobility in the legs, or are senior citizens who get light headed very easily. This video is also good for women who are pregnant in thir second or third trimester.

( Source: Youtube)

Please note: Tai chi is not a speedy way to lose weight! It can however assist in helping build a significant energy boost if done both before and after a workout routine!! 

Why is Tai Chi so beneficial? 

Have you ever heard the expression "A body in motion stays in motion?"  This, in fact, is a very true statement. Your body starts to degrade if you do not use it properly and give it due maintenance. This is why people with office jobs tend to start developing things like arthritis, back pain, restless leg disorder and other various ailments. This is all due to not moving your bioelectricity flow enough. 

People who suffer from seizures would also benefit from SEATED Yoga and Tai Chi. The reason for this is because some seizure disorders are due to blocked Chi(bioelectricity) that becomes built up and imbalanced causing the Chakra/energy circuit to short out or malfunction. 

Think of it as a computer or a car with a wire that has been frayed slightly. The machine as a whole will still work and function, however it will still have a slight problem here and there and cause malfunctions that can be severe. I suggest Seated Yoga and Seated Tai Chi to all beginners as your first week of Tai Chi can cause light headed and dizziness if you rush through or are not used to the sudden increase in blood flow or oxygen in your body. Once you feel you are used to the basic Seated Tai Chi with out feeling light headed, you can go ahead and advance to basic standing poses. 

Side note: Be careful!! Do not push yourself too hard!! Tai Chi is like meditating and dancing at the same time!! There is a reason there is Seated Yoga and Tai Chi for people who are just starting!! Take care of yourself and start with the minimum until you feel you are ready to leap ahead to standing! 

Here are some terms you should know before you begin your journey through Tai Chi:


  • Qi: An energy force thought to flow through the body; tai chi is said to unblock and encourage the proper flow of qi.
  • Yin and yang: Opposing elements thought to make up the universe that need to be kept in harmony. Tai chi is said to promote this balance.
  • Kai Shi: Begin
  • Kow Tow: Bow 
  • Gan Bei: Cheers (when drinking/celebrating. Satanism teaches that Alcohol is not in the best interest for raising the Kundalini and can actually postpone Godhead. Extreme Moderation is advised if you are on the same spiritual path as myself.)
  • Jing: Essence (like energy/bioelectricity/or the influence of something else such as the moon, essence of the moon means the energy from the moon)
  • Taolu: Forms (like poses or stances. If you hear someone say correct your Taolu it means to correct your posture or the way your forming your poses.)
  • Hao (sounds like How): Good, Very good is Hěn Hǎo (Hung How) and not good is Bù Hǎo (Boo How) Literally means Good...
  •  Zai Jian: Goodbye (if you do not know what good bye means it is possible that may be the reason you are single right now. If you did not detect my sarcasm chances are you do not have a sense of humor!)
  • Ni Hao (sounds like Nee How): Hello ( Chinese greetings are used a lot in Tai Chi as it is a Chinese art.. you can also just say hello in your native language.. I am posting these terms so if you decide to watch a video in Chinese you will understand the basics if not in English or your native language)
  • Ni Hao Ma: How Are You? 
  • Neijia: Internal Arts 
  • Ti: Kick (This term is also used in art forms for Martial arts and self defense classes)
  • Qigong: Life Energy Cultivation
  • Shifu: Master (You will become familiar with this term if you take Tai Chi classes or Martial Arts classes)
  • Zhanzhuang: Mediation (Standing) Meditating in different poses is good for the energy flow. there are different ways to meditate, not all meditation poses are in lotus style sitting.
  • Bù Hǎo (Boo How):Not Good ( Like good, but also pretty much the opposite of good)
  • Quan: Punch (Not the drink, This term is common if you are into Martial arts)
  • Tuishou: Pushing Hands
  • Shen: Spirit (Literally the spirit)
  • Tu Di: Student
  • Lao Shi: Teacher or Instructor 
  • Xie Xie: Thank You (Always be thankful to those who share their knowledge as Knowledge is the most powerful gift someone can give you. Giving knowledge is like giving a piece of your soul!!)
  • Bu-ke-qi :You Are Welcome (Also means Don't act like a guest)

What should your Tai Chi exercise look like?

  1. Basic warm ups are needed to loosen muscles and make movements easier. start with shoulder rolls and neck stretching. 
  2. A Tai Chi Curriculum, see the videos above for an example. 
  3. Qigong (or chi kung). Translated as "breath work" or "energy work," this consists of a few minutes of gentle breathing sometimes combined with movement. The idea is to help relax the mind and mobilize the body's energy. Qigong may be practiced standing, sitting, or lying down. I have posted some very basic breathing exercises for energy working on this article. Check it out! :  https://steemit.com/satanism/@ladyreijya/spiritual-satanism-pt-3-khundalini-and-bioelectricity-pt-1

To get started:

  1. Don't be intimidated by the language, like I said earlier in this article, the practice of Tai Chi is a Chinese practice. Therefore a lot of the terminology is completely in Chinese and a little hard to translate into English!! This is why I have posted a small word index above in case there are some words that come across as confusing to you.
  2. Check with a doctor if you have a disease or disability that may make it hard to do Tai Chi. If your doctor gives you the green light and says it is okay, still start with seated tai chi and yoga. If your doctor says practice with caution start with seated yoga and tai chi. These beginner poses will be beneficial to you with any condition so long as you practice with caution and make sure you have a buddy to help in case of dizziness or sudden fainting occurs. If you experience dizziness or feel light headed stop immediately and drink some water or do basic breathing exercises.
  3. Consider Taking a class ( or using Tai Chi in Physical Therapy with a nurse if disabled) Some people feel that they get more benefit from taking a class where an instructor can tell them if they are doing a pose incorrectly or if they are rushing through an motion. Also, if you  are in physical therapy and feel that tai chi would benefit you, speak to your physical therapist for some resources and ask for it to be added to your therapy!
  4. Make sure to speak to the instructor if you are taking a class. An instructor student relationship can help you to gain confidence in your technique. 
  5. Gauge your progress, First gauge your own progress, then ask your instructor to gauge your progress and ask for positive feedback. Constructive criticism is still criticism. Make sure you do not use the word Criticism when asking for positive feedback. If it is feedback on how to improve, literally say " I would like some feedback on how to improve."

How does Tai Chi Benefit the physical body??

  • Muscle strength: The gentle and slow motions make it easy to strengthen your muscles by slowly building strength through gradually building your comfort level up from beginner poses to expert poses. Tai chi also helps to redistribute your strength to needed areas in your body that do not get worked as much, thus building muscle where your muscle is typically not used at your desk job!
  • Flexibility: Your body will become more limber due to the subtle stretching and frequent but slow motions, not only will these motions stretch and strengthen muscles in the moment, but it will also help strengthen your ligaments and help people struggling with things like arthritis and hyper mobility.
  • Balance ans Stability: Tai Chi can also reduce falls in the elderly or people struggling with basic motor functions and balance due to a disability or an accident. Also a good thing to have a little extra balance if you are like me and live in a cold climate with extra ice in the winter!! In my whole experience with Tai Chi I have only slipped on ice once, I was able to quickly recover as I used the same breathing techniques used in tai chi and was able to quickly center myself while remaining calm. 

This concludes my introductory on Tai Chi My next article will tie Tai Chi, Yoga ans their role in the Spiritual path that I follow called Spiritual Satanism. ( I rarely use the term Satanism as it turns people away right away. I usually avoid using this term until I have fully explained everything to others, This seems like a pretty open minded community though)

Much Love To All My Followers


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