If You Need Help With Something, Leave a Comment and I'll Draw a Tarot Card for You.

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)


I'm very successful helping people to move forward to their highest good with my tarot readings, and I'm going to help you here in the comments.

Reply with a little bit about what's going on with you, or you can just ask, "What's most important for me to know now?" I'll draw a card for you and give you insight.

I'll use my discretion to not say anything here you wouldn't want others to know about you.

I'll answer comments until the post closes out in seven days.

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I do tarot by donation. You can either upvote, send crypto, or send something to my paypal. I'm available for private one on one readings on discord, too.

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I don't know if I have any problems that I haven't begun to work out myself already, but I would love to learn something about what to put my energy or focus into this month for maximum awesomeness


Focus on divine love.

This is about duality and choice. Keep your connection with divine love clear and open, even when relationships are troubling you.

Great Idea! I'd love you to draw a card for me, especially curious to know which deck you would chose.



I'm just going to leave the card for you and allow you to receive from it energetically. This deck has a really nice energy transmission through the artwork. If you want elaboration, let me know.

Thank you so much! A totally new deck for me. Which one is it?
Feels quite relevant to what I am currently reviewing for my own post: the squirrel that crossed the road....harvesting for the coming winter of my life. Reviewing my sojourn on way too many planets, none of them of this world! But which suit may I liken the Worlds to? Coins/pentacles/earth or rods/wands/fire?

This is the Voyager deck.

That's so cool. I'm always amazed when I work with tarot. It always lines up perfectly every single time.

Worlds is pentacles.

I have a general fear of authority (old experiences with parents and bullies) i'm working on myself to deeply understand and heal it. Would like to receive more insight on that.
Thanks for your help.

Great question, and I'm excited to delve into this. This is the kind of stuff I love to work with.


I decided to draw from two decks. First, I drew from The Mirror Cards which is a deck specifically about relationships, and I chose the next card from the Osho Zen Tarot deck to get further insight into how you are about this, and how you can change it.

We have reversed Aloneness. Because you've been hurt, and I will use the word abused here, you are fearful of intimacy and companionship with others. Companionship with others can be deeply nourishing and fulfilling. You may not know how to do that. You probably appear to not need anyone else and enjoy your own company, and others don't know that you would like rewarding relationships and friendships. Don't wait for others to make the first move. Take a step to get to know someone, and let them know your intent to let them in. Be vulnerable and tell them your struggle and let them help bring you into this stream of life. Relationships with other people are painful - it's true. But it's a pain to be embraced. You just have to jump into the water with your whole body and know that yes, humans are wounded and they'll hurt you. They will also nourish you and laugh with you and love you. It's truly living. No man is an island, and there's no pain greater than loneliness and isolation.

From the Osho Zen Tarot deck we get a little more on how to do this. Totality! What a perfect card! In your total self, you can handle anything. See the girl on the trapeze? She has to be fully in the zone, connected to her total self, trusting in the other. The other has to be connected to her total self to make this act work, too. When people are in their totality and in alignment, relationships are deeply and immensely satisfying. But even if the other is not and you are, they're still deeply satisfying. Even through the pain. And if you are really in your totality, everything is beautiful.

I do believe that we have not specifically addressed your issue with authority head on. But clearly it wounded you and left you afraid of relationships and afraid to let love in. We can't go back and figure out about the fear of authority. The validity of authority is questionable in the first place. But we do have fear that must be dealt with. And the way to deal with it is in its current manifestation in your life now. That's the doorway and entry to it. And when you're hurt by another, then you can ask your body where that pain is, and you can connect to the totality of it and feel it then and there.

Authority is a social construct. The only true authority is a person who is so good at something that you look to them to learn from them. There's a good reason to have fear about a person who exerts "authority." But do look at how it's affecting your life and your relationships.

I can easily relate to both. And i think you've addressed my issue and the best way out of it in second card, totality. So will contemplate more on them and direct good part of my attention that way.
Thank you again. It was very helpful.

I love it. Feels good. I'll do this again in a month, I think.

I can offer you this in return, btw.
And if you are not interested, definitely universe will offer something great to you.

Thanks! I might do that!

I absolutely believe that the universe sends beautiful things our way at the most unexpected times. I love tarot cards but have not been able to purchase any. I work with my Angel Oracle cards but they aren't my favorite. I'm very drawn to your healing energy and would love a card reading please. I have a strong feeling that whatever card you pull is going to be exactly what I need to read. Thank you ✨

What is the most important thing that I should know right now at this moment in my life?


You're ready for the fresh and new. Something wonderful is on the horizon, and you have just the right quality of playful innocence and clarity to welcome it with open arms! Playful is the way to be in life. We're living out a story. There's nothing serious going on here, so have fun with the story!

Thank you. This card is a little cofusing given my circumstances but I know that they always have a purpose. It will come to me when the time is right or maybe it is telling me that my situation will be okay and it isn't as bad as it seems to me. I will look for some on eBay that I am drawn to, thank you! 😌

Wow! The universe never ceases to amaze me. You pulled that card for the sole reason that I wouldn't understand it and I would be guided to read the post about life being 'bad'. That post is exactly what I need. My life really seriously is bad right now but I have had so many readings tell me that everything will be okay soon. Yet for some reason, I don't see or feel it. The roller coaster part in your post is what finally made it stick. Thank you!!

P.S. You can get some inexpensive decks pre-owned on ebay.

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