The Universe has its own plans


When we decided to embark on this journey of Separation our imagination created the fear-based ego as the counterpart to the Unitary Consciousness mind, the former of which attempts to solve problems by thinking (= Doing) and resorts to apparent logic and ratio without recognizing that itself creates this never-ending agony in the first place. As such, it is lacking the connection to the Heart. The latter operates from mental Silence (= Being), coming from Love, acceptance and patience. By practising mental Silence the ego becomes confused: "Why am I not longer being fed with thoughts?”, thus allowing for inner Peace and new solutions.

In this way, we can gradually declutter our minds from all dark energies which we deliberately picked up on our path as our means of firmly inculcating what the purpose of Love is originally not. All serving to remember what Love is in its deepest sense.

When we largely rely upon our ego-mind, Heart and brain are disconnected, because all Love originates from the Heart.

Mental Silence allows for the gradual reconnection between Heart and brain, and the more we set ourselves free from ego-thoughts by practising mental Silence the stronger the connection between Heart and brain becomes until we finally draw all thoughts from our Heart. There might still be the possibility to think negatively but the stronger the Heart-brain connection is the easier it will be to discern which thought is coming from the ego and which is coming from the Heart and respond accordingly. As such, the phrase “follow your Heart” simply refers to the choice of Love over fear in every moment of our existence.

When facing a difficult situation in life where we have to make a decision, it is all about choosing between Love or fear. Most of the time we think we have to take action directly and somewhat “meddle in” to attain the desired result as doing nothing is seen as weak, surrendering, unproductive.

In actuality, however, the Universal flow has its very own plans and ways of dissolving anything that is not in alignment with Love. But as thinking is commensurate with doing and disrupts the Universal flow of Being, taking action directly out of fear, unacceptance or impatience always leads to the exact contrary result of that which had been desired! Love, acceptance and patience combined with resposnsive instead of reactive behavior will always conceive the most wonderful dissolution of situations we want to dissolve and the most wonderful way of manifesting our dreams.

Much Love and Light,



The heart brain connection is an interesting point. Most decisions we make, we make with one part of our body. In the universe all is connected with each other, nothing is disconnected.

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