The role of women in society and as a contributor to social change

in #spanish6 years ago
Observing this small video about how children perceive the Violence Against Women issue, I am convinced that it is a socio-cultural construction that is deeply rooted in our societies, in this sense I will make some dissertations to share with the community and find ourselves in the discussion.


From all times men were converted, by men, into the paradigm of the human, a system of patriarchy was established based on the superiority of man over woman in which institutions, such as the Catholic Church, have contributed through of history in the assignment of roles for one or the other sex, but not before discarding the woman of the clerical life; it says "you are part of the constitutive structure of the church" but you can not be a priestess. It is interesting how John Paul II recognizes the dignity of women, but reminds him of his primordial vocation and mission: motherhood or carnal bloom, as Jorge Woodbridge said.

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Certainly the woman in humanity plays an important role, is the one that generates more humans, is the breeding of the species, but it is also more than that. Motherhood is an aspect of life that a woman can decide to develop or not, and not to be diminished in its essence. Although, we have the capacity to procreate and generate more life, this capacity needs to be accompanied by man in that task from the beginning, and later in the development of that life, it is there where we do not become men and women complement each other, but in wonder, in two differences that become the same.
The recognition of these differences between men and women is where we must begin to talk about the roles that each of us plays in the development of our society and therefore of humanity. I believe that women, especially, have a very valuable socio-educational capacity and to develop it does not necessarily have to be a mother, that ability can be developed in any field from which it develops.
Unfortunately in our society the asymmetries in the treatment given to women continue to be very marked; the principle of non-discrimination, of the right to equality, is spoken of, but these do not cease to be mere legal formalities when conditions are still unequal between men and women. That the norms exist is not enough, it is required that they be real and effective, that there is equity and that the differences that exist between men and women be given value.

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Socially, women are not given the value they deserve, they are valued as mothers, they can be recognized in other spheres, but the value of motherhood is still important, that remains the fundamental value recognized by our society. She can do whatever she wants but she is still considered the protector of life, so she is not allowed to freely decide about her body, for example, she is not allowed to have an abortion; The male is socially accepted to be an irresponsible father but the woman is judged, and it is not that we want to be like men, that we could never be, but because socially we are not valued in equal conditions.
"In school, family, church and media we are taught how we should be women", we must be submissive, beautiful, mothers, who cares for the man, the housewife, the quiet.

The one that silences the violence to which it is subjected constantly in the different areas where it operates, but especially the home, because it is still considered that what happens inside the home is private, because men still consider that they can and do have the right to "correct" women, who can do it with violence, and they can do it because they have the power.

There is still a need in the world for rules that regulate and balance these relationships between men and women. In Venezuela, since 1999, the Bolivarian Constitution of Venezuela has enshrined the principle of non-discrimination and the right to equality, and in order to be real and effective allows the adoption of affirmative measures in favor of groups that are victims of discrimination, marginalized or vulnerable.

Women are a discriminated group, not as vulnerable as they have made us believe, for that reason there is a special law on violence against women, and we are still pending with the recognition of the rights and due protection of the groups of orientation diverse sex in which they would be considered women too, but this is the subject of another dissertation.

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Women have to empower us, empower us in our rights, know and demand them and identify new rights that allow us a fair, dignified and free development; we must become aware of the role we play in society beyond the fact of being procreators, I believe that women not only give birth to sons or daughters, but also ideas and with them the changes. But we can not change this world if we ourselves do not change the way we see ourselves with men and at the same time, if we do not teach them to look at us, touch us and love us in a different way from the one used until now; because the struggle is not against man, it is against the social formats that we have imposed and that has brought us discrimination, inequality and disrespect.

Social change is the responsibility of women and men and women are demanding the recognition of our differences, and that these differences are those that guarantee us the full exercise of equality, so that, based on these bases, we can build together as people, changes that are necessary for humanity.

Theoretical references

  • El perfil de la mujer presentado por Juan Pablo II, Theologica Xaveriana, num 146, 2003, Pp 215-232
  • De que igualdad se trata, Alda Facio.
  • No por el concepto androcéntrico sino mas bien por el valor de nuestra propia esencia
  • Caminando hacia la igualdad real, Fondo de Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas para la Mujer
  • Aunque la casa es lo primero que le quita el marido cuando se va
  • Art. 19 y 21

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